
Clonidine nausea

Common Questions and Answers about Clonidine nausea


Avatar f tn Hi there, I am tapering down from methadone, was at 130mgs two years ago, and am currently at 41mgs, now tapering 2mgs/ week. I know this is a low and slow taper but still I am not feeling so great. I keep getting hot flashes, nausea and going hot and cold, it's uncomfortable. My methadone doctor suggested clonidine for these symptoms, I know some of you have tried it and I was wondering if it helps much, and is it worth even taking? Thanks for your responses...
974371 tn?1424653129 Right or wrong, I was diagnosed with a motility disorder. Doc wants me to try Clonidine, 1/2 pill once a day then increase. I took the first one last night and have been horribly sick all day. Not sure if it is my regular problems that ate worse ( stomach ache, nausea, bloating) or the med. Anyone?
Avatar n tn Today I was at work and losing it...very irritable and jumpy nerves-no body aches or real bad nausea. I went to the doc hoping he would put me back on subutex as I had no side effects from that the first 3 days-he said you should not be on subutex long term and gave me a clonidine patch that lasts 7 days. I really thought he would change the meds or change the dose. Anyway its probably best that I stay at a low dose anyway so its easier to get off later.
320944 tn?1245966599 Thanks for caring, I have not had any tram since the day i posted which was 09/13/2010. I got some clonidine .02mg that i take twice a day. The clonidine is actually used for high blood pressure which i do have now from stopping the tram, but there is also some kind of chemical in the clonodine that helps you clear off your opiate receptors, therefore reducing and eliminating your craving for opiate like drugs. Best thing is a months supply only costs $11.00 without insurance.
Avatar f tn The worst of the WD symtoms lasts 4-7 days, although the sleeplessness usually lasts longer. I was on both Clonidine (a blood pressure med that also eases withdrawal) and Phenegran. Phenegran is in the anti-histamine class of drugs & is commonly used to treat nausea. So is Compazine and Vistaril. The anti-nausea effect is very nice, but these meds also make you very sleepy (as does the Clonidine).
974371 tn?1424653129 I have read a lot on these boards of people complaining of nausea, me included. I have suffered with it daily for months, no relief even from Zofran. One Doc said I had a motility disorder, another one said IBS. I was pretty much confined to home. Read ginger tea helped so tried that, with some relief. Saw a GI doctor at Stanford who suggested Ginger and Acupuncture. I had gotten acupuncture before with great results for sciatic issues. Made an appt with my acupuncture doctor, who is great!
1762497 tn?1313272219 Here is my question over the course of the last month i was slowly weaned off a yr and a half addiction to dilaudid. This past thursday my doctor gave me a script for clonidine to help with some of the withdrawal symptoms. I am about to start taking it tonight for the 1st time as directed, how will it help ? and how will i feel in the coming days as my body adjusts to not having the Dilaudid.
Avatar f tn Clonidine is amazing for withdrawal. Taking .2 mg is extremely hard to stay awake on for the first hour.
Avatar f tn I called pain mngt dr today and they jumped my *** for quitting and told me go to er, then er dr gave me nausea med, clonidine, and more norcos. I took the nausea med and clonidine but 6 hrs later still bad. I gave in and took a Norco, feel 90% better. So what do I do? I cant do rehab, I have 4 kids and would lose my job. My pain mngt dr said they will put me on different meds to detox but those sound bad too, and what about my pain? The pain is what started this hell.
Avatar f tn Usually is feels like a bad flu. Nausea , muscle ache, diarrhea and etc.. How severe and how long is different for every person. It is always safer to have a doctor follow the patient through this process. Best of luck.
Avatar f tn The main thing I am experiencing is some nausea, weakness but most of all sweating! I have read that some people take clonidine but I don't know what this is and I sure don't want to get hooked on anything else. I am taking Aleve and using pain patches for my back pain. My question is -how long is this going to take me and should I ask my general practitioner for something to help me? Thanks so much.
Avatar f tn Thus the reason for the foggy head/headache during the acute phase. The clonidine helped immensely and even helps with sleep.
Avatar m tn It is really amazing my pain is completely almost gone, with the exception of a little soreness. I have starting weaning myself from the oxy and was going to ask my doc for some clonidine. How much does it really help with the w/d symptoms?
Avatar m tn enybody got eny feed back clonidine it was given to me to help with withdraw from oxi and its not doing enygood going through hell right now I have about 7 days
401095 tn?1351391770 anyone use clonidine during WDs? What dose,,,just wondering..
Avatar f tn hi.....i have never used clonidine but it's suppose to be for high BP and also can be used for anxiety from what i've read. I am on a diff med for high BP. Good luck and hope it works for you! i've read that it helps alot of people calm down thru WDs.
198154 tn?1337787265 s but only a caring doctor will give it, most would rather see you suffer....i took .1 mg of clonidine 3 times daily...worked tremendously well...if taking clonidine will help get you off your d.o.c.,...take it as your doctor has prescribed it...regardless of what you think MIGHT does help more than i can describe, i think it is a miracle drug for wd's. i took it for 10 days, then tapered for 3, it is not addictive, but you have to taper to avoid rebound high BP...
Avatar f tn second, my doctor prescribed two clonidine patches for me for any withdrawl symptoms. What do these do ? my doc said it woud basically knock me that of course... but, i am hesitant because i had never heard of it... i know it is a little strange for a prescription lover to be afraid of a new drug...weird. but, i would like to hear about some experiences with people who have tried it before. Thank you so much.
Avatar m tn It really works. It will not make you 100% the same as if you were taking the percs but it helps with anxiety, sleeplessness and overall feeling like crap. My doctor gave me 1.0 milligrams with a refill. She is awesome. Yesterday was my full day 2 from all addictive substances (day 9 from Vicodin) and I had some anxiety late afternoon and evening. Took a pill each time and I was fine. Slept a full 8 hours.
Avatar f tn I am going hot and cold and getting hot flashes and really nauseous. My methadone doctor told me that clonidine will help these symptoms, I know some of you have tried it. I was wondering if I should start taking it, I am so uncomfortable. I know this is a slow and low taper, is it worth getting it?
Avatar f tn Day 10 got some Clonidine from my doctor, Praise the Lord. Helping some. I may get through this. Not crying as much but still feel overall like crap. How much longer???
656243 tn?1231288052 Hey eveyone. I was recently put on Clonidine to help with anxiety and I am currently on Effexor. Does anyone have any past experiences with Clonidine? Does it work? Do I have to build it up in my system? Thanks C.