
Estrogen and belly fat

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen and belly fat


Avatar f tn Hi, loosing belly fat can be a difficult job at times. You want to get rid of the belly fat. Follow a few tips to start losing belly fat but it would not be a faster phenomenon. Major factors contributing to belly fat are overeating, no exercise, lack of balanced diet. Serving sizes bigger than required/ eating without being hungry/ snacking while watching movies, TV. You have two each small sized servings more frequently a day as compared to large servings few times a day.
Avatar f tn Hey guys! I finally made the decision to start leading a healthier life. 6 months ago I hired a fitness trainer. Shortly after I changed my diet bit by bit, and I now home cook virtually everything from scratch (the exception is bread). Weight wasn't my ultimate goal with this lifestyle change, but I honestly wouldn't mind dropping the weight! I was hoping that with all this, I'd loose a good chunk of my belly fat, and not have it jump around so much if I walk.
Avatar m tn t get rid of it. My DHEA is fine and so is my testosterone. One year off work and I keep accumulating fat on my chest. I'm a man in my early 40's. I believe this is caused because the stress resulted in raised cortisol which robs my body of progesterone. Progesterone acts as an opponent to Estrogen.. And that's the key point here. Can anyone explain this to me..... How do you become estrogen dominant if your progesterone levels are normal?
Avatar m tn Having extra estrogens triggers your body to slow its production of testosterone. And the less testosterone you make, the more belly fat you accumulate and the more estrogens you have. Researchers have also targeted midriff weight as the strongest predictor of a condition called symptomatic androgen deficiency, or AD. It's marked by low libido, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis, depressed mood, lethargy, and diminished physical performance.
649848 tn?1534633700 That includes key hormones like estrogen, along with fat-soluble vitamins and any organic pollutants that found their way into your bloodstream as you gained weight. Adipose tissue’s tendency to store things is an unfortunate side-effect, because often we need those things to be circulating, not sitting around. Take hormones, for instance.
Avatar n tn 1 When absorbed, DIM promotes estrogen metabolism to produce healthy and cancer-protective 2-hydroxy estrogens,2 and minimizes the activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes,3 thereby reducing cellular inflammation. Activating these pathways encourages remarkable weight loss and hormonal balance and provides many other benefits towards healthy aging.
Avatar f tn re not going to lose belly fat. You should eat a diet rich in fibre and eat whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Exercise should be such that is as per your liking so that the chances of sticking to the exercise regime are greater. Focus on calorie-burning exercises. Hope this helps. Take care and good luck.
404138 tn?1308941656 So with this concept you need to squeeze the extra bit of input in your diet, so strictly avoid junk food and fast food and desserts and work out regularly and have a long term goal and you will lose. Plan a diet chart and exercise routine and stick to it religiously! Take care!
Avatar f tn Belly fat is thought to be caused by an excess of simple carbs, such as sugar and white flour. If not burned quickly they store as fat, and the belly is the first place they are stored, which gives rise to the term beer belly -- alcohol is high is sugar and carbs. So along with exercise, the important thing is to eat foods you metabolize well and digest well and cut down on the ones that "stick," such as simple carbs and the wrong kinds of fat.
Avatar n tn If you eat a lot of fruit, but no veggies, you might be getting too much sugar. Fruit is very good for you and has lots of natural sugar and if the sugar is not used for energy, it will go to fat in your body. Do you eat meat? Dairy? It sounds like you might need to add some protein and fiber, but I'm not totally sure.
Avatar f tn If belly fat is all you have, you may have a medical condition that can cause belly fat. Insulin resistance is one, high cortisol levels is another. You might want to get checked out. Walking is good for helping to remove belly fat, as is yoga. There is no way to "spot reduce", but exercise and healthy diet containing plenty of fiber will help you lose weight overall, and belly fat is usually first to go.
4194487 tn?1370046144 Cardio will be your best friend if you want to loose belly fat. Ab work out are great, but they are working on the muscle more than the fat and are toning everything under the chub.
Avatar f tn Eat meals made up of high-fiber vegetables and fruits, whole grains, lean protein and low-fat dairy products. With a proper diet you are getting the necessary nutrients and vitamins you need to feel energized throughout the day. Eat small meals frequently throughout the day to boost your metabolism. Keep healthful snacks available and drink plenty of water. Aim for 64 oz. of water each day. Reduce your belly fat within the first six months after delivery.
Avatar n tn My waist measurement is 41in and have a 6inch stomach overhang I was wondering what's the best way to burn belly fat and what good s to eat and what to avoid thank you in advance
Avatar n tn Why do I have a pregnant looking belly? I cant get rid of it. I am 29 yrs old. I dont have fat other than that I am very lean. I am not exaggerating either I look 3-4 months pregnant unless I dont eat. This is quit the problem also due to I have a shorter torso so my lower belly looks like it starts right under my ribs. Could I have some type of medical problem that wouldnt show up in regular checkups including womenly ones? This problem makes my lower back hurt as well.
Avatar f tn I'm a 32 year old female, work out at least 4 to 7 days a week, either weight training with my dad, or running at least 4 to 5 days a week, 2 to 6 miles a day since I'm training for another half. I've been trying everything as far as how I eat, and I can't seem to get rid of the belly fat and my butt and thighs seem big to me.
Avatar f tn One could switch between running, gymming, yoga, pilates etc. Swimming works good on belly and back fat. Aside swimming, ab-crunches and side leg lifts, could help with belly fat and love handles. Hope this is helpful. Take care!
Avatar n tn Hi everyone. I have couple of questions. I'm 25 years old male and I'm pretty slim, my problem is I have a considerably belly. I'm avoiding junk food and soda, but I don't really know what kind of diet should I be on because I'm 66 kg by 1.77 cm which is already not much weight. So I just need to lose my belly fat. Any particular kind of diet or plan to follow? Any suggestion? I also do jogging 3 times per week. Thanks!
Avatar f tn Hello everyone, can someone please help me with ways i can reduce my belly fat and tone up ? i am 23yrs 5'3 and 73kg.
Avatar n tn i have taken up playing soccer and go to the gym for short periods during the week but i cant get rid of the belly fat. what do you recommend? Is there foods i should stay away from or certain exercises or sports i should do have i damaged my body for good.
Avatar f tn The biggest concern for me the fat on my belly. I'm trying to eat better and less and have started doing more exercise but was wondering if there's anything specific I can do?
Avatar f tn So I'm new here. Just wondering what the quickest, easiest method to lose belly fat is? It bothers me and I think its time for it to go.
Avatar n tn but, it is not sufficient AND your body will make more fat (estrone comes from the fat in women in Menopausal years and the fat will accumulate around the belly since that area offers easy access to the estrogen for the body) if you don't supplement... and, you will most likely need it... at least Some of it to reach optimal well-being. The cervix... hmmm.... I have had problems when I have not had enough estradiol and/or testosterone... again, atrophy is to blame.
Avatar f tn She explained the inability to lose weight due to estrogen being decreased, but since we still need the estrogen (that ironically and sadly) our body is not producing as much anymore, the body gets it from our fat storeage, so in essence our body is not letting go of fat as easy, because it is using the estrogen stores in our fat. She also said our body has estrogen receptors everywhere, from our brains to our toes, and metabolism is one area affected from estrogen loss.