
Estrogen blocker side effects

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen blocker side effects


Avatar f tn Two things if this nasty beast rears its ugly face will I have symptoms leading up to the rise in my CA. 2nd I am trying to be on an estrogen blocker as it was estrogen positive, currently trying Arimidex as fumara gave me too much pain have you tried these drugs right after chemo and with any luck. We are also looking at it as preventive for breast cancer. I am 54 years old and doing well.
Avatar m tn t have side effects on diabetes its a beta blocker and it treats high blood pressure and it helps people to that have problems with there heart and as well it prevents blood clots
Avatar f tn How many places in your body produce estrogen? Instead of taking an estrogen blocker I asked my oncologist if I could just have my one remaining ovary removed. He said it probably wouldn't make much of a difference. Without breasts and ovaries where else does estrogen come from?
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 years ago and has been on Tamoxifan. A month ago, I had an uterus ultrasound and it showed that my fibryo has grown 3 inches from last year. My ob/gyn had me to do some additional blood work which shows that my estrogen level is very high regardless I'm taking the estrogen blocker med Tamoxifan. Therefore, she recommended me I should consider a surgery to take out both of my ovaries and uterus at the same time.
Avatar f tn The frequency of side effects, such as headache, decreased in those who took birth control pills containing lower doses of estrogen and did not occur in those who took birth control pills containing progesterone. Treatments: The medications of choice to stop a menstrual migraine are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs).
Avatar n tn Since I live in Iowa (low of -24 degrees the other day), it was a side effects that really bothered me. Now I am on 240 mg of Diltiazem and no side effects but it is not controlling the rapid pulse rate very well. My husband, who has A-fib, saw a mention on one of the discussion boards he reads of Beta Blockers lowering the levels of Melatonin in some patients and causing sleep disturbances.
Avatar n tn I have been prescribed Acebutolol for PVC's and I am literally exhausted since beginning this medication but I didn't see that as one of the side effects. Also, my vision is blurred. Is this normal?
Avatar f tn Hello, I was just reading about an older dog having a problem with urinary incontinence and the treatment she was given, particularly the possible side effects. My White Bearded Collie (13 years old) started being incontinent last year and my vet has prescribed INCURIN 1mg daily. This has been mostly effective (just the odd occurrence when she was asleep or distressed). I was just concerned that it may have some serious side effects such as those mentioned for the other treatment (PPA).
Avatar f tn Oral chemo meds are very effective and have convenience of given at home when compared to IV chemo. They do also have side effects though but that will vary on which option she is placed on. If she is working, oral at home is much more convenient as she won't have to miss work for appointments or administration of the IV. It helps keep up the normal routine which many desire. With regards to side effects, daily oral meds for many have the result of being less severe.
Avatar n tn s choose Femara over Arimidex because they are the same class of medication with mostly same side effects. I am also thinking it may be better to take a Estrogen receptor blocker like Tamoxifen than Femara because it is not good to have Estrogen reduced to zero. What are your thoughts?
768044 tn?1294223436 If so, what calcium channel blocker did you try and did you have any side-effects? Did it help your migraines? I am curious about calcium channel blockers because I have tried antidepressants, anticonvulsants and betablockers already, as well as botox.
Avatar f tn While the Inderal has helped lower the BP and heart rate, I am having significant side effects from it and just wondered if others had experienced the same thing. I am quite fatigued but the most disturbing thing is I'm having very vivid and scary dreams. Has this happened to anyone else?
Avatar n tn As lagoya mentioned, you may or may not experience side effects. If so, they range from annoying side effects to serious side effects. If it's helpful, when I took flecainide, I had weird dreams, shakiness, tremors and gastointestinal problems. It wasn't horrible, but it was bothersome enough that the doctor switched me to rhythmol. Great suggestion from lagoya on checing out the medication under "Health Topics" above.
Avatar f tn s approach is CHEMO and nothing but CHEMO, i do not think i can handle much more the side effects are killing my quality of life. I am seeing a new dr on may 1 in boulder, co. what do you suggest , i have had chemo for 3 years every 10 months, (3 carbo/taxol 11/05, 6 carbo/taxol 10/06, 6 doxil 04/08) i need a new approach with this new dr. please help?? all suggestions welcome!
Avatar n tn I tried it for a day or two but I could not tolerate the side effects, so stopped. I have had to wait 2 weeks to get an appointment with my Dr. I will see him tomorrow. Meanwhile I now have an ever increasing heart rate and other symptoms mentioned in your website. How do I explain all this to my Dr?
Avatar m tn (Tend to wake in early morn with heart racing, irregular beat; this never happened with the beta blocker.) Also having bad side-effects from the CCB, including digestion problems and dizziness and brain-fog. Any ideas how I can control the A-Fib without all these bad side-effects? Am tempted to dump the Diltiazem and go back to low dose of beta-blocker and hope the nasty side-effects won't be so severe with only 25 mg/day.
Avatar f tn HRT usually means hormone replacement therapy. Was your tumor estrogen or progesterone positive? After a breast cancer diagnosis female hormones are generally avoided. If you don't have chemo (oncotype dx recurrence score of 8% is low) the usual recommendation is an AI (aromatase inhibitor) 'estrogen blocker' such as Aromatase or Arimidex.
Avatar m tn I was started on .088mg (based on weight) and had no obvious side effects until two weeks later when I suddenly had a panic attack. It was terrifying and a few days later I had another more mild one. I stopped the medication and immediately felt better for several days but then became exhausted again so I started on a lower dosage of .
562511 tn?1285904160 Her low bone density puts her at risk for fracture but she is very afraid of the side effects of the medications used to increase bone density and flat out refuses those types of meds. At present time, she is taking Vitamin D and Calcium. Is there something else she can take to increase her bone density besides the commonly used drugs now marketed for increasing bone density?
Avatar n tn Are there any side effects with this disease other than the outbreaks? I'm having an issue with vaginal lubrication and I was diagnosed 3 years ago. And I'm wondering if this virus could be the reason.
Avatar n tn I was wondering if there is anyone out there who might already be taking the drug that can advise regarding any side effects, and can advise if it worked well for their child. Or basically share their story. I think it sounds like an amazing drug (opportunity), that more people should know about just in case it's right for them/their child.