
Asacol and kidney function

Common Questions and Answers about Asacol and kidney function


Avatar f tn My doctor put me on Asacol and I had horrible uncontrollable diarrhea. I took it for a few months and decided constipation was less painful and embarressing than diarrhea. You may try drinking Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with honey. It's a natural remedy for reducing inflammation and it works.
Avatar f tn All other tests and antibodies were negative, SED rate was normal, liver and kidney chemistries normal, C-reactive protein normal, no anemia, CBC normal, etc. Doc wants me to start Asacol but the side effects seem worse than my mild diarrhea. Question is, should I take the anti-inflammatory to try and stop the autoimmune process? The rheumy thinks this could progress to Crohn's, Colitis or autoimmune hepatitis someday. I'm thinking about consulting a naturopathic doctor.
89592 tn?1391274422 saw him on the 5th and called him yesterday to remind him of my liver concern and he said the asacol would be okay. I also have a question for Dr Schiano to get his thoughts. Thank you...I will do some more checking...I did get the pamphlets from my drugstore concerning the asacol and checked online. UGH....I just dont want to do more damage.
Avatar n tn Dosage should be properly followed and if u are experiencing digestive or renal problems, consult your doctor. Alcohol can increase the chances of a fatty liver and if u feel some type of pain and inflammation in your liver region, then consult your doctor.
Avatar n tn my bun is 63 and my creatine is 8.02 and im 60 yrs. old.
Avatar m tn I enjoy the Lialda because I was taking 3 pills three times a day with Asacol and now I only take 4 pills once a day with Lialda. I haven't been on the Lialda for very long, but so far the results are good. I'm not sure that it is better than Asacol, but I think it is easier and equal in performance. You might ask your doctor if they have any prescription cards for Lialda. My doctor was given cards from Lialda, which you can use with your insurance.
1326572 tn?1275500911 My liver and blood count look great but my doc said my kidney function is slightly off. The creatinine is high at 1.09 and the GFR is low at 54. I was occasionally taking ibuprofen but have stopped completely now. I'm also on mtx, folic acid, norco for pain and also xanax. The doc said she wasn't too worried but she wants to watch it. I'm wondering if anyone else has had the same sort of thing.
Avatar f tn I started Asacol almost two weeks ago, and it worked very well after a couple of days, but after almost two weeks, I got very weak, dizzy spells, fatigue, like the flu. It's been five days, and most of the time I need to lay down. I couldn't go to work today. When does it stop? I stopped the medication four days ago. It was for colitis.
686769 tn?1236272131 it helped me out tremendously... i did it before and received asacol, not sure if asacol will even work for you, but i found it to be more effective than pentasa. also there's a generic available for steroid enemas (not proctor and gamble), i believe... still expensive but helps out.
Avatar n tn You can progress very rapidly to NO kidney function and be on dialysis and having to wait for a kidney transplant. And we all know how that one goes--there is a shortage of transplantable kidneys and they go to the people who have been on the list the longest. So get to a kidney doctor now!
Avatar m tn Try to stay away from dairy, alcohol, grains (have rice instead). If you can figure out what triggered the flare, that would be helpful so you know to avoid it in the future.
Avatar f tn When Dad is in heart failure he needs additional dosages of diaretics. Too much diaretic can effect kidney function and too little will effect heart function. We did see a kidney specialist concerning this, and the primary care physician is in communication with him. Dad also has vascular dementia. I know how hard dealing with memory loss can be for both patient and family. I will keep you all in my prayers.
Avatar m tn and creatinine is very poor test for kidneys function, for example body builders can have high creatinine but everything is is too dependent on muscles and many with kidneys damage never get it abnormal much better all the other tests by the way hbv damages kidneys too, it can infect kidneys but not replicate there.
Avatar f tn I have had back pain around kidney area for a few months and went to docs. She examined me and said my right kidney was inflammed. I was starting to get some pain right side under ribcage too. Mild dull ache type pain. Also still around side and back. Went back 2 weeks later and she examined again and said kidney had gone down but could still feel it. Sent me for an Ultrasound scan. I went on Wednesday this week.Thursday the surgery called me to make appointmen for a blood test (LFT).
Avatar m tn Next day pan got worse and started coming from kidney area. Couldnt bare the pain after 7 days so I stopped and pain eventually faded after 2 weeks. Told my doc, he said it was probably in my head and wrote a new script for a different form of Mesalamine (which is what Asacol is). I decided to pursue all other options before trying this medication.
Avatar n tn I have noticed that my asacol is not breaking down and is being passed in my stool! Is their a reason for this? What can/should I do?
Avatar n tn Two normal kidneys account for 100% of kidney function. A single kidney provides about 50% of kidney function. One can lead a normal life with one kidney as long as the single kidney remains healthy. When kidney function drops to less than 50% of normal, the risk of health problems increases. Serious health problems are more frequent when kidney function drops to below 20%. Dialysis or transplant is necessary if kidney function falls to 15% or below.
Avatar n tn His cardiac surgeon was concerned going into surgery about his right kidney because of his kidney function. He has had kidney stones in past and has had problems since with it. I'm hoping this is just due to surgery since it was an 8 hour procedure. Any info about this would be helpful.
Avatar f tn I know from my own kidney disease (CKD) and my siblings and mother kidney problems that we have PKD. It’s genetic from one parent which means it starts later in in life (30+yrs or older). If both parents carry the gene then problems start in early childhood. My daughters started at age 2 and she is 43 with high BP and other kidney problems. Drugs can cause problems but you usually recover with minimal damage.
420686 tn?1219632592 After having her, I had CD and went to a GI doctor and got diagnosed with Crohns. With medicine (ASACOL) all my symptons went away in about 4 months.. Then I got pregant with my son in 2005 and I had a great pregnancy.. no problems, no symptons of Crohns. The day I gave birth to him, my Crohns came back with a vengance. All my symptons came back and they were worse than before. This time, my medicine (ASACOL) didnt work and had to go with something stronger.
Avatar m tn The Gastro doc wants to treat me with Asacol, but I am suffering from CKD GFRaround 45%.......I told doc and he said ok entercort would be the alternative. that is also an issue as i am a diabetic I have read that just taking imodium and fiber works quiet often also pepto bismol is this correct, Immodium is what i have been using for the last four years any where from 1/2 a pill per day to 1 pill depending if I have not had a movement for day then i back off until I do.