
Carb vs gluten

Common Questions and Answers about Carb vs gluten


Avatar f tn At this time when I eat very little sugar, or higher carb cakes (I live gluten free life, but flours like white rice flour has high carbs, that I coud not avoid yet, but I'm working on it). So when I eat a self-baked gluten free biscuit with higher carb flours, I get this strange vibration. Like an earthquake inside me. What do you think, can this be a withdrawal symptom of sugar? I hope so, and just hope that it will go away when my body will adjust.
Avatar f tn I would also eliminate gluten along with the low carb diet. If you try the low carb diet, make sure you take the recommended nutrients. They are recommended for a reason. And some people get silly with the diet and don't take in any carbs - DON'T DO THAT! Maybe you can call your doctor to make sure this diet is safe for you.
988694 tn?1332359479 Hi, low carb diet works wonders for diabetics. I went on a low carb diet, lost approx 100 lbs ! which put my diabetic levels back into normal range. As for thyroid function, I never noticed any changes in my hormone labs, due to low carb diet.
Avatar m tn Barb, I was on low-carb diet for a long time, but recently I found out that for many people like me, eating a low-carb diet may weaken the thyroid or even cause hypothyroid. If you google "low carb diet and low thyroid", you will see that eating "safe" carbs like sweet potatoes or rice will help out your thyroid a lot. http://chriskresser.
774736 tn?1311331385 net, it is more accurate to say gluten intolerance and not gluten sensitivity, unless you have tested positive for a definite allergy to gluten. So, you can have gluten intolerance minus the gluten sensitivity. But, if you have definite gluten sensitivity, you already have gluten intolerance. Go to YouTube, then type in and you will find their free video. Look for the one that has a flow chart in the preview and says Glutenology in the address under the preview.
1182699 tn?1297574784 Juvenile diabetes, in some cases, can be associated with gluten and/or casein intolerances. It's possible getting off of gluten (which is in wheat, barley, rye and oats) could solve the problem. I would get shaky, feel faint and have heart racing after eating gluten containing foods - I didn't realize the gluten was causing the problem until I got off of it. When I cheated a little, I would get the same symptoms again. Just a thought.
Avatar m tn My question is would Weight Watchers be a good diet for me go follow or the carb counting one i am on now ? I just found out i have to eat gluten free foods also this is why i am confused on which diet i should follow i am use to the carb counting .
Avatar f tn s been stressful planning these meals around the holidays (diabetic-friendly, dairy-free, gluten-free meals are hard to come by). Thanks so much!
Avatar m tn Are you following a lower carb diet with your daughter? A high carb diet can make blood sugars very hard to control (and need lots of insulin). Low carb is safe for children and doesn't affect growth (it is the very high blood sugars that are not safe, and which restrict physical and mental development of children). If you are interested to know more about low carb and diabetes management, I can refer you to read Dr. Richard Bernstein "Diabetes Solutions".
1812479 tn?1316868350 Most packaged foods have some form of gluten in them. My thyroid numbers do not seem to be effected by gluten, however, so I think the gluten sensitivity probably isn't causing my thyroid problem. I certainly don't think it hurts to stop eating gluten, you can still get plenty of carbs thru whole foods. I also have found that when I do eat the gluten free products, I like them better if I haven't eaten the gluten filled products for awhile.
Avatar m tn I was not tested for RA but have been tested twice for celiac antibodies and have come up negative. However, my nurse practitioner suggested I try a gluten free diet and my symptoms went away almost immediately. I have since been diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (already knew I was subclinically hypothyroid and was taking low dose meds for about 2 years which seem to be controlling it).
Avatar f tn Definitely consider going gluten and dairy free. Everyone but one person I know with FM has trouble with gluten and dairy. Also, since going gluten and dairy free I don't have the major eczema flare ups on my hands any more.
Avatar f tn I have gastroparesis, recently diagnosed, and I am furiously researching the right diet I should be on because I know carbs make me sick so I am currently on a low fat/low carb type of diet but I stumbled upon a Celiac website and I could NOT believe the nunber of people who have BOTH celiac and gastroparesis or gluten sensitivty and gastroparesis. I think this is very interesting.
793305 tn?1493925518 For some people it makes a difference if they eat simple vs complex carbs, for example whole grain breads, brown rice, etc. For some it makes no difference at all, a carb is a carb. For all of us all forms of sugar jack up our blood sugar. The key as to what you can eat is to test, test, test. Try eating a favorite food and test two hours later. You want to be under 140. If you are higher than you can't eat that food or at least that portion of that food.
Avatar n tn Its caused by a bad reaction to carbs after malnutrtion, my doctor says. I am on a low carb, low sodium, gluten free diet, but so far, still like a beachball. Doc called today and said I should "spontaneously diurese" any day now. Waiting!!
Avatar n tn I eat under 50gr of carbs a day. Reasonable or not depends on who you ask. We do know carbs are what your body turns to Blood Glucose (BG). Dont confuse the carb with the stuff its mixed with, vitamins, minerals. All those are available in other foods without the carbs.
Avatar m tn rbc was 4.48 vs low end of 4.50, platelet at 144 vs low of 150 on range and 11 MPV vs. high range of 10...all other labs were fine...
Avatar f tn There are no scientific studies that show going gluten, dairy, sugar free, low carb, etc will lower your antibody count... While the antibodies may cause some inflammation/swelling of the thyroid, your main symptoms are actually the result of hypothyroidism, caused by reduced thyroid function, not from the antibodies themselves.
Avatar n tn It takes some time for the weight loss to occur, but it is mostly the result of changing your diet. Change to low carb, high fat and protien diet. Get rid of sugar and gluten.
Avatar n tn I do think it's a colon issue. It might be a cardiology issue, but I think it's the colon spasming, which suggests IBS. All the other symptoms you mentioned are a part of IBS, too. The bloating is a big part of IBS. You'll have to learn about proper dietary control, but the conventional GI doctor may not give you enough information. Many with IBS have gluten intolerance issues, but conventional doctors may refute this.
Avatar m tn I know with myself, when I get those kinds of rashes, I eat a low carb diet and a gluten free diet and the rash clears up within a few days. Hope this helps!
1094370 tn?1317134825 I previously was eating Fiber One cereal which works well for me but I am trying to go gluten free because of digestive issues. I have been tested and do not have celiacs but a holistic doctor said that I have an intolerance to gluten. Not sure if I believe it or not because I have cut gluten from my diet and do not notice any differences when I put it back in... Thanks and any advice on this powder would be appreciated!