
Estrogen and heart palpitations

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen and heart palpitations


Avatar f tn I fluctuate between borderline/mild hypo and normal (I also have a history of hyper) and I get heart palpitations (PVCs and PACs) too. There seems to be some correlation between my palpitations and my thyroid hormone values (they seem to get worse when my labs are more hypo) and I actually never had them before my thyroid issues started. Most doctors are convinced that hypo can't cause heart palpitations, but based on my experience and what I've heard from others, it can.
Avatar n tn I too was on Fosamax for 6 weeks and had bed heart burn, and they stopped the med right away. I have heart palpitations and take Proprololol(Inderal) 80mg for it, and it works like a charm...however following surgery I had a few here and there. I had a heart catheterization some years back and my heart was healthy so my palpitations (irregular heart beats) were harmless. However if you get really rapid pulse that can be serious (tacacardia) .
Avatar f tn A friend of mine who is also struggling with hashimotos asked me a couple weeks ago if I had noticed a link between heart palpitations and my menstrual. I told her I don't really remember and plus I'm not really tracking them, all I knew is that they were very rare now. My menstrual was due that week so I told her I'd keep an eye out for them. Sure enough 3 days prior to my menstrual I started getting them not bad but they were obvious.
1515796 tn?1290566361 I'm a 29 year old female and have had 3 live children(boys)...I have suffered 4 miscarriages,and just found out yesterday I'm 4 weeks pregnant again. I have had heart palpitations since my 3rd son was 5 months old...he is 18 months now. I started having the heart palpitations again today! Followed with heat flashes! I know it can be normal?? But it concerns me...I have told my OBGYN and they are monitoring my hcg and progesterone levels. I have had numerous ests done, and all normal.
Avatar f tn I have the heart palpitations and I eliminated caffeine weeks ago. Everyone is different. You need a full panel done. Estrogen, Estradiol, Progesterone, DHEA, and Cortisol. All these hormones are closely related and each can convert to the other, this usually depends on the woman's body. Were you taking natural hormones, or synthetic ones? I have been seeing a homeopathic physician, (my acupuncturist) & I have been trying all sorts of things.
Avatar f tn Since having my baby I have had extreme anxiety and heart palpitations that have caused me to see specialists and go through endless testing. I began to experience a correlation between my strange symptoms and my menstral cycle. That is why I had my hormones tested. Why would my hormones be so low? I'm only 34. I was able to sustain a pregnancy, and to my knowledge, only experienced one chemical pregnancy within the year we were trying.
Avatar f tn Disease (such as hyperthyroidism and pheochromocytoma) or mitral stenosis, panic disorder all cause this. Palpitations may be associated with heart problems, anemias and low blood pressure. If you have cough and are taking medicines that contain asthalin or terbutaline then the palpitations can be a side effect of the drugs. I think you should discuss these possibilities with your doctor. It is difficult to comment beyond this without examining.
Avatar f tn Just wondering if anyone else has experienced palpitations or fast heart rate in early pregnancy? I'm 8 wks today and lately it has felt like my heart is going to pound out of my chest and last night for about 60 seconds while lying in bed my heart just started beating so fast. It scared the crap out of me. This is my second child and I don't remember any of this with my daughter.
212059 tn?1292938529 My doctor wanted me to take Lupron, an injection to stop the ovaries from making estrogen. One of the side guessed it, heart palpitations. So I thought I'd get ahead of the game by visiting my cardiologist before starting the injections. He hasn't seen me in three years. He did an EKG and echo. Both came back perfectly normal. He also told me that I just might get some extra palps with the Lupron. That was an understatement.
Avatar f tn This means that your estrogen levels may be still be low (your hormones may take a while to recover). Low estrogen can cause heart palpitations. Menopausal women often get them because they have low levels of estrogen (see section:"Menopausal symptoms", third paragraph). Have you had your estrogen levels checked? You may want to see a doctor about your period and see if they can help you get it back.
Avatar n tn Gerd causes my heart to beat fast. (It affects my breathing and causes my food to get stuck when it gets really bad.) My cardiologist told me (after many heart tests turned out normal and I was finally diagnosed with gerd) that you have nodes in your esophagus and when your esophagus gets inflamed it can trigger your heart to beat faster. Have you stayed on the Prilosec for a while? The first time I took it it took about 2 months for all my symptoms to go away.
Avatar f tn 24 hr tape showed no abnormality, some supraventricular ectopics(which i never felt), but was told thats normal. I have had palpitations on and off for years, but usually only related to stress/hormonal times in month, alcohol. They were a bit more frequent towards end of last year, hence the ECG. Anyway, cardiologist has seen results, and ruled out any serious causes of short pr interval(I was terrifeid it was WPW at first, but he sees no sign of that).
Avatar f tn Since going off therapy I started getting night sweats and now along with that I get palpitations which wake me up. I scheduled an appointment with my cardiologist for Jan. 15, 2015. I have had previous heart tests including a stress test all normal. I am very frustrated and irritable from not sleeping well. Aside from that I am healthy.
Avatar f tn I just finished a 5 day z pack that was prescribed for a sinus infection that was giving me severe headaches. My heart started to feel funny and I looked at the insert which said could cause irregular hearbeats. I've taken this medication in the past with no issue. I do not have any cardiac disease but I do smoke, should I just wait for about 5 days to see if once the meds are out of my system I'm ok, or should I go see a doctor or go to the ER?
Avatar n tn 1 When absorbed, DIM promotes estrogen metabolism to produce healthy and cancer-protective 2-hydroxy estrogens,2 and minimizes the activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes,3 thereby reducing cellular inflammation. Activating these pathways encourages remarkable weight loss and hormonal balance and provides many other benefits towards healthy aging.
Avatar f tn 24 hr tape showed no abnormality, some supraventricular ectopics(which i never felt), but was told thats normal. I have had palpitations on and off for years, but usually only related to stress/hormonal times in month, alcohol. They were a bit more frequent towards end of last year, hence the ECG. Anyway, cardiologist has seen results, and ruled out any serious causes of short pr interval(I was terrifeid it was WPW at first, but he sees no sign of that).
Avatar f tn Hi. I also have had heart palpitations. I talked with the doctor and she said probably is nothing, but they are going to check the thyroid hormonea..they can increase during pregnancy and cause palpitations, but i even if it is the case she said not to worry, it is nothing complicated, maybe some supplements to get them under control. Ask your doctor, but don't worry. Good luck!
Avatar m tn My son is 18 and started having heart palpitations and chills tonight. He also has a headache. He can't relax because this is bothering him so much. He does have a doctors appt tomorrow at 11:15am. Any suggestions to calm the palpitations?
Avatar f tn Good evening Doctor, I have a stabbing pain in my left breast for almost 8years, the pharmacy gave me r10 pain tablets for inflammation but nothing helped. My hair also falls out and I have hot flashes at night with heart palpitations. I did go for a thyroid test and they said it's normal. I'm 30 years old and still get my menstrual cycle every month so I don't think it could be menopause? I also get like a shock sensation in my neck at the left side. I also have low libido.
14 tn?1256158725 She said that as with Synthroid, taking the OTC cold medication could cause a reaction of heart palpitations and insomnia. This is because both products are a stimulant and using both will make the possible side effects more intense.
Avatar n tn I get heart palpitations from time to time with no concern and have been to the doctors within the past yr and have had my heart listened to. However last night i was talking my dogs for a walk up this steep hill and stopped because i got a heart palpitation, but also had this quick sharp pain in my heart, the pain only lasted for a second or two and the palpitations ended soon after. I felt fine afterwards but had much anxiety about the pain.
Avatar f tn I have been having heart palpitations for about a year now and I'm 24 years old. I usually get the palpitations before and during my period and when I'm in stressful times. I am worried that in the future when I get pregnant this will affect me.
Avatar f tn Our adrenal system is closely related to our hormones, so if your adrenals are having issues, it will effect hormones and could in turn cause heart palpitations. Also, if progesterone is off, that could cause it. Additionally, low Magnesium, low Vitamin D, low B12, - all an cause heart palpitations. Get a full panel done and see. Maybe it will be something as simple as a vitamin deficiency. Hope this helps... God Bless.