
Celexa and elavil

Common Questions and Answers about Celexa and elavil


Avatar f tn He also mentioned trying elavil(which I took 5mg of 6 years ago for migraine prevention) I discussed it with my GP and she called me in the elavil and said I could try that or the 2.5mg of celexa to see what happens. I am just wanting some opinions since I reacted badly to the ssri's before is there any point in trying the low dose of celexa or should I try the elavil again?
Avatar n tn It took about 5-7 days with Zoloft 200-400mg and Elavil. I'm off the Elavil now and only on 200mg Zoloft.. I could NOT have done this without the Zoloft. I think Elavil helped also. It helps anxiety, pain, neuropathy, sleep, etc. If you are looking to get off Paxil, the only solution I could find was Zoloft. I tried every other SSRI and I'm able to cut down on Zoloft fine and have no panic attacks nor withdrawals.
Avatar f tn There are-Celexa,Zoloft,Paxil, Trazedone-helps w/sleep,Amitryptiline aka Elavil-old cheap and it works!BUT you MUST be honest with the prescribing doctor of these about your history of addiction.If the doc is not knowledgeable about addiction you need to go elsewhere and find one who is!AND different meds work differently on different what works for one might not work for you!
1268921 tn?1288919056 I read on a Neurology website that 150mg was very effective as a migraine preventative, so I started taking that amount a week ago and so far I have been migraine free! I took Celexa before trying Effexor and that gave me major sugar cravings and I gained 5 lbs in a week! Plus, I was getting horrible migraines just about everyday with it. Effexor XR has not given me any munchies. So, this is just something to think about as another option if you need one later.
Avatar f tn I have a strict rule for myself and that is no sweets after 4pm and I try and have dinner before 5pm and exercise before bed. I know it is very hard to exercise with chronic pain and dieting is not an answer either as a healthy diet is the best option. Maybe a program like weight watchers may help. I know it helps me when I do it as I have someone else to "compete" with:) Having to weigh every week and having a goal also helps.
1148698 tn?1261715542 Hi..I'm new here and hoping that someone might be able to answer this question. Can Elavil be used as an effective means to releive morphine withdrawl symtoms? I'm about to go down that road and I know the agony of withdrawl from morphine and don't want to go through it again...or at least as bad as it was before. I have decreased my morphine intake from 150mg a day down to 90mg within two days.
175688 tn?1297556647 I have seen many times Elavil prescribed to help people sleep, its main side-effects are drowsiness and sedation due to its anti-cholinergic activity, though not as potent as insomnia meds like benzodiazepines, ambien, or Lunesta, it is comparable in effectiveness in relieving insomnia to medications such as Seroquel or clonidine, which is also prescribed off label for insomnia.
Avatar n tn If it were me I would get off the lithium I was on it when first diagnosed with Bi poalr and I hated it for the very reason you stated. I now take celexa and zyprexa now for 7 years and I do great on them. I take them at night and they help lots to regulate my sleep as wellNow if I just didnt have to get up to go pee.LOL talk to your doc about changing your meds. good luck and let me know how it goes for you.
Avatar f tn My medications are Fentyl pain patch for pain, Darvocet and naproxen for break-through pain, Elavil, Effexor, and Celexa for SSRIs, Zocor for cholesterol control, Premarin (estrogen since I had a total hysterectomy), lisinopril for blood pressure, and synthroid for thyroid difficiency . I used to take Neuronton but the doctor took me off that and I haven't noticed a difference.
Avatar f tn Hi everyone. I saw my neurosurgeon today for follow up and he wants to start me on Elavil 10 mg at bedtime and then increase to 25 mg if needed. He said he thinks it could help my pressure headaches. Has anyone taken this medication and how was your experience on it. Thanks for the continued support.
2107676 tn?1388973859 Pat I know several people who took elavil and yes it just evened them out. U know who I ask instead of the dr?? The pharmacist. They are useful in giving good accurate information on this stuff. I now goggle everything myself then check with a pharmacist. Good luck Hun. Hope ur doing ok. Missed seeing u on here!!
Avatar n tn • the Tricyclic antidepressants such as Amitriptyline (Elavil), Imipramine (Tofranil), and Doxepin (Sinequan) • the Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) such as Tranylcypromine (Parnate), Isocarboxazid (Marplan) and Phenelzine (Nardil) • the Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Paroxetine (Paxil) • the atypical anti-depressants such as Mirtazapine (Remeron) and Trazodone.
1100837 tn?1267668675 Now wants me to get off of Elavil 25mg and Adderal 15mg. Doctor says take the Neurontin for sleep. The Elavil works best for pain, but I can hardly get up in the mornings and it has made me gain 10 plus pounds and counting. I take Clonapin 0.5mg twice a day. Getting off the Elavil, I am having cold feet and hands and a very unsettling feeling and absolutley no energy. Is this withdraw and how long do i suffer?
175688 tn?1297556647 Meloxicam is just an NSAID like Ibuprofen or Celebrex. It might help with some aches and pains. The Elavil might help with the depression aspect, but it would take several weeks to kick in. I wouldn't expect much help from either.
Avatar m tn CeleXa inhibits reuptake allowing more seratonin to be left in the synaptic gap causing the threshold for the nerves firing to be techniquelly less because less has to be delivered for the spark to occur since more is already there and available. I have smoked M. for 2 years and recently started CeleXa. The only thing ive noticed thus far is that I am less affected by the M. now that I am on CeleXa.
Avatar f tn I'm having bad side effects from starting Elavil for nighttime and Wellbutrin in the morning. Does anyone get panic attacks and sweating from the combination? I was less depressed with just the Wellbutrin but am taking the Elavil for chronic pain. It helps somewhat but I don't know why I feel worse mentally and it doesn't help to wake up listless and sweating. A new doctor added the Elavil but I don't know if it's worth taking since it only relieves some pain, not all.
1268921 tn?1288919056 d it as an acephalgic complicated migraine (w/stroke like, unresolved visual symptoms)--upped elavil to 25mg and planned to up it in 2 weeks to 50mg. The elavil caused me to gain weight (10lbs in 2 weeks!!!) and I wasn't happy! I switched to verapamil--120mg extended release.
Avatar f tn got new dr after this and he has put me back on the elavil but at 50 mg to try to increase my appetite and gain weight back plus the headaches were coming back but the withdrawels problems are still with me i guess cause its a low dose of elavil. i get my heart checked every 2 weeks now and i am fine with the qt thing. i take the chemo pill called gleevec and have to force myself to eat so i dont get sick when i take it. how long will these withdrawel problems go on?
5140021 tn?1364185966 I read a paper that Celexa helps vertigo. anyone experience this? I may have to get back on Celexa and not for Panic or Anxiety but for the vertigo that started 3 days ago.
Avatar f tn I used to feel the same way. I wanted to just drive off a bridge! I got the therapy I needed. I have GAD. I deal with it, but I have tried so many meds, the best one with not any complications is my Elavil (amtriptylene), I am on 25mg. I was on Celexa also but it has some bad side effects and made me sleepy in the day time. I take my Elavil at night before bed, and it stops my "movie" I experience at bedtime.
Avatar n tn I have been taking synthroid for a few years for my hypothyroid. I also suffer from chronic headache and take depakote and elavil every day as preventatives. I am worried if surgery could make my headaches worse? Is it possible? Any help would be appreciated.
Avatar n tn I am going through IVF and am on Elavil and not sure I can get off of it. Please help me with any information that you may have.
1302779 tn?1287405029 hello all i have been on 40mg celexa and .05 klonopin for a few months now. I feel that the ssri doesnt relly touch the anxiety ,and without the klonopin i would still be anxious! Does anyone get anxiety relief from there ssri alone? i know many people take 2 or more meds and I just wanted to know if im on the right track. any input would be great!
Avatar f tn I got parvovirus B19 in 2010 and have been suffering from peripheral neuropathy and tachycardia since then. I take 20 mg Elavil for the neuropathy (for two years) and 5mg bisoprolol for the tachy (for 8 months). I have been getting frequent chiropractic adjustments for a back injury, massages and acupuncture. I have had my eyes tested - mild far sightedness that does not require prescription. Any idea what might be causing this, or what I should expect from my neurologist.
Avatar f tn I am convinced that my Celexa is a major culprit in my weight gain. Before Celexa, I was on Zoloft, and the first week on Zoloft I lost weight, but then stabilized and slowly began to gain weight. the weight gain was not a big amount but it did happen. Then a few yrs later, I began having problems on Zoloft so my Doc switched me to Celexa, and "whamo!", BIG WEIGHT GAIN! It was amazing! On top of the weight gain, Celexa has made me lethargic and very tired.
Avatar m tn At first, Celexa made me sleepy and relaxed. Believe me, this was a Good Thing! At last, I could sleep well! I cannot say that the drug itself decreased my PVCs--however, it DID decrease my awareness of them. Since their frequency was related to my anxiety and awareness of them (because of the effects of adrenaline), as I became less and less conscious of these sensations, the frequency of PVCs decreased dramatically. Trust your doctor and give this a try.
1166402 tn?1303847056 I just started 20 mg of generic Celexa (3 days ago) and the doc also gave me Ambien and Klonopin (take .25mg) to relieve the anxiety until the Celexa kicks in. I wake up shaky/hot and kind of panicky. Which drug is this from drugs, or is it still the anxiety. I know this takes time, but I don't want to mess with any drugs that might be making the symptoms worse (i.e Klonopin or Ambien). I also don't want to become dependent on the Klonopin and ambien either.