
Clindamycin yeast

Common Questions and Answers about Clindamycin yeast


Avatar f tn I've taken Clindamycin and fluconazole to kill a yeast infection. But now my doctor tells me I might possibly get it back because antibiotics can cause yeast infections. I'm not even sure...
Avatar f tn They had me take this tablet twice a day for seven days... Its called clindamycin HCl!!! Again i was too scared to take it but i had to! Then after a month, I still have it!!!
1394601 tn?1328032308 Vagisil is not a great solution for a yeast infection. The source of the yeast is the bowel which has an overgrowth of yeast with the antibiotic knocking the good beneficial bacteria out of balance and allowing the yeast to overgrow. So, Vagisil alone can't keep the area from continually being re-inoculated.
Avatar n tn Are you sure it is a yeast infection not BV? I thought I had yeast infections for the longest time but it was actually BV.
Avatar f tn Apparently I can consistently getting yeast infections due to hormonam imbalance. I'm afraid to overdose on the fluconazole. Is there a natural way of getting rid of it? I'm thinking cranberry juice but should I drink it once in a while or is there another alternative. Because I have to avoid sugar in order to fix my hormonal imbalance.
Avatar f tn It started in February. First it was a yeast infection the dictoar treated me with 2 rounds in diflucan. Before and after the treatment I used monistat. No relief. So I went to my gyno and she said the yeast was gone but I had BV. Sh gave my flafyl. Finished it but was still itching.she then prescribed me clindamycin vaginal cream.finished that and still no relief. I've tried everything. Probiotics,yougurt, changed toilet paper,only washed with mild soap,etc. I changed my whole routine.
1706065 tn?1332934560 ) I just found out at my 7 week scan that I have an vaginal infection and my doctor gave me clindamycin phosphate cream. My nurse and doctor have both assured me it is safe to take during my first trimester. Did anyone else use this during their pregnancy? Thank you!
Avatar f tn i have my yeast infection 3 weeks ago... but until now, i think its not yet ok.. i still feel itchiness on my genital area but not that itchy anymore compare to the first week.. i itch sometimes but i have still this watery grayish discharge.. i dont feel any burning sensation when i urinate.. i am just worried about this discharge.. i know its not a normal discharge because it is too many.. but on my first week of infection.. i hev this discharge,, chheezy cottage like discharge..
Avatar n tn if it has smell like a fish then it could be an infection so you better consult your ob or get an antibiotic like clindamycin.. if it looks like a cheese in your vagina and is itchy then it could be yeast infection then you better take vaginal suppository then..
Avatar f tn I got tested and was positive for yeast and BV. Doc prescribed a course of Metronidazole and suppositories for yeast for me and my partner got treated as well, just in case. Again, my infection cleared up and I was fine for maybe two weeks? I can't even remember. But it came back again after having sex.. I went back, tested positive for BV again and was prescribed Clindamycin this time. At this point I was so done with it that I almost had a mental breakdown.
Avatar n tn 05%(base), i also just started using Fougera Clindamycin Phosphate gel USP, 1%(equivalent to 1% clindamycin. i have been using the first one for past three month twice a day and it is almost having no affect. the area is increasing and i m afraid it will get bigger and it is. what should i do? any recommendations on what i should use to get rid of it? can you recommend any medicine/cream?? i would really appreciate the help.
Avatar m tn James, Sounds similar to my case. I took 2 rounds of 2 different AB's at about the same time. It started with constipation, but that has subsided. I still have abdominal bloating. I avoided gluten and lactose for a time but no change in my condition. You may want to consider researching candida. It's yeast infection. Just like bacteria, we have yeast in our digestinal tract and it is kept in check, normally. AB's can through that out of balance too.
Avatar f tn Its an antibiotic called clindamycin HCl for bacterial vaginosis. Its like every month since July I have to take a dose of clindamycin HCl twice a day for seven days... July I took flagyl for two days was allergic to it so they gave me clindesse vaginal cream for my baby! Then august found out I still have it and they have me take this clindanycin HCl tablet. Then august 27th, ugh I still have it!! They're making me take the same ****. Sorry im just a lil bit disappointed nor upset.
Avatar m tn At first the doctor prescribe me some Fluconazole Tablets and Nystatin because she thought I had a yeast infection. After a month had gone by i have not seen an improvement. I went to the doctor again and saw another doctor. He prescribe to me clindamycin phosphate lotion. This also did not improve my symptom. Can someone tell me what's wrong with me.
Avatar f tn I am going to the doctor Tuesday but i was wondering if anyone had any answers so i could possibly know about it before. I just want to know if its an infection or what because I have had a yeast infection before but never had these little white things there so i am really worried. Also he did *** inside of me wed so could it maybe be that just coming out?
Avatar n tn i finished taking metronidazole 500mg for 7 days and then took a pill for yeast infection for one day cant remenber the name but a week after the npleasant smell is still her ..
Avatar f tn in urgent care and prescribed clindamycin e150 mg pills....3 pills 3x per day (12 pills) she is 15 and 119 lbs. Was not diagnosed with ANYTHING. Now we have had a utility, yeast infection, her iron level is at 30, she has passed out over 5 times, cannot sleep has lost weight, major stomach pain etc. urgent care has said it was right meds and right dose. NO WAY!
1994720 tn?1352742233 I have had a yeast infection for three weeks which was confirmed through a culture. I have been on monistat 3, terazol 7 (prescription), gynolotrim, and diflucan. I have also tried garlic, yogurt, and have eliminated all sugar and simple carbs. I am losing my mind as I have severe internal itching, throbbing and external irritation. Infections and STDs have been ruled out. My gynecologist is at a loss and tells me they've done everything.
1308690 tn?1273696411 As for the yeast infection they have a pill called Flagyl its extermely potent and will kill the yeast infection. The monostat in my opinion don't help too much. Also my Dr told me its not recommended to have sex during BV and yeast infection . IT can be transmitted to your male partner if you use a condom and it breaks.
Avatar m tn I think that I may have a bacterial or yeast infection. I took 2 over the counter vaginial screening kits and i also i feel a bit discomfort and my discharge is maybe a pale white..sort of watery and thick..It stated I had a bacterial infection. I believe I had it for some time now but never went to the doctor..but im planning on going soon as possible. I Just want to know what can I do to help with the discomfort or even to clear up in the meantime? I dont really smell anything..
Avatar m tn I have been to the doctors several times - they gave my hydrocortisone which did not work, then something a bit more powerful, which again had no help, clindamycin (again no impact) and finally I just finished a course of floxacillin which has not done anything. A dermatologist could not help me either. I have put a pic here - and also here http://t.
Avatar f tn If your taking about bacterial vaginosis (BV) then usually oral medication is metronidazole (Flagyl) or Clindamycin. Vaglinal gels metro-gel, cleocin, clindasee(spelling?
Avatar m tn I have been recently diagnosed with Desquamative Inflammatory Vaginitis and have been suffering from this condition for several months now. At first, I thought it was a continuous thrush/yeast infection occuring as the symptoms are very similar such as redness, yellow discharge, itchiness, swelling and irritation. My Gynecologist has told me it is an auto-immune response where my immune systems is attacking this area for no particular reason.
Avatar f tn Hello, From your symptoms there is a possibility that this is due to bacterial vaginosis. Diagnosis can be confirmed after pelvic examination and microscopic examination of the vaginal discharge. Treatment is by metronidazole((Flagyl, MetroGel) and clindamycin (Cleocin) which are available under prescription. They are available as pills or vaginal gels or creams. Please do not use any vaginal douches.
Avatar n tn has given me 10 days of clindamycin to be taken 3 times a day at a dose of 450 mgs. this is fine, i can take clindamycin with no ill effects. HOWEVER, i have read that this drug is not commonly used to treat std's as there are so many better options. Is clindamycin going to work??? Thanks.
Avatar n tn I have a creamy yellowish white discharge.. I was told by my doc that it is a yeast infection.. he gave me meds and it returned.. i used monastat and when i woke up my pad had a light creamy brownish discharge.. i have been tested for stds and i dont have any.. and im still having problems.. could be anythin else??
Avatar n tn Due to my ongoing infections, my antibiotics were made stronger (from cephalexin to clindamycin). However, for the last couple of days, I no longer have tonsillitis, instead a swollen, white tongue that feels as if it has scratches all over it. When I try to eat or drink anything it burns. I have been on a liquid diet since the 12th, but even that is hard to stay on. Along with my tongue, my gums have been very sensitive as well. Please help! Any insight or advice is greatly appreciated!