
Clindamycin and bv

Common Questions and Answers about Clindamycin and bv


Avatar f tn Alternatively, you can take clindamycin for the bv and drink a boat load of cranberry juice for the UTI and water of course. It will take longer to clear up the UTI but it should work. It did for me in a pinch. It just took a couple of extra days. Of course if you are diabetic you can't.
Avatar f tn I went to the obgyn last week they ran urine samples and std tests and everything was okay, I told them I’m spotting still for two weeks now three and cramping the test came back for BV so they prescribed me Metronidazole I felt way too anxious about taking it , Friday I went in for a ultrasound and pelvic ultrasound I believe and got the results today that it was fine. They now prescribed me clindamycin gel which I will pick up tomorrow due to pharmacy out of stock.
Avatar f tn I have been treated three times with metronidazole, and now have a prescription for clindamycin. Do you stabbing pains occasionally in the vaginal area as well?
Avatar f tn Ladies, tell me the truth is it me or its just this stupid ksjahqbskcidow bacterial vaginosis?!?!? Ugh I've had since I found out I'm pregnant! Took flagyl but I was allergic to I switched to clindamycin. I took that clindesse clindamycin vaginal cream, didn't work!!! Clindamycin HCl tablets for 7 days didn't work!!! Now they want me to take clindamycin HCl for 7 days again!!!??!!!!!! I'm sooooooo confused, frustrated, devastated, im cryinh and all mix nega emotions!!!!
9065649 tn?1418258207 I don't know why they gave you 30 pills bit they most likely prescribed the Flagyl because it is the best thing for treating BV. Clindamycin may work too but it's also recommended that you don't breast feed with it.
Avatar f tn The meds you take a safe the docs wouldn't give you something that wouldn't be safe , and I feel your pain I had BV and then right after got a yeast infection then 2 weeks after treating that I got another yeast infection :/ that's when the doctor subscribed something too me for it
Avatar n tn Hi there. Well, there is a gold standard for bacterial vaginosis which is flagyl (brand name) and clindamycin. BV is an anaerobic meaning it grows when air isn't present (think moist, warm areas with no air flow). These are only prescribed by a doctor. Yeast is treated differently and yes, can happen due to antibiotic use. But what can you do? If you need them, you need them. Yeast is itchy and clumpy, BV has a bad odor. Yeast can be treated by a doctor or over the counter.
Avatar f tn Did they try using clindamycin? Also, you could have you and your husband both try the antibiotic at the same time since you seem to get it with intercourse. Do you get it if he uses a condom? That would indicate it is getting passed to you back and forth.
Avatar f tn I have som anitbiotics (azithromycin) and I was just wondering can you use its for BV????
Avatar f tn Treatment is by metronidazole((Flagyl, MetroGel) and clindamycin (Cleocin).They are available as pills or vaginal gels or creams and should be taken under medical supervision. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
Avatar f tn It could still be bv. I have this as well and have taken metronidazole three times and it still hasn't cleared up. I now have a prescription for clindamycin, but have not taken it yet.
Avatar n tn I agree with the second post. Sounds like BV. Go to the doctor, ask for a culture and they can give you antibiodics to clear it up. Also, request the gel if you do have it. Do not take clindamycin or any other harsh antibiodics, they can cause C-diff and other bowel problems.
Avatar f tn ( been taking antibiotics since July. I am 22 weeks BTW.
Avatar n tn Hi Sarah, BV it will just keep coming back, and may go on for a few years yet, try the natural way, google bv and sea salt, you could also try bv and boric acid, on earthclinic under symptoms you find BV, and apple cider vinegar as a cure or ACV, just some other ways to try. Who knows one day you will beat it.
Avatar f tn I was wondering if anyone else has/had frequent bv infections like I do and what you do to prevent them.
Avatar f tn m not sure if the spots on the back of my throat are attributed to mild acid reflux, stress, antibiotics (I was taking Clindamycin vaginally for BV during the week i slept with the guy), or oral gonorrhea, or ARS.
Avatar f tn I went back o the doc the other day but she said my pH was off and to just use vagisil feminine wash and sit in vinegar baths. And if I wanna go see my gyno I have to wait a few months cus she has a dull schedule. I don't know what to do, this is ruining my life !
Avatar n tn I was told by my doc that it is a yeast infection.. he gave me meds and it returned.. i used monastat and when i woke up my pad had a light creamy brownish discharge.. i have been tested for stds and i dont have any.. and im still having problems.. could be anythin else??
1308690 tn?1273696411 The bacterial flora that characterizes BV have been recovered from the endometria and salpinges of women who have PID. BV has been associated with endometritis, PID, and vaginal cuff cellulitis after invasive procedures, including endometrial biopsy, hysterectomy, hysterosalpingography, placement of an IUD, cesarean section, and uterine curettage. Have you ruled out the above.
1706065 tn?1332934560 ) I just found out at my 7 week scan that I have an vaginal infection and my doctor gave me clindamycin phosphate cream. My nurse and doctor have both assured me it is safe to take during my first trimester. Did anyone else use this during their pregnancy? Thank you!
Avatar f tn I know this may sound weird but BV was apart of my life for like 4months and I did everthing possible and it worked. My husband has to use hypo soap as well no perfumed soaps on his penis either. Oh tell hubby not to pee right before you have sex. We just have sensitive vajayjays. LOL!! Good Luck!!!
Avatar f tn ve had an increase in recurrences, go and get tested for bv. about 1/2 of women with bv are asymptomatic so you might not have discharge or itching to know you have it. it is known to increase herpes activity and often is the culprit behind increased ob's. also if your genital skin is thinning due to lack of hormones, that too can trigger more recurrences. sometimes topical estrogen helps - it strengthens the genital skin so it's stronger and less prone to "trauma".
Avatar f tn I've heard that there is no natural remedy for BV, though people do post on the Internet to try one thing or another. Also, burning and itching can come from other issues, like yeast infections (which can come after antibiotics). Have you been tested specifically for BV again since the time some weeks ago? In case it helps when trying to figure this out, when I had a bacterial skin infection on my arm, my doctor wrote a scrip for a strong antibiotic appropriate for cellulitis.