
Celexa side effects sleep

Common Questions and Answers about Celexa side effects sleep


Avatar f tn So today my Celexa dose was upped from half a pill to 1 whole pill and the side effects are coming back like when I first started... Sweaty, can't sleep, headache, stiff neck, clenching teeth... Etc. I don't know what to do. I tried taking stuff for it, including an Oxy but still no change. What can I take to make these side effects not so bad? I don't see the dr till Thursday, so I can't ask her... If anyone has any suggestions?
Avatar m tn I will do that it seems the higher dose has created this and I'm not on anything else.
Avatar f tn Has anybody gotten a stuffy head and "funny feeling" eyes as a side effect from SSRI's. I have had these side effects before but they went away after a month or so. I'm on Celexa and this stuffy feeling(like you are coming down with a cold) seems to be sticking with me. The med is working well except for this uncomfortable feeling in and around my eyes.
Avatar f tn Did you taper off the vibryd or quit abruptly? You can't just switch from one medication to another even in the same class and avoid withdrawal -- these meds are not easy to stop taking and it must be done carefully. Unless you completely stop taking a medication before starting another it's impossible to tell if your symptoms are a sign you're suffering withdrawal and quit too quickly or are side effects of the new medication.
Avatar m tn My last Celexa dose was last Wednesday and this is Wednesday, a week later. The side effects of the drug continue as before. I am not having the electric zaps which are apparently a withdrawal symptom. Instead, I have just continued to feel the same side effects as when I was taking the drug. Not as bad but still pretty uncomfortable. Ironically, my insomnia is gone and I'm am sleeping well now. Has anyone out there experienced this with such a short course of Celexa (Citalapram)?
Avatar f tn I had the same issues. Ativan really had unusual side-effects. I even suffered from nausea and headaches. That's why I'm not fond of medications. I especially don't like increasing dosages and I wonder why doctors kept on recommending that. Anyway, what you should do instead is to back up your meds with alternative medication to increase the chance of it working. Meditate, exercise, and eat healthy.
497348 tn?1283436066 The most common side effects associated with citalopram are nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, excessive sweating, headache, tremor, drowsiness, and inability to sleep. Overall, between 1 in 6 and 1 in 5 persons experience a side effect. Citalopram is also associated with sexual dysfunction. Some patients may experience withdrawal reactions upon stopping citalopram.
Avatar f tn Which makes my anxiety skyrocket right before bed, i have at least one nightmare per night i often have one wake up from it go back to sleep have anther and so on. I was just wondering if anyone knows if nightmares are side effects of this medication.
Avatar n tn t worry too much about coming off of the meds. It can be done slowly - and at your own pace. Also, the side-effects from Lexapro / Celexa tend to be milder than the older SSRIs (like Prozac). I had some edginess, dull headache, and some stomach aches for the first few days (but they were gone in a week or so). It takes a few weeks for the medication to kick in - typically 2 - 4 weeks. However, the full effect might take up to 12 weeks to be felt.
484508 tn?1290010544 I was taking Celexa for a while and did have a few side effects that were a bit bothersome. The dizziness was one of them along with constipation and almost no sex drive. The dizziness seemed to taper off over a little bit of time though. I'm glad to hear that it's a least helping your problems with depression and anxiety though. Talk to your doctor if the side effects don't go away because there might be a better medication for you that can help you but, not give you the dizziness.
Avatar m tn re suffering withdrawal from the wellbutrin, or side effects from Celexa. Quitting an antidepressant abruptly is not advised -- although wellbutrin isn't one of the worst for withdrawal, they can all be difficult to stop taking and usually are tapered off. This is especially true when switching to a med in a completely class.
Avatar f tn m angry that he has put me on atenolol to counteract the side effects of bupropion. What is going to fight the side effects of the atenolol? I do not want to be a walking pharmacy.
Avatar f tn I do have serious trouble with sleep and one of the listed side-effects of W. is insomnia. My dose was increased from 150 to 300 at one time but it didn't help me feel better and my insomnia got worse... Now I have problems with meds for sleeping which is awful....I really don't get a decent night's sleep unless I take them and they are addictive so that's scary.
337492 tn?1212458836 I am starting to feel better, but I am having side effects. I have been on the lithium for a year so I am not worried about it, but I feel jittery, am shaky, and my heart rate is staying at 100 BPM. Will this calm down as the med gets in my system? 150 mg per day taken at 75 mg x2. I just want to make sure I will be ok. I see my new doctor on Tuesday. Thanks.
Avatar m tn Needless to say I quit the Zoloft and guess which SSRI gave me none of these side-effects............Celexa. Probably just not the right one for you unless the floaters are totally unrelated.
Avatar f tn Sleep disturbances and trouble sleeping are both side-effects of beta blockers in general. I know I have had issues with sleeping since starting Sotalol back in July last year. I would suspect that your problems are related to the Atenelol. If it doesn't improve there are other beta blockers and you could ask your GP to switch you to a different one.
Avatar f tn I really doubt that 5mgs of Celexa would be causing those side-effects. That's a tiny dose. I would see your doctor. Maybe something else is going on. I do believe the Celexa takes away some of my energy and the motivation to get things done around the house, but I take 60 mgs. I originally switched to the Celexa because my doc thought it would be less stimulating than past SSRI's I had tried. He was right and I have not had the sleep problems with it.
Avatar f tn Sometimes a patient's anxiety (and pain perception) can increase due to a psychological response to taking medication and not as a direct result of the medication per se. Sometimes we can be so acutely aware of side-effects that any physical, mental or emotional affect is attributed too or associated with the medication. Sometimes this is not based on reality but on our perception. I agree that two 10mg doses of Celexa could probably be stopped cold turkey without a taper.
Avatar f tn Yes, those are both fairly common side effects that WILL improve after a week or two. The good thing is, vacation is a perfect time to rest! So, if you're feeling a little more tired than usual, you can take it easy! Try not to focus too much on the side effects, really, for most people, they don't stick around too long. Hang in there!