
Celexa sleep

Common Questions and Answers about Celexa sleep


Avatar f tn I've taken three benzos, but not that one. But using benzos for sleep isn't the best idea, as they're so easy to become addicted to if you take them regularly, and insomnia tends to get worse with continued use of medication for sleep. I would especially try to wait it out as you're not anywhere near a therapeutic dose of the Celexa yet, and it might make you sedated when you move up. If the Celexa works you won't need the Ativan much.
Avatar m tn I did celexa as well as Prozac and several others until I found that wellbutrin worked the best. I have taken ambien cr and that is my result 4-5 hours of uninterrupted sleep and then 30 minutes of every hour until I decide to get up. I hope it gets better, sleep wise. Being almost depression free is an amazing feeling and may be my driving force to deal with my back pain in other ways.
484508 tn?1290010544 My doctor has me on Celexa 20 mg, which I have worked up to - day 6.0n 20 mg after 2 weeks. I did not seem to have trouble with this dose. But he added Trazadone to the mix- 50 mg at night for sleep. I only took it for two days and I was so dizzy the next day that I had trouble functioning. I did not take it last night but I still feel dizzy. How long does it stay in your system,. I am assumining it is the Trazodone, and not the Celexa. I hate all these meds, but I have to take something.
808293 tn?1238602183 I have sleep problems with all SSRI's. Celexa has caused the least for me, but still have problems waking early and sometimes several times a night. It really did help with the anxiety, though.
Avatar m tn I'm confused. Is this a psychiatrist or a general doc? Given that your pharmacist has already warned you not to do this why did you do it before seeking a second opinion? Wellbutrin and Effexor are both stimulating antidepressants, so if your main problem is anxiety these aren't usually the solution; they might be if your main problem is depression, which is often the case with anxiety sufferers.
Avatar m tn i have been on celexa for a few weeks now. not found of any meds period. but did anyone ever start seeing spots when staring at lights more then usual or floaters more then usual ?
Avatar f tn Next thing I know I was so depressed , Dr. upped Celexa to 20 mg.I started having panic and anxiety, could the celexa cause this? This is my 13th day on 20mg.
1433899 tn?1283468485 My doctor prescribed me clonapin and celexa together at night. I take 20 mg celexa and 2mg clonapin and i sleep ok ,but the next day i am S0000 tired that i cannot function. Sleeping 15 hours a day! I've been taking them for a month now and i am worried that something is not right with this combination.The problem is, that if i don't take them i cannot get to sleep.What should i do? By the way, i also take percocet 7.5 mg for pain issue.
Avatar f tn I've been on many different meds in the past, including Celexa and was just prescribed it again. The problem is I really hate to start taking it for fear it will eventually stop working. I am also very overweight and I am concerned about weight gain. Also, it was prescribed to take in the morning, but since I do have some anxiety and suffer with sleep apnea I think is I do decide to take it, night time would probably be best. Any thoughts?
Avatar f tn Sleep disturbances and trouble sleeping are both side-effects of beta blockers in general. I know I have had issues with sleeping since starting Sotalol back in July last year. I would suspect that your problems are related to the Atenelol. If it doesn't improve there are other beta blockers and you could ask your GP to switch you to a different one.
Avatar m tn I had the same thing Sean. I used to play softball and my heart rate would start pounding out of chest when I took off to run. It happened so often that I lived with it up until I started to have panic attacks that ended me in the ER. I've been on an anti-depressant called Celexa. It has helped eliminate all my anxiety and panic disorder symptoms. I went to the ER last year because my heart rate was almost 200 bpm.
484508 tn?1290010544 The good news is that I believe the Celexa is helping the anxiety and depression. Been on it about 2 and a half weeks. Started at 5 mg, and worked up to 20 mg about 4 days ago. I notice that i am dizzy and lightheaded most of the day. I get some relief when i inline skate. Is the dizziness a symptom that will go away...also some insomnia. I don't want to stop taking this because I feel ok about the drug and the relief of depression and anxiety.
Avatar f tn Over the past several months I have begun to experience sleep issues. I stay up late (2am to 3am) and sleep late the next day, some times for 10 to 11 hours. I'm not sure if it's the medication or something else. I'm wondering if the medication is no longer working for me and if I should talk with my doctor about switching to another AD. I have been treated for depression for over 10 years. When first diagnosed I was given Prozac which gave me migraine headaches.
Avatar n tn My question now is, can I take one of these low dose Xanax today? I started the Celexa last night and took 1 mg Klonopin to sleep. I just want to feel normal again.
Avatar f tn I feel more lazy now than before i went on it better to take celexa at night.
Avatar f tn After taking Celexa (generic) for a little less than a year, I decided to quit cold turkey 2 weeks ago. Although I know weening from medication is the best idea, I wanted off Celexa quickly. I have had the usual withdrawal symptoms you'd expect (dizziness, nausea, headache, etc) but what I did not expect was the symptoms of restless leg syndrome. It is TERRIBLE. Is it possible to get RLS symptoms because of Celexa withdrawal or do you think it's unrelated?
Avatar n tn hi my doctor is putting my wife on celexa for her anxiety and panic attacks, i was wondering does anyone take it and how it makes you feel, she has been taking buspar for 3 days and i think it made her worse and help would be greatly aprreciated
739608 tn?1232294942 well hubby is in week 9 of treatment - hasnt made him too terribly ill, but he has had severe depression, irritability, and just feeling mad - rage even. Doc put him on Celexa two weeks ago, and I guess you could say it has worked since you cant get mad WHILE YOUR SLEEPING! This med has him falling asleep in social settings, he sleeps most of the time and when he is awake he is in a stuper...
Avatar n tn Has anyone had experience with Celexa. My doctor wants to put me on it and I'd like some information before doing so. I take xanax at present but I've been using it too long and it no longer works. Apparently my doctor feels that my sleep might benefit from using Celexa.
Avatar n tn 2 days ago my psychiatrist advised me to change my Lexapro 20mg to Celexa 20mg. Is it normal for a patient to switch overnight from Lexapro to Celexa like this? She advised me to just stop the Lexapro. I realize that they are very similar in makeup but i'm just worried that i will get too depressed in the meantime.
Avatar f tn I've been on effexor (started @ 75mg and up to 225mg qd now) since 02 and it never made any difference in my PAT. Of course my arrhythmia was atrial whereas PVCs are ventricular. I did a quick scan of the web and the only references to SSRIs (which celexa and effexor are members along with several others) and palpitations list it as a side effect and not something helped.
Avatar f tn my dr wants me to try wellbutrin in the monring n celexa at night...i was on celexa and gained 18 lbs..i am sensitive with my weight i do not wanna gain weight...has anyone been on these combos ?
Avatar f tn Used to take Paxil, but had a horrid experience coming off of it. Never recovered. But honestly, the name just came because there was no number that would work with my first name and that just popped out. And yes, it causes weight gain. All ssris can cause weight gain. Doesn't mean they will, but they all have that as one of the most common side effects. The starting dose for klonoping is either .5 or 1mg twice a day. Not 4mg. That's too high.
Avatar n tn I currently take celexa and clonazepam for depression and anxiety. Is it safe for me to take extra strength tylenol with the clonazepam.
Avatar m tn Still no sleep,I sleep only when I drop off without knowing,I saw my psychiatrist and he doubled my librium at night,but still I have the rapid thoughts when I close my eyes which leads to a panic attack,which leads to me on the couch watching TV afraid to sleep.We also talked about the multiple pain meds and any link they may have to my rapid thoughts at night.He also added celexa,so that makes a grand total of 9 medications I'm on for pain,panic attacks,depression and high blood pressure.
Avatar n tn my physician put me on celexa, inderal, klonopin and trazadone. with celexa alone i have rage attacks, when she added klonopin to the regime i got migraines hence the inderal. The trazadone was added to help me sleep (i was averaging 1-2 hrs a night). i wanted to sleep all the time and could not stay awake. After a few months of this i decided something need to change, doctor switched klonopin with lithium and stopped the inderal and trazadone.
1518427 tn?1294365021 Hello, I was recently prescribed Celexa 20mg. I wanted to wait until after Thanksgiving to start this med. I also take 30mg/day of Adderall (1/2 tablet twice daily) and 10mg of Valium twice daily. I've tried other anti-depressants but always stopped taking them because of the side effects. They just made me feel weird and anxious. This time, however, I am determined to continue the Celexa until I see benefits. My main question is what's the best time of day to take Celexa?