
Clonidine and nausea

Common Questions and Answers about Clonidine and nausea


10047460 tn?1407438406 I'm going on a trip and I won't have my methadone for 3 days. My doc gave me Clonidine to stop the nausea. Will that work?
Avatar f tn Hi there, I am tapering down from methadone, was at 130mgs two years ago, and am currently at 41mgs, now tapering 2mgs/ week. I know this is a low and slow taper but still I am not feeling so great. I keep getting hot flashes, nausea and going hot and cold, it's uncomfortable. My methadone doctor suggested clonidine for these symptoms, I know some of you have tried it and I was wondering if it helps much, and is it worth even taking? Thanks for your responses...
974371 tn?1424653129 Right or wrong, I was diagnosed with a motility disorder. Doc wants me to try Clonidine, 1/2 pill once a day then increase. I took the first one last night and have been horribly sick all day. Not sure if it is my regular problems that ate worse ( stomach ache, nausea, bloating) or the med. Anyone?
Avatar n tn Today I was at work and losing it...very irritable and jumpy nerves-no body aches or real bad nausea. I went to the doc hoping he would put me back on subutex as I had no side effects from that the first 3 days-he said you should not be on subutex long term and gave me a clonidine patch that lasts 7 days. I really thought he would change the meds or change the dose. Anyway its probably best that I stay at a low dose anyway so its easier to get off later.
Avatar n tn just dont drink any alcohol with it it takes away the strenght of the clonidine no more than 900 mcg daily for detox of opiates and methadome and for the alcohol and the benzos. hope this helps feel free to ask! if you dont ask you dont find out right!
320944 tn?1245966599 At the dose you were on, it could have been AWFUL to withdrawal from without some clonidine. I had that too, and it really helps. BP going up during tram WD happens almost every time. Congrats on your clean time! Get into some therapy or meetings so you never have to do this again!
696149 tn?1314320959 I went to ER a few hours ago because my stomach pain and nausea were too much. I put up with it for a week and that was it. I had to tell them to not give me any narcotics and that I was detoxing off Vicodin. I was so close to not tell them because they usually give Morphine straight up or Dilaudid. I've had both and had I let them give me that, I would have been on cloud nine only to fall hard when it wore off.
974371 tn?1424653129 I have read a lot on these boards of people complaining of nausea, me included. I have suffered with it daily for months, no relief even from Zofran. One Doc said I had a motility disorder, another one said IBS. I was pretty much confined to home. Read ginger tea helped so tried that, with some relief. Saw a GI doctor at Stanford who suggested Ginger and Acupuncture. I had gotten acupuncture before with great results for sciatic issues. Made an appt with my acupuncture doctor, who is great!
Avatar f tn The worst of the WD symtoms lasts 4-7 days, although the sleeplessness usually lasts longer. I was on both Clonidine (a blood pressure med that also eases withdrawal) and Phenegran. Phenegran is in the anti-histamine class of drugs & is commonly used to treat nausea. So is Compazine and Vistaril. The anti-nausea effect is very nice, but these meds also make you very sleepy (as does the Clonidine).
Avatar f tn Has anyone any experience with Clonidine and Lassix in pregnancy? Do they cause miscarriages?
1762497 tn?1313272219 and the past 9 months I have been in the hospital 5 days out of every month in the hospital vomiting non stop and there is no nausea meds that help.they say I have cyclical now been weening off and now am on 6 mg 3 times a day..I dropped to that in less then 3 monthes. I keep getting sick and end up in hospital and puke all my meds and withdrawl on top of the cyclical vomiting. Would it be safe for me to just quit at 6 mg 3 times a day cold turkey. ..
Avatar f tn m aware of how much to take and when and ect, but I just wondering if anyone had success with this - Clonidine in pill form. (I really don't think it makes much difference what the form is?) Also I've heard of people taking phenergan for w/d's?? Just want some feedback. I just want to be prepared when I jump into the pit of fire again. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Avatar n tn I had a liver transplant 3 years ago and now I itch all over its a deep itch and have white places all over my arms and legs and getting worse if anyone knows what to do or what it is please let me know its unbearable....
Avatar n tn As Lulu747 I also used clonidine while tapering off opiates and just wanted off and went cold turkey over a year ago. (morphine sulfate and fentanyl patch). The clonidine did help with my w/d symptoms as well.
Avatar f tn I called pain mngt dr today and they jumped my *** for quitting and told me go to er, then er dr gave me nausea med, clonidine, and more norcos. I took the nausea med and clonidine but 6 hrs later still bad. I gave in and took a Norco, feel 90% better. So what do I do? I cant do rehab, I have 4 kids and would lose my job. My pain mngt dr said they will put me on different meds to detox but those sound bad too, and what about my pain? The pain is what started this hell.
Avatar n tn my son takes clonidine, he has adhd and the drugs he takes to treat the adhd stop him sleeping so he takes the clonidine for that. didnt know it could be used to help with w/d's, apparently clonidine started life as a treatment for high blood pressure but now has many uses. dont know if there are w/d's from clonidine but my sons doc told us never to take him straight of it because it would cause his blood pressure to rocket.
Avatar m tn Maybe see if your doctor can prescribe you some Phenegren. It is for nausea and vomiting. It also makes you drowsy, which may help you get more sleep. It is also non-addictive.
Avatar f tn Usually is feels like a bad flu. Nausea , muscle ache, diarrhea and etc.. How severe and how long is different for every person. It is always safer to have a doctor follow the patient through this process. Best of luck.
Avatar f tn t take the symptoms anymore. I took clonidine, and I did great with it. It is not habit forming and helps the CT withdrawals. I don't know about using it while tapering. Like I said.....I could never do it!!! Keep posting too. Let us know how you are doing! I have been off of tram since early March! It CAN be done!!!
Avatar f tn Hello, yes I have been taking this combination of Vyvanse (70mg per day in the am) and Clonidine (0.2mg in the afternoon and 0.2mg at night). I highly prefer Vyvanse over adderall because I do not suffer from side effects w/Vyvanse as with the adderall. The Vyvanse is much smoother than most all other adhd drugs. I have never experienced shortness of breath while taking Vyvanse, however, I am 25 years old and 180lbs. I am also a Registered Nurse.
374251 tn?1246235657 t want to go back to same clinic and I no longer had much money for it anyway. I did research and ordered Clonidine, Atarax, and Catapres from an online pharmacy which would ship without Rx. Results weren't very positive. Clonidine didn't do much for me, Atarax helped me sleep a bit and Catapres didn't do a while lot either. I don't remember the dose I took of Clonidine but they were .15mg pills, so I prob took one twice a day.
Avatar f tn My son is ADHD and was having alot of trouble sleping at night and was prescribed clonidine. It had not affect on him and he continued to wake up and wander during the night. I discovered that this medication is a blood pressure medication and our pediatrician was not monitoring him while he was on this. We also have tried the melatonin and he was up to 3mg a night and it had no affect.
Avatar m tn Ive always liked to use clonidine when I was detoxing, it did help relax me and lessen some of jittery,nervous energy. Hopefully the clonidine helps ease some of the symptoms, I would also get some immodium, some short of short term sleeping aid and lots of fluids. The vitamins and amino acids can really help with getting some energy, but thats all up to you. I wish you the best of luck, you can do this!
Avatar f tn the clonidine helps a lot with the sweats, chills, and blood pressure fluctuations, the benzos are extremely helpful in stopping the insane anxiety, insomnia, muscle cramping and spasms, and restlessness. then i would get OTC immodium and an anti-diarrhea, and a OTC anti-nausea medicine. i also had some ambien for sleep as well. my detox was done in a hospital supervised but you can do it on your own if you think you can handle that.
656243 tn?1231288052 t have good health insurance and a standard physician prescribes their psychiatric medications which is not advisable. I am assuming you are seeing a psychiatrist and as for Clonidine and Effexor interacting I have not heard of that one but you should ask them to look it up. They all have a PDR and more importantly I know my psychopharmocologist has a palm pilot where he can look up any medications and see how they interact and has access to information that only a physician would.
Avatar m tn I ran out two weeks early. I was honest with my dr and he put me on clonidine 3 pills a day for 3 days and a patch. It worked I almost feel like my old self. When he refills my meds next week I'm going to not take them unless I am in extreme pain. Learned my lesson!
Avatar f tn I am already starting to get withdrawal symptoms which surprises me as this is not really a small dose. I am going hot and cold and getting hot flashes and really nauseous. My methadone doctor told me that clonidine will help these symptoms, I know some of you have tried it. I was wondering if I should start taking it, I am so uncomfortable. I know this is a slow and low taper, is it worth getting it?