
Clonidine and autism

Common Questions and Answers about Clonidine and autism


Avatar f tn My son is ADHD and was having alot of trouble sleping at night and was prescribed clonidine. It had not affect on him and he continued to wake up and wander during the night. I discovered that this medication is a blood pressure medication and our pediatrician was not monitoring him while he was on this. We also have tried the melatonin and he was up to 3mg a night and it had no affect.
Avatar m tn I have a son with severe autism and ADD. Please find another doctor. In some patients of a higher age, that many meds at that dosage are fine but wow most doctors will tell you that at 7 yrs. old, it is not ok. My son just turned 6 and his doctors, he has many due to the autism, would never put him on that much. They are too young and it can alter the brain in a negative way on children under the age of 13. Trust me I have researched everything until I was blue in the face.
Avatar f tn Thank you for your comments. The psychiatrist is supposed to be an autism specialist, and there are not too many in our city who claim that. My daughter is getting her masters in Pub Admin and is researching insurance coverage for autism--it is such a fight between insurers and schools as to who should pay for services, and meanwhile our kids are the ones suffering.
219373 tn?1274921434 i have a 10 year old daughter who was recently diagnosed with aspergers, severe GAD, depression and sever insomnia. she is currently taking meletonin, clonidine and paxil. just prior to having her testing in which she was diagnosed with these she was on adderall for suspected ADD and the adderall was very effective for her concentration and focus, making schoolwork and chores etc much less stressful and frustrating.
Avatar n tn Not sure what country you are in but basically clonidine is a drug to slow kids down. It will not really deal with the attention problems caused by ADHD. It definitely will not help with the lack of speech. At his age, the lack of speech is a very serious issue. I don't think a hospital is the correct place for help. Especially if all the say is he is ADHD. That does not explain the lack of speech. You definitely need to find better professional help. Or go back to the hospital.
Avatar m tn Do you mean Clonidine or Klonopin? Klonopin I would be VERY careful of as it is a benzo and addicting (think valuim or xanax) and withdrawal can be dangerous. I dont speak from experience as I never really used benzos but Ive read a lot on this forum about them. If its Clonidine (which is a medication for blood pressure) I have heard really good things about it. Its non addicting and if used properly can be a lifesaver during withdrawal..
1929696 tn?1323286839 t worry too much about the clonidine. I am on day three detox and am taking .5 mg clonidine a day-but I was on it to begin with so perhaps I have a higher tolerance? I have been taking my blood pressure and it's well within normal but everyone is different. You have enough to worry about detoxing-get a blood pressure cuff and have peace of mind. As for the leg cramps? I'm taking all the supplements you are plus hot magnesium drinks and my legs are the most uncomfortable part of me.
16638194 tn?1449934941 I am in desperate need of some insight regarding medication for Autism and ADHD. My son is 7 years old. He started out on Risperdal when he was 4 but we quickly took him off because he quickly ballooned by 15 lbs. in 1 month. We eventually ended up on Abilify and Tenex (Guanfacine) and he's been taking that combination for about 3 years. Now we are at the point where those two meds were not working at all and we were already at the approved dosage limits.
Avatar f tn my son is 7 yrs old and i was told by his neurologist that this is what he has he does alot of repedative movements but is not aware he is doing them i need help i am takin him thursday to see another doctor cause they have to diagnose him with high functioning asperger autism i need some one to talk to that is going through this to dont have no one to turn to for help just need someone to talk to i was givin info on tics and tourette and told he could have this to i dont think they know what is
Avatar n tn My 4 year old seems to be constantly thirsty..he can go through a gallon of fluid a day if we let him.. Someone I talked to mentioned this may be juvenile diabetes.. What is juvenile diabetes and what are other symptoms? We thought maybe he was dehydrated thats why he was drinking so much but we took away any juices and milk and he still drank as much..
Avatar m tn hello i hope some of you can help me im new to the forums, my son is 8yrs old and has autism,, hes on the outterspectrum, doesnt talk but says maybe 3 word combos here and there single words easily... my question is recently we have been perscribed tenex for him his ocd has took over his daily living and its breaking my heart, i think we tried tenex years ago and it did the reverse..
Avatar m tn These seemed to help but she grew a tolerance within 6 months (maxxed out Ambien @ 10mgs and Klonipen at 0.5 mgs). The meds were weaned and Clonidine/Trazodone (sleep) and Risperdol (behavior) was started around her 2nd birthday. She has been on these since then (18 months using). These medications have lost their efficacy at Clonidine 0.3 mgs @bedtime, Trazodone 150 mgs @bedtime and Risperdol 4 mgs divided doses.
Avatar m tn Hi, New here but not new to autism. I have a son and two girls with autism. All to different degrees from HD to LD. My wife and I split up 10 years ago. However we still work very closely in bringing up our children. But, I have met some one else and we would like to have a baby. I am Very concerned. Neither my family, my ex's family or my existing partner have any members in their family with autism or on the spectrum. or at least so it seems. My question is. . .
Avatar n tn I just watched More Business of Being Born, and they talked about the possible link between ultrasounds and Autism. They said the ultrasound waves change the size of the cells, so there needs to be more research about the effects. I've had three ultrasounds all within weeks 4 and 5. They were ruling out an ectopic pregnancy. I'm now 8 1/2 weeks along and doing great. I'm worried about the effects of those ultrasounds. Any input?
Avatar f tn Has anyone any experience with Clonidine and Lassix in pregnancy? Do they cause miscarriages?
Avatar n tn Hi all. I'm a 32 year old single mom of an 11 year old with high functioning autism and a 2 year old. For the past year I've been prescribed vicodin, norco and finally percocet from pain due to ovarian cysts and severe scar tissue. I finally had a hysterectomy in May of this year. The pain in now gone, but I am having the worst time getting of the pain meds. I am down to 2-4 10mg norco a day.
1731970 tn?1328087070 I was looking this up and you are right children with Autism do have food related issues .,there may be some parents on the Autism forum who have similar problems with their child ..
Avatar f tn Hello :) I am the mother of three boys, Jacob is three and the twins Nathan and Michael are eleven months old. I have been hearing alot latley about the MMR shots having something to do with Autism. I am very concerned about this because our twins year checkup is around the corner and I am not sure how to handle this? We have a few friends that claim that after their child received the MMR shot a few days later everything changed.
Avatar n tn As Lulu747 I also used clonidine while tapering off opiates and just wanted off and went cold turkey over a year ago. (morphine sulfate and fentanyl patch). The clonidine did help with my w/d symptoms as well.
Avatar n tn I also was on Zoloft while pregnant with my son and he was recently at age of 4 diagnosed with Autism. I honestly believe no matter what others say it has to do with taking anti depressents during pregnancy. My pregnancy was fine until I started on my meds and my son ended up being born 5 weeks early than my other son I also was on anti depressants for beginning of pregnancy and having problems until I quit taking them and pregnancy went normal.
Avatar f tn I worked Department of Mental Health for 2 1/2yrs and still have a lot of strong ties to it, especially the Autism Spectrum community.
Avatar f tn downs is chromosomal and autism is neurological. Having an extra chromosome gives you downs, cause of autism is unknown.
Avatar n tn my son takes clonidine, he has adhd and the drugs he takes to treat the adhd stop him sleeping so he takes the clonidine for that. didnt know it could be used to help with w/d's, apparently clonidine started life as a treatment for high blood pressure but now has many uses. dont know if there are w/d's from clonidine but my sons doc told us never to take him straight of it because it would cause his blood pressure to rocket.
1415407 tn?1389254933 I worked the department of mental health for the state of missouri for 2 1/2yrs and specialized in the care of individuals diagnosed with Autism. Autism is most prominent and rampant within the U.s., with very few cases over seas or even in ally/1st world countries with similar if not identical access and use of acetaminophen. I can find a study that links rubbing your head and patting your belly while trying to conceive to Autism in children.