
Early pregnancy symptoms flu like

Common Questions and Answers about Early pregnancy symptoms flu like


Avatar f tn Hey ladies I was just wondering if it was common to feel sick like a cold or flu in very very early pregnancy. I am only a few DPO but have had a consistent headache and feel like I may be getting an ear infection on top of just that general sicky feeling. Any one else have similar experiences when they first became pregnant? Thank you for any responses! Me: 3DPO (or maybe more unsure) 2nd round of clomid 100 mg CD 4-8. Have PCOS.
Avatar f tn Sounds like normal early pregnancy symptoms! Congrats :) hopefully they subside soon!
Avatar f tn Some common early pregnancy symptoms are sore breast/nipples, nausea, lower back ache, menstral like cramps, flu like symptoms and feeling very fatigued. Theese are just a few of the more common ones and every pregnant woman will experience different symptoms or maybe none at all. Usualy a woman will start to experience pregnancy symptoms about the 6-8 weeks along. Also some woman can experience them as early has 2-3 weeks into their pregnancy and some woman will never experience them at all.
Avatar f tn Try not to stress. It could be the flu but it could also be pregnancy symptoms. If you've been activly trying and you have beeb told you are fertile then there is always a chance :-) you will have to take the test. Let us know! I hope you get your positive!
476834 tn?1228398709 ok, so then I came down with Pneumonia, I was really sick this happened in August then again in February I got Pneumonia, it really got me down, it took a shot of Rocephin, (antibiotic) a z-pak (antibiotic) then finally a full 10 day of Levaquin,, finally Pneumonia gone,, but ever since I get flu like symptoms,, Like really bad aching in my joints/low grade fevers/ I obviously don't have the flu but I was wondering if anyone with MS has flu like symptoms?
Avatar f tn I was wondering if early hiv always shows strong flu like symptoms or if these weak symptoms could indicate something. I was around someone who was on antibiotics for strep a few days ago. These current symptoms began yesterday.
Avatar f tn I think it is...I know I did. But, also, many pregnancy symptoms mimic pre-menstrual symptoms. And I don't know about *you, but I wanted to be pregnant so bad that I could have convinced myself that those were pregnancy! There are so many things that dizziness and nausea could be...even a flu coming on! But, you never know! Maybe this is your month! That two-week wait is torture! Give yourself another few days and then test...but don't be disappointed if it's negative!
4939681 tn?1361299299 ve experienced including this new flu-like rage are symptoms that I have experience on a continual 3-4 (or so, my journaling has been pretty bad) week cycle since my transfusion a year ago. The cycles of symptom flare ups got more and more intense on their own over the year and then with the doxy I am pretty much useless. I don't know if it was a natural progression or if it was magnified by the doxy, but my goodness it's extreme!
631283 tn?1222363664 I have been feeling flu like symptoms now for the past 3 days; body ache, little light headed and dizzy, a little loss of appetite, and a little nausea. It won't turn into a full blown cold or flu. I also have reasons to suspect that I could be pregnant. Can these be signs of pregnancy?
Avatar f tn The flu season is here and the flu symptoms actually resemble a lot of pregnancy symptoms..
Avatar n tn I never had flu like symptoms With my BH. Nor did it last that long. Maybe something you ate and it has made its way through your body now? BH. for me where tighting feelings in my belly, with some light cramping. That happened for a few seconds at a time.
Avatar f tn 103 fever (1 day) sore throat, neck pains, and lower back pains . So I went to the doctor first he thought flu, strep throat, pregnancy which were all negative and so he tested me for gonorrhea and chlamydia but not HIV and gave me medicine. I had lower abdominal pain (prior to this encounter i just finished a 3 week long period) and was prescribed tramadol for pain and woke up in crazy night sweats 1 day after my fever.
Avatar n tn When I become pregnant I get flu like symptoms. I spike a fever and get congested, feel like my head is clogged. When it happened the second time I realized it was my body's way of letting me know that I am pregnant. Follow your doctor's advice and monitor your fever closely. I know that you can not take a lot of drugs during this time but your doctor will let you know what you can or cannot take during this time. Please don't stress yourself about this too much.
Avatar f tn I'm very early in my second pregnancy. Is a sore throat just a common early on symptom? I didn't have it w my first.
Avatar f tn To me though, your symptoms just sound like normal pregnancy symptoms but it's always better to be safe than sorry.
Avatar m tn Im a 24 y/o male in the caribbean for medical school. Im sexually active with multiple partners. I recently had unprotected sex. 24 hours later i woke up with a sore throat and a slight fever. I'd like to note that on the saturday of having sex I only slept 2 hours followed by a day of extensive studying. I also noticed some bumps at the bottom of the shaft of my penis, although I'm not sure if those were there before due to me shaving that area.
Avatar m tn Ever since that day I have been having flu like symptoms and I have done a blood work at my doctors it came out negative. I went for an HIV testing last week and the result was negative again. The flu like symptom has persisted for over two months now and I am scared and don't know what to do. Please help. This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/248577'>Clarification of flu-like symptoms</a>.
Avatar f tn Now we are injecting a similar substance into our bodies with a similar result (flu-like symptoms). The good news is that for most of us the symptoms will subside by about week 4. Not in my case though, They've been getting worse with each shot.
Avatar n tn About a week ago, she started exhibiting flu-like symptoms, including feeling weak and experiencing muscle aches. Our doctor is out of town this week, but a colleague of his told my mother she did NOT have the flu. Since the thyroid medication is the newest addition to her medication, is it possible that it was too much and she is reacting to it? Fortunately, our doctor will be in the office on Monday and we are first on the list, but I thought I would ask. Thanks.