
Celexa and buspar

Common Questions and Answers about Celexa and buspar


Avatar n tn Buspar did nothing for my anxiety. I take Celexa and klonopin ( tapered down to under a mg. per day) Celexa does help. My doc took it for anxiety, himself.
Avatar f tn I only started them 8 weeks ago, .50 zoloft and .50 klonopin 3x/day. Started to feel extreme anxiousness in the mornings, and blamed the zoloft so I asked my doctor to get off it and she gave me a tapering schedule, once off that I will begin tapering off the klonopin (using buspar---not as addictive as other benzos, so dr said). Hoping I can try to work my way through these attacks without medicine. Are you suppose to take celexa for anxiety. Is the anxiety severe enough?
Avatar n tn I have been taking Celexa and adderall together for about a year now and things have been working great. My only problem has been the sexual side-effects which have made my sex drive almost nothing. Because I entered into a serious relationship within these past couple months my doctor and I started discussing potential drugs that would increase my libido. She suggested Buspar. However, I have only been taking Buspar for two days and feel like it is having a counteractive affect on my adderall.
Avatar f tn No, no, no. You don't do these meds with a nurse practitioner, for goodness sake. You only do this with an experienced psychiatrist you trust. That's a lot of medication and potential interactions, and these meds are hard to start and hard to quit. And most importantly, if you're doing great, why do you want another drug? None of them completely rid one of the problem.
Avatar n tn not sure about buspar.....but i was prescribed celexa AND xanax for a 'rescue' drug. Obviously, the intent is to start using the buspar so you will no longer need the xanax which is addictive. For me, I had to take a 1/2 of xanax or so a day (along with the celexa) for the 1st 2 weeks when my anxiety built up. I haven't felt the need to take a xanax in quite a while so the celexa is working. I think you'll probablly take the buspar daily....
Avatar n tn hi my doctor is putting my wife on celexa for her anxiety and panic attacks, i was wondering does anyone take it and how it makes you feel, she has been taking buspar for 3 days and i think it made her worse and help would be greatly aprreciated
Avatar f tn Drop the buspar, it doesn't do anything. Why trazodone and ambien? And Celexa usually causes weight gain.
1166402 tn?1303847056 I still have obsessive thoughts and feel the Celexa might not be doing anything for my anxiety. What about Effexor? I heard the withdrawals are bad? What about Buspar? Any luck with that drug?
Avatar f tn I am at the highest dose of Celexa and dread switching meds. I also take 1.25 mgs of Klonopin daily. My anxiety is not as controlled as it used to be. Has anyone had success adding another med to the Celexa or similar ssri. Nuclear is the only thing I can think of and I haven't heard much good about it. Also I am getting depressed over my anxiety. I feel like I have nothing to look forward to. I retired and it made everything worse.
Avatar f tn 5mg of celexa and worked them up. My old pysc wrote me the RX for celexa in January and I never got brave enough to try it. He also mentioned trying elavil(which I took 5mg of 6 years ago for migraine prevention) I discussed it with my GP and she called me in the elavil and said I could try that or the 2.5mg of celexa to see what happens.
382193 tn?1205765111 Has anyone been prescribed buspar for anxiety?? Its supposed to be nonaddicting and not like benzos....please let me know. Thanks!
Avatar f tn i suffer from severe anxiety and panic attacks lately i would say the past few months and its just getting worse and worse.. my dr. gave me buspirone its a low dose and really not doing much for me. i wanted to know if anyone else has taken this and if its helping.
1305767 tn?1361192676 Thanks for your reply. I have dropped my does down to 5 mg instead of 10 mg for now because of the side effects. Do you find it helps with your anxiety?
Avatar f tn ive recently (since thursday) been put on Buspar 15 mgs a day twice a day. for now only taking 7.5 mgs at a time for the first 2 weeks then up to 15. im told its one of those keep taking consistantly to see the effects kinda meds, & my pharmacy tech teacher said she hasnt heard anything bad about it really. but its the first time ive actually been put on some form of anti-anxiety agent...which is probably what i ultimately needed.
Avatar m tn t help with the anxiety and panic I get when I go out. If you only suffer from GAD and a little depression you might want to give pristiq and buspar a try. I know Buspar alone is just for GAD. and of course pristiq is an antidepressant. I hope this helps.
Avatar m tn I just started Celexa 3 nights ago for anxiety. My psy told me to take 5mg for 5 nights, then bump it up to 10mg a night. So i have been on it for 3 nights now along with .5mg lorazopam in the AM and PM. I don't have an anxiety diasorder but the dr. told me that iam right on the fringe of panic disorder. i don't have panic attacks, but i work myself up with questions like "OMG when will it go away", "when will I be normal"?
Avatar m tn Yea seen a pcyc thurs took me off the zoloft because of being wired and having some weight loss issues. He put me on buspar which I really know nothing about just started my first dose this morning he said it shouldn't be to bad to start up on but I felt pretty crappy after awhile this afternoon a lil dizzy and head aches. Gonna give it a shot if it doesn't help not sure what to do next kinda of tired of feelin ok one day than like crap for six.
Avatar m tn I was first prescribed Zolft for Depression then was switched to Paxil, then Effexor and now on 40 mg Celexa 1 x a day. I had panics due to stress and was prescribed Alprazolam along with the Celexa. I was gradually increased to 2mg Alprazolam 3 x day over 4 years and now having no insurance or vehicle my Dr. refused to see me due to missing 2 appts. I had severe withdrawels and ended up in the emergency room. I now have another Dr. who prescribed .
209384 tn?1231168306 I used to take that much until last fall when I told my head doc I was sleepy all the time so she knocked me dwon to 5 mg celexa. and I felt alot better. More alert. I still take a little nap at lunch but hey I am almost 51 years oldl lol Let us know how things turn out.
Avatar n tn Unfortunately Buspar did not work for me.
Avatar f tn Thanks! Feeling better. My N.P.let me know I should not be wiening Celexa and take prozac while wiening. I am now just on Prozac and Buspar. Feeling ok. Just tired and jittery at times. I can't wait until this Prozac kicks in.
Avatar n tn You would need to discuss the switch and tapering with him. it is his job to know what is best given your history, medical status, etc.
Avatar f tn Next thing I know I was so depressed , Dr. upped Celexa to 20 mg.I started having panic and anxiety, could the celexa cause this? This is my 13th day on 20mg.
Avatar f tn Seems this has started to happen as my anxiety has started up again. Doctor prescribed Buspar at night before bedtime. I use a cpap and track my events on an app, they have not changed, still within my norm. Worried it is my heart, which makes the anxiety worse.
Avatar n tn no...tried zoloft and buspar over the summer...didnt like the sides so i quit...havent really had any major issues until sunday..just felt weird all day so i popped a xanax but it had the opposite effect on me it seems..
Avatar f tn I have taken Effexor for 3 years now. This summer my ex-husband helped me to aquire another medication. Celexa which was given to me by th ER doctor. My regular doctor kept me on effexor, buspar, and celexa with ativan as needed. These were the medications that I've taken for roughly 7 months now. Went to my doctor for a prescription refill on my Effexor and now all of a sudden he WON'T fill it. I've GONE COLD TURKEY!!!
Avatar n tn ) it is I amm on it for depression and anxiety- and lamictal for bi polar and buspar for anxiety ; )
2001101 tn?1331494740 I went to my family doctor and she told me its anxiety...started on Celexa and klonopin and I am happy to say I already feel great. I will get waves of anxiety in the middle of the night but they go away fast and I am back to sleep. The anxiety can really consume you which is what is so terrible. Did they give you any meds? The klonopin helped a lot while the celexa kicked in. I don't need the klonopin now. I have had no side effects either from the Celexa.