
Asacol for crohn's disease

Common Questions and Answers about Asacol for crohn's disease


Avatar n tn Hope this helps. It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage. Do discuss this with your gastroenterologist. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
Avatar f tn My doctor put me on Asacol and I had horrible uncontrollable diarrhea. I took it for a few months and decided constipation was less painful and embarressing than diarrhea. You may try drinking Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with honey. It's a natural remedy for reducing inflammation and it works.
1483944 tn?1288100910 IBS and Crohn's are extremely different. There really shouldn't be any confusion in diagnosing between the two. The problem at times is diagnosing between Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis as they are parts of a continuous spectrum of the disease. Crohn's is an auto-immune disorder that can occur anywhere from your esophagus to your anus. The location and extent of inflammation and ulcers often are what lead to one diagnosis or another.
Avatar n tn s and have been on various treatments since then. I have been taking Asacol for years. I have also used enemas--sometimes daily and sometimes twice a day. I had been on Remicade briefly--3 treatments--before going on to Immuran, an immunosuppressant, which worked for about 3 yrs. But, last November I had another flare up. I tried to just deal with it, hoping that it would clear up on it's own because I detest going on steroids--it really screws up my diabetes.
Avatar m tn Crohn's disease may be present only in small intestine (often just on the end of it). This can be checked during colonoscopy (not sure if your doctor did). It is a capsule endoscopy that can take pictures of your entire small intestine and show if there are any mucosal changes.
Avatar m tn Does Crohn's disease affect an hepatits c antibody test... and if so how long should you wait to be tested after exposure? Exposure was through a sub q needle stick at work... i was wearing gloves and got tested 7 and a half months after it. Negative results but I have had crohn's disease for at least 2-3 years... I am currently taking ASACOL HD 800mg 2 tabs twice a day.. i also have ulcerated colitis... I have ocasional diarrhea nothing to bad.
Avatar m tn I would also consider blood tests to look for celiac disease, as well as breath tests to evaluate for bacterial overgrowth or lactose deficiency. These options can be discussed with your personal physician or GI consultant. This answer is not intended as and does not substitute for medical advice - the information presented is for patient education only. Please see your personal physician for further evaluation of your individual case. Kevin Pho, M.D. Twitter.
Avatar f tn Hi Lily - sorry for the late response - I have been away for a week. Can you not find another doctor, especially a gastro who has experience of treating Crohn's? Asacol is really a very old drug and there are so many newer alternatives on the market now that could help you. I have had Crohn's for 38 years and have never heard of "pain in the rectum and lower left side" being caused by scar tissue.
Avatar m tn Hello all.. 30 yrs old male, been diagnosed today with IBD after a sigmoidoscopy and waiting for biopsy results. Doctor said it is likely Crohn's.
Avatar n tn Had coloscopy in August-showed some mild inflammation in ilieum and rectal area-was put on Asacol. Asacol helped the rectal pain but RLQ pain continued. Went back to ED in Nov for severe RLQ pain. CT and bloodwork normal. I had changed from Asacol to Pentasa the week before and the rectal pain had come back-significant burning pain. Went to another doctor and had more bloodwork-borderline IBD tests. Went off Pentasa for a few days in Dec and had severe RLQ pain and right hand pain.
Avatar m tn I hope some doctor responds to your question. The thickening in ileum and small intestine could point towards Crohn's. Are you still on steroids and/or anti-inflamatory meds? How about your CRP &ESR. Mine would keep fluctuating I.e. High with a flare and going down after meds for a few days. It would be a breakthrough case if you have correctly been treated for Crohn's and now correctly downgraded to IBS...someone with medical training pls respond.
Avatar f tn Thanks so much for responding. I am taking Asacol for the Crohn's disease. I take 400mg - 6 tabs daily.
1115182 tn?1258760246 I have had Crohn's for 40 yrs; 30 yrs on steroids, 10 on methotrexate. Originally oral, 25 mg a week, but last 4 yrs weekly injections of 25 mg. I had a hemi-colectomy in March 09, with 15 cm of my small and large intestines removed. Unfortunately, I then had a big flare in late September requiring 2 weeks again in hospital. I was put on remicade: gastro said I would have only 3 infusions: 0, 2 weeks, 6 weeks, but still had faecal incontinence and failure to put on weight.
1446077 tn?1284510191 My gastro is now saying I have IBS and there is nothing more he can do. I am taking Asacol 400 3/3x day and Levisin for pain. I have noticed a slight decrease in bowel movements but no decrease in the pain. What else can I do to get relief?
420686 tn?1219632592 For the people out there who are or were pregnant and had crohn's, how did you do? Did you symptoms get better? worse? Are people with Crohn's a high risk pregnancy?
Avatar f tn I have lupus and deal with diarrhea everyday. I take an herb that has been a tremendous blessing. It's called Slippery Elm. It coats he entire digestive tract. I take one/daily as a maintance. But on occasion, the symptoms are overwhelming. I'll take (2) several times a day for those stubborn flare-ups. My heart really goes out to you as I know how this can alter a person's life. I'm not familiar with the medicine you spoke of.
Avatar f tn I have been on it, but for me it did not do anything, but I have a really bad case of crohn's. I have been on every medication in the book except for remicaid which they are doing next, but here are some of the meds that seemed to help me the most. entocort prednisone 40mg daily for 1 week, then 30 a day for a week, 20mg a day for a week, 10mg a day for a week 5mg a day for a week.
Avatar m tn My daughter has Crohn's disease and had it about 1 yr at least.At 1st she would go to bath rm and it was all blood for quite awhile then they did biopies and found crohns.Shes on asscol meds( not sure spelling) and predisone. She been on predisone since July as when she gets off she starts up again.The dr wants her to take med..6MP and she scared and won't do it.She needs to get off predisone and 6mp causes cnacer and lose ur hair her pharmist told her.
Avatar n tn I also have a dull ache in the right hand side which is now creeping up into my Right Kidney........It took a while before I was diagnosed with Crohns (since May 2008), as all my blood test results and scans were coming back normal, which was so frustrating, as, I also was being treated for IBS which I knew it wasn't as I have had IBS for 10 years!
Avatar f tn Oh i know i hate it. i dont really eat a whole lot of anything so my diet really isnt my problem. I dont know what the problem is honestly. I just wish that something productive was being done. Thankfully I have found a doctor that I absolutely adore as a doctor. The first gastro doctor I went to told me there was no hope for me and that I was just going to have to live with the pain for the rest of my life.
Avatar n tn My daughter has been suffering from Crohn's for about 4 years- she is now 19. Most of her symptoms are well controlled by 6-MP. However, she has intense pain with bowel movements from small fissures and rectal spasm. The pain may last several hours. We have tried botox, which worked for a little while but had urgency associated with it. She is afraid of surgery as no-one has been able to give her any clear idea of the risks of incontinence after surgery.
Avatar f tn I was your age when I was taking 22 pills a day for Crohn's and not making any progress on the disease at all. At age 35 I was so ill I almost died and the doctors gave me an ileostomy. I thought it would be the end of my life but it turned out to be the beginning. I never felt better. That surgery was in 1985. I am still doing well. If you ever want to ask me any questions about the surgery please do.
Avatar n tn Hi Nenalicia2, It's possible it has something to do with the IUD. Have you had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy? The pathologist will look at cell samples and let you know if it looks like you have acute or chronic colitis. Chronic is associated with conditions such as Crohn's or UC, while acute colitis could be the result of an infection or antibiotic aftermath. I had a copper IUD (paraguard) inserted in the fall of 2007.
Avatar n tn My colonoscopy showed an area of inflammation. I am lucky because I have been on Asacol to keep it all in check and Librax for the cramping during the attacks. This seems to keep my disease in check. Now that I have probably given too much info I will tell you what I tell everyone I know which is....always keep searching if you don't feel that you have good answers. Good luck.
501944 tn?1224056021 I have had Crohn's disease for about 3 years and I am having problems with vomiting and I don't know what to do!! If you have any advice please help, I feel lost! I have some problems swallowing and I frequently feel like there is something in my throat ready to come up. I was vomiting almost every night for about two weeks I then felt a little better and it only occurred every couple of days. Well right now I can't hold anything down. I'm afraid to eat, but I am hungry.
Avatar n tn My husband was diagnosed with Crohn's back in April 08 just a few weeks before he was scheduled for gastric bypass surgery. I've been very leary of the whole diagnosis for three reasons, 1st he weighs over 500lbs and 2nd he had a bout of c-diff at the same time as all the colonoscopies, he's had diarrhea almost daily since he had his gallbladder out in 1996. I suspected it had bile salt diarrhea and wanted the doctor to check before he had his surgery.