
Celexa for depersonalization

Common Questions and Answers about Celexa for depersonalization


1779060 tn?1338646867 Before I started Celexa several years ago I fell into a deep depersonalization. Nothing felt real. I was on autopilot all day everyday. The Celexa seemed to help and I have since stopped taking it. I have days that I feel like a zombie and everything appears surreal but not like it was. I hope you start feeling better very quickly.
1305767 tn?1361192676 I saw my doctor and he upped my Celexa to 40mg, and put me on Abilify. I started feeling better for a week (I was also on my period at the time). Now I'm back to being irritable, anxiety, some depression. I also still feel strange. Like I'm not a part of the world and I can't seem to focus on anything other than what is inside my head and I feel like my head is floating above my body and I hate it because it adds to my anxiety.
Avatar m tn Help! I have had a "hazey feeling" behind my forehead that for 13 years, but I took Klonopin 2 mg and the symptoms went away. The KLonopin stopped working 8 months ago and the "brain fog" has been so bad thsat I lost my job and attempted suicide. I need help fast. I have had all the test possible: eeg, mris, Cts, etc. all negative. I can't concentrate, it is hard to talk, hard to think, please help.
1258539 tn?1293840202 I have been living with severe anxiety and depression along with depersonalization for the last 6 months. I just started cymbalta 60mg. Was wondering if anyone thinks this might help with the anxiety and depersonalization feelings?
Avatar m tn I have taken Klonopin for about five years. I used to take Effexor Xr with it and now I take Celexa ( generic form ). If I do not combine Klonopin w/SSRI I still get panic attacks and can't sleep. My new Doc wants me off the benzo, too. I only take 1 mg. per day, don't drink, don't smoke and live healthy. He put me on Buspar help and neurontin at night. I think just the Celexa and Klonopin will do less damage to my liver than all these other things.
Avatar f tn As for medication, I took Celexa for 3 days about 1or 2 months ago, and I was super sensitive to it so I had side effects and I felt worse even after I stopped. She next prescribed Prozac but am afraid to start it because I don't want things to go bad. I'm really worried as to what exactly is going on. I've been to countless doctors and they can't find anything. I just have a feeling in the back of my head that this might be something more than just anxiety.
Avatar n tn Hi, I have been prescribed celexa for my anxiety problems which were chest pains, dizzyness, loss of concentration etc. I have been on 20 mg now for about a month and a half and I was wondering how long it takes for a case like mine to recover and finally come off celexa. Also one weird thing ive noticed is that my eye is twitching a lot which is the only side effect I have from this drug. Will it go away? Anyone else taking celexa for anxiety?
Avatar f tn celexa is a good medication but when it comes to antidepressants u should follow the rule of {TRIAL AND ERROR} since there r different medications for depression our bodies responce is different so u should be on celexa for about 4 weeks to decide wether its good for u
Avatar f tn I am having a struggle right now. I have been going through depersonalization for the past couple of weeks because I began taking my meds again and this is a side effect in the beginning. But whats upsetting me is it literally seems like I dont recgonize myself in the mirror. My face looks different to me. No one else thinks my face looks different but to me it does. its frightening. I keep checking to see if it looks familiar again but it dosent.
Avatar f tn ve been diagnosed with anxiety for 20 years) Shortly after this you began to feel the depersonalization hit. Add to that being anemic, the exhaustion that can accompany that, having been sick for 5 weeks and NOW feel you may have a sinus infection............I'd say you had all the makings of an anxiety espisode with concurrent depersoanlization.
Avatar m tn alright i've been having this depersonalization for almost 2 months now i noticed that i don't have anxiety that much anymore, but in those 2 months and this only happens at night maybe times in the day but not as bad but anyway i feel like i'm not part of reality and have really bad memory it's so bad that i lose track of time but most of all it's like i'm losing my mind it scared the hell outta me please someone if u ever have been through what i'm going through ple
Avatar f tn Hi Kim , depersonalization can be a frightening and strange sensation . It will go away with time . I had it for a few months and now it's gone and it will be for you too !
993025 tn?1284886091 ve been on and off depressed for a few years and so much in my life is changing, I feel like I have nothing TO BE depressed for really, nothing that is SOOO bad that I should be feeling like this. But still I feel beside myself, like just BLAH... Down in the dumps-- nothing is worth enjoying. And I don't really realize it often times, until someone says something like "What's wrong?" "Are you ok?" "Are you mad at me?" or something like that.
190673 tn?1259203266 Has anyone who suffered from derealization and/or depersonalization recovered and if yes, how? I have this problem for years.
Avatar f tn sometimes mine feels like everything is unreal but also the enviroment or situation feels dark, eerie and sinister for the moment i am in that state of dp. i dont always experience this feeling with it but lately i have been. its almost as if something evil is going on it feels like. it the worst feeling i have ever had. caused me even much more fear. and now i feel like my whole brain is in a fog when i think back about it because it almost seems like the whole day was a dream.
1323306 tn?1274660642 I have had anxiety for a while now and it has been very severe.Recently it has infested within me instead of physical I feel separated from myself and confused and I constantly obsess over it,I also google everything and now I fear that I have a brain tumor or anyerism Im losing my patience and I dont know what else to do.Is this happening to anyone else?
Avatar f tn You sound like me 20 years ago! Anxiety is your problem! I too went away to college but had to come back home. I wanted to sleep to hide from the world. When it was time to go to class I couldn't keep my schedule straight or remember where the classrooms were. My brain went into a fog anytime I tried to go anywhere. I've been on meds (citalopram) for over 10 years. I think it works to an extent but only to mask the symptoms.
Avatar n tn It is an odd think. No miracle cure for it. I used to get it badly years ago. To the point were I once went to the shops with my mum, came home, whilst is that state, went to my room, came back down and asked my mum when where we going to the shops. Wasn't aware of the time we were out at all. Just does whacky things to you. I almost got knocked down because of it another time. Saw the car as been much further away. So walked across the road. The car was so much closer.
Avatar f tn I posted a while ago about possible OCD.. At the risk of sounding like a hypercondriac I'm fairly certain i've some symptoms connected to depersonalization? I never really thought much about it, but these days things are getting very difficult because of this. I've always been a bit ditzy, or a day dreamer, but I feel most days the only time i'm happy is when i'm i this world i've created in my head like an alternate reality.
1100140 tn?1260594269 didnt mean to offend or say anything wronge. just found it helped me.
Avatar n tn You say Been prescribed Celexa but Doc is considering that I might have bipolar 2, is the same doc who has prescribed celexa the one to have concluded BP2 or for instance you were prescribed celexa by a GP then your pdoc told you to stop it as you may have BP2. Incidentally all pharm companies marketing antidepressants say they don't drive people manic yet they do.
Avatar f tn I started getting panic attacks, so I started going to psychiatrist. They put me on klonopin then celexa for helping with anxiety and slight depression. I felt slightly better but not much. I've been off them for 6 months. It's hard to remember when I had what symptoms but I've been to get MRI, cat scan, holter moniter, had blood work, EKG and been to ER many times. I've been to primary care, urgent care, er, head and neck, neurologists, cardiologists, chiropractors.