
Estrogen and fat cells

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen and fat cells


Avatar n tn “Good Estrogens” (2-hydroxy) help maintain healthy levels of the catecholamine hormones (epinephrine and nor-epinephrine) that specifically stimulate enzymes in fat cells to release stored fat for energy.11 When given over a period of months in animal studies, 2-hydroxy estrogen prevented obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome. Research with absorbable DIM has shown that supplementation before exercise results in greater lipolysis in the hours following exercise.
649848 tn?1534633700 That’s the whole point of body fat—to store energy for you. When you lose weight, your fat cells start shrinking, releasing lipids and other fats into your bloodstream. These get broken down, and eventually the smaller molecules exit via your urine or breath. But adipose cells release all the other molecules they've hoarded, too.
Avatar n tn I assume you had blood work done to determine your estrogen level? What is it? Do you possibly have endometriosis (endo)? Endo implants produce estrogen. Fat cells produce estrogen too so if you're overweight that could explain it.
Avatar f tn It takes alittle while to tweak the dose but it is so much better. Fat cells do produce estrogen, but it is not the most effective estrogen so I would say you need some replacement. I hope this helps. We have all been through this.
Avatar f tn It works by blocking the enzyme aromatase (found in the body’s muscle, skin, breast and fat) which is used to convert androgens (hormones produced by the adrenal glands) into estrogen. By eliminating estrogen, cancer cells that have positive estrogen receptors cannot grow. Side effects are certainly not pleasant to anyone,but it has been proven that Arimidex can lower considerably a cancer recurrence. Best wishes to both you and your mom.
Avatar n tn I recently read an academic article that warned that so called "natural hormones" (also called bio-identical) are really no different than man-made hormones. I also read another article that said that the only symptoms that are proven to be linked to menopause are hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
Avatar n tn Hi Donna, I was overweight after my hysterectomy and I was told the same thing about fat cells making oestrogen . I never had any HRT but never suffered any hot flushes or other menopausal symptoms . Good luck and best wishes on tuesday .
Avatar f tn As per the sugar comment, excess sugar is never a good idea - it will be stored as fat and upset your insulin cycle and add strain on your body. Every cell in your body normal healthy cells and cancer cells alike uses glycogen as energy source.
Avatar n tn It does vary from person to person. I was one of the lucky ones. I had my lap in 2001 for endo and haven't had any problems since. I had a second lap in 2006, but all that was found was adhesions from 2 C-Sections. Have you tried any type of BC or Lupron shots. After surgery you need to stop your cycle for a few months. Endo feeds on estrogen. Try to lower your estrogen. Its in alot of foods, and alot of shampoos even. It's also stored in fat cells.
599170 tn?1300973893 My understanding is that the supplemental Estradiol will help keep you well and that if you exercise (aerobics and work with weights) then the fat cells will utilize the Estrogen in the fat cells and will not turn to fat. But, you will have more estradiol in your system anyway because you are supplementing. Does that make sense? I use a 0.75 mg and am asking to have that bumped up if my blood level is not in the 80 - 100 (I think it is pg/ng??? ... sorry.. it is late).
Avatar m tn t get rid of it. My DHEA is fine and so is my testosterone. One year off work and I keep accumulating fat on my chest. I'm a man in my early 40's. I believe this is caused because the stress resulted in raised cortisol which robs my body of progesterone. Progesterone acts as an opponent to Estrogen.. And that's the key point here. Can anyone explain this to me..... How do you become estrogen dominant if your progesterone levels are normal?
Avatar n tn Also, any large weight adjustment causes a shift in hormones, because estrogen release is partially based on your fat cells. When you lose a large amount of weight, estrogen automatically declines. If you stop losing this weight at a healthy weight, once your body adjusts to the new amount of hormones, you should return to normal. Another reason for lack of menstruation after weight loss is poor nutrition, related to a lack of iron, zinc and lack of healthy dietary fats.
Avatar f tn ve been reading about as I asked for progesterone and estrogen testing - thyroid was not something I considered. Thanks for any help or insight.
Avatar f tn estrogen that is made as a by-product from the fat in our system... and this fat is what causes the fat around our middle section so that it is readily available for use by the body since women's bodies crave estrogen)...
602473 tn?1235853158 The reason why obese woman get more uterine cancer is thought due to hormone changes caused by fat cells. Specifically, fat cells cause more estrogen to be produced, which builds up the uterine lining more than normal. The more this lining is built up, the more chance that one of the lining cells will become cancerous. In fact, anything that increases the amount of a woman’s exposure to estrogen over time increases her risk for both breast and uterine cancer.
16702 tn?1234090645 Whole grains, fruits, seeds, beans and herbs all are know to have estrogen and/or progesterone activity. In general, any food that has been eaten by a culture or people group for centuries is probably all right to eat if the people group in question is relatively free from these estrogen related diseases. When referring to phytoestrogens, it is generally thought that a "weak" estrogen may actually be protective against cancer causing xenoestrogens.
Avatar f tn Also, any large weight adjustment causes a shift in hormones, because estrogen release is partially based on your fat cells. When you lose a large amount of weight, estrogen automatically declines. If you stop losing this weight at a healthy weight, once your body adjusts to the new amount of hormones, you should return to normal. Another reason for lack of menstruation after weight loss is poor nutrition, related to a lack of iron, zinc and lack of healthy dietary fats.
Avatar f tn I found a very informative website that goes indepth on estrogen dominance and how to treat and reduce estrogen dominance. Your myxedema is a sign your cells are not getting enough thyroid hormone. Excerpt from Health911 - Estrogen Dominance..
Avatar m tn This fat tissue is made up of fat cells. You can have anywhere between 50 – 200 billion fat cells distributed around your body...! You can have fat under the skin of your abdominal wall. Take care!
Avatar f tn ) along with weight training is essential so that the fat cells which make estrogen (Estrone) after menopause can utilize the estrogen effectively rather than get stored as fat. Again, the book explains all this beautifully... I wish I could! The other book I like is "Screaming to be Heard." It is by Elizabeth Vliet, M.D.
Avatar f tn The thin skin flaps at the entry of the vagina (I think what used to be the hymen) are now big pea-sized bulges and long fat fingerlike projections - everything seems like it had a Hollywood style collagen injection. Not in a good way either, it looks scary. What is happening? Is it temporary?
587083 tn?1327120262 Soy and estrogen: I've read much conflicting information about this, but what I believe we can say for sure is that soy products (soy milk, tofu, edamame) supply a weak form of estrogen from plant sources, called phytoestrogens. With menopause your body stops making estrogen. Eating soy products seems to boost the estrogen a bit, but is that good? I was a regular consumer of soy milk, tofu, edamame and flax seed after menopause.