
Estrogen and estradiol

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen and estradiol


Avatar n tn The estradiol supresses this mechanism, allowing multiple follicles to mature, and making your chlomid or other drugs a better shot at producing multiple eggs.
Avatar f tn What is estradiol? Estrogen? If it is estrogen, this is used to thicken the lining of the uterus. I don't think this should continue to be taken. My doctor has me stop this on day 15 of my cycle. If it is progesterone, then yes, 12 weeks.... but depending on why it was prescribed. I would be checking with your doctor asap, as he is the best one to answer this.
Avatar m tn I took a saliva test to test my Estrogen levels (Estradiol) and I'm confused about the results. I'm sure its just a conversion thing but I can't seem to find any information on it. I have read that a normal Estradiol range for men is between 20 pg/ml and 40 pg/ml, however my numbers look a little different and I'm not sure how to compare.
Avatar f tn Estradiol, estrone, and estriol are forms of estrogen with estradiol and estrone being the primary (and maybe only) systemic forms of estrogen. My lab's ranges show a max non-pregnancy and non-menopausal value of estradiol to be 498 pg/mL and estrone 268 pg/mL. Estradiol can exceed 4300 in the first trimester of pregnancy. And post-menopausal levels are less than 54 and less than 65, respectively.
Avatar n tn Apparently bad news is if you have high estrogen on day 2. I am in natural cycle IVF and my follicle has developed well and my uterus lining is good. I am having aspiration tomorrow - so it did not look like there was a problem even though estrogen was low on 2nd day. I hope all works well for you. Good luck.
Avatar m tn I have been taking estradiol for 6 years and more recently bi-est. three months ago I had Pnemonia and even with using bi -est, I am having hot flashes and night sweats which has never happened to me on a constant basis. My husband thinks the pnemunia/fever rearranged my hormones and it will take awhile for them to settle down. I am 57 and was pretty stable on the bi-est. has this ever happened to anyone else?? Thx!
1575743 tn?1296055983 I don't have PCOS myself, so I'm definitely no expert, but unless you have problems with a thin lining, I don't think estradiol (estrogen) will help. Basically, estrogen is produced naturally as the follicle(s) grow every month...but it won't actually help them grow, if that makes sense. Why are you considering taking estrogen?
4128244 tn?1350073611 estradiol is a major form of estrogen, and as both goolarra and I posted, estrogens will raise the TSH, because estrogen binds the thyroid medication, so it can't be utilized by the body.
216278 tn?1308861082 After a lot of tests, etc., it has been determined that I have sub-clinical hypothyroidism and my estrogen levels are low. This is the first month that I have worn an Estradiol patch and am just getting concerned! I know that the best advice and words of wisdom come from those who have experienced it, so I thought that I would start here... Is it possible that this patch can raise my Estrogen to a level that would hinder my chances at pregnancy this month?
Avatar n tn And, it was honest. I so often feel the same way. I take estradiol (the only estrogen to use in my opinion) and Testosterone. My husband has been trying to get to the root of some problems that have caused a huge lack of desire... we think it is related to Sleep apnea and he will be tested... yeah! But, when I mentioned this to my doctor, he said, "Oh, you don't need the testosterone, then.
Avatar n tn I have lowered TSH and VERY low estrogen, prgesterone, FSH, LH and PRL. I don;t have PCOS but the endo wanted to put me on metformin. Have you had any luck with your diagmosis? Im at my wits end Im even seeing a chinese healer tomorrow.
Avatar f tn so if i had a ystectomy at 39 and took hormones for years and then stopped and now back on them at 50 wii it help me with dryness,sweats,energy,sex life...i think its making me feel tired and giving me dierehha..
Avatar f tn This same day, I started bio-identical hormone therapy in the form of estrogen and testosterone pellets. The blood tests also revealed I was hypothyroid. The Dr prescribed Armour thyroid, 1gr per day. I started gaining weight immediately. The first month after starting BRT, I gained 8 lbs. I was also extremely tired. I had another hormone blood panel done and it revealed I was still low in estrogen. The Dr inserted an estrogen “booster” pellet at this time.
Avatar f tn The last six months I started getting my P every month for 3 weeks! My doc first prescribed me an estrogen (Estradiol) pill and told me to take it when my P was longer then 10 days. Well that didn't work. Two months ago he put me on the patch. A new patch every week. It worked the first month and I got no period at all (which is what he told me would happen) now I'm starting to bleed again. I'm so frustrated and I'm worried that it's gonna be another month long period.
Avatar f tn I did a hormonal imbalance test and it turns out my estrogen level is at 203. The doctor told me to eat healthy, no carbs and no sugar. They also say irregular period is due to stress. I did my research stress leads to high estrogen. So I am guessing that is what causing it to be high. But I also read eating foods with lots of vitamins (ex. Selenium. Melatonin, vitamin b, magnesium, etc.) helps reduce it. But all this time I've been on a diet and I have been eating all of that.
7649183 tn?1393014236 014 mg/day). The Vivelle-dot is applied twice/weekly and contains .39 mg estradiol, which is .78 mg estradiol/week which is around .11 mg/day (data says .025 mg/day). This is what is confusing me. According to my calculations, Menostar delivers .14 mg/day and Viville-dot delivers .11 mg/day (which is less than Menostar). That's not what the data says though, but when I do the calculations, I come out with different answers.
507564 tn?1243193855 Does anyone know why my bloodwork would show my estradiol at 385 and 900? The first blood work I had done in May it was 900 and now the bloodwork I had done last week showed it was 385? I had the blood done on CD3 both times...what does this mean? i have searched the web and it said on CD3 your estradiol should be under 80, mine is way too high.
Avatar n tn Well, the doctor who did my transfer told me to take 2 estrodial per day and 3 prometrium per day and shot of progesterone every other day and I wasn't due to go back until my pregnancy test 10/7. However, I was unhappy with several lapses in care that I received along the process so I switched and they immediately started doing my blood levels every 3-4 days. I guess it helps them to keep your hormones where they need to be to support pregnancy.
1651832 tn?1301690605 It was used (and probably still is) in Bi-est, which is an estrogen combination of Estradiol and Estriol that you can usually only pick up from a Compounding pharmacy. It was big in Europe (as I recall...) but it was because it was tougher to get it here in the US and the push to use mostly or only Estradiol was not as prevalent at that time. It was also supposed to be the next big thing regarding protection against breast cancer.
Avatar m tn i started to investigate whether there is something wrong or some point i stumbled upon estradiol and estrogen.i had an estradiol level of 85 and an estrone level of 256 with upper limit of 50 and 155 testosterone levels were t 9.5 and free 24 with upper limits of 12 and 50 respectively.!my platelets were lower than normal but never below 100k.also, red blood cell count were most times higher that normal even though i have anemia(MCV<80).
1047147 tn?1328906154 after one 3cm fibroid removal.. I was on estrace/estradiol and progesterone..for a month. Is this a temporary estrogen fix as i would call it, will my fsh levels rise again.. The Re says my levels are perfect right now and will proceed with putting me back on lupron and etc....
Avatar f tn The blood estrogen (estradiol) level is also measured when necessary. As follicles/eggs mature, the estrogen level rises. Estrogen levels are useful in determining the degree of egg maturity If the follicle is too small, the lining too thin, and the estrogen level too low, this is related to a condition called follicular immaturity.
Avatar f tn I have found that the estrogen Estradiol is THE estrogen to use and I cannot tell you how much this product has helped me. As Sheri mentioned, the Vivelle Dot is great... it is a bioidentical estrogen and it is all estradiol. If you don't supplement with this chances are great that weight gain around your 'middle' will happen or continue since the body is trying to make estrogen for you when levels are low or flucuating.
Avatar m tn Hi Guys, i'm basically 32, morbidly Obese, Height 5'7''/67inches, Weight 245 Pounds/110KG, Finally I went to see a renowned Endocrinologist of my City, he suggested me to do couple of blood tests, results are as below: ➢ Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Test for Diabetes (Blood glucose) – 6.3 nmol/L = eAG of 134 ➢ 2-Hour Insulin Glucose Challenge Test Results: CPS-2HOURS (Cohas) = 5.06nmol/L Insulin (2HOURS) = >2089 pmol/L ➢ Insulin1 – 370 pmol/L ➢ CPS = 2.
865758 tn?1285952904 The level at that time was 45, then they retested it on the 3rd day of my cycle and it came back at 42. My endo ran the estradiol and testosterone during ovulation because the estrogen level is suppose to rise during this time. This time it came back again at 42. Does this help?