
Antihistamine for travel sickness

Common Questions and Answers about Antihistamine for travel sickness


Avatar f tn not life or death type allergies, but sneezing, itchy nose and eyes, headaches. I take a one a day antihistamine to deal with it. .. but it says on the box not to take if pregnant. Im only 7 weeks, and have stopped taking them... but my allergies are horrible at the moment. All the sneezing is not helping with my morning sickness. During my last pregancey my symptoms actually went away but not this time... my question is can i take my antihistamine?
1110049 tn?1409402144 2 to 4 mg. per pound orally every 8 hrs.
1635132 tn?1305063930 Hi, Dramamine or dimenhydrinate is usually indicated for nausea, vomiting, and dizziness caused by motion sickness. This antihistamine also treat other motion and balance problems or inner ear problems. If your headache is associated with allergies, this medicine may greatly help stop histamine release. Talk to your doctor about this for proper management. Take care and best regards.
Avatar f tn I used seabands for my morning sickness,which lastest all day.
Avatar n tn Im 6weeks pregnant today and the past week I have had all day sickness. Whether its vomiting or feeling nausas. I feel so useless any ideas on what I could do toget through my work day without having to leave.
1164791 tn?1301310041 the only thing I recommend that is the safest to use is a homeo product called Rescue Remedy. its good for calming during travel or any trauma such as surgery or a trip to the Vets... I have used it for my own...good luck to you all.
666921 tn?1254990618 I personally don't take antihistamine but just some advice I read that - antihistamine suppresses the immune system - never thought about it before - they work like steroids - some very good advice on another forum was - do not take antihistamine if you have lyme I am sure some of you already knew this but just thought I would mention it
Avatar n tn How long can i use antihistamine for my daughter aged 7 months to relieve her of the eczema itching.
Avatar n tn It might make you drowsy though since it has an antihistamine in it.
Avatar n tn When I miscarried I had no sickness. my last healthy pregnancy I had sickness the whole way through up until I gave birth. This pregnancy I had real bad sickness up until 14 weeks and then none but she is moving a lot so I guess everything is going well. Sickness is usually a rely good sogn and sore boobs.
794496 tn?1351040555 I need to decide whether to book some flights over the next few days for travel in April/May. If I do get my BFP I would be travelling to California (from east coast) for three weeks for a course (weeks 7 to 10) THEN my mil just this weekend asked if we would go with her to the old country (Bulgaria) for two (weeks 13 to 15). I am concerned as this is a pregnancy that is 4 years in the making and I don't want to do anything that would jeprodize it.
Avatar f tn Mine only lasts for the first two months of myfirst preganancy and I think it'll be the same for this one. I'm hoping it'll be. But I throw up when I have nothing in my stomach. When I have no food on it. Is that normal?
Avatar n tn Go to your doctor and tell him where you traveled and ask for some stool tests to check for the 'normal' variety of parasites that can be picked up in areas of the world where you visited. It's not unusual to pick up something while traveling. If that's what happened, you need to be treated with the appropriate meds that ill get rid of it.
Avatar f tn sure it helped with sleep/anxiety as well///did not know it was an otc drug/..good 4 u and congrats!
Avatar f tn like morning sickness/nausea? milk usually helps calm my stomach down.
Avatar f tn Hi, my dermatologist has prescribed me a antihistamine for my itching and wants me to use it for 4-6 weeks. The med is called hydroxzine. I am concerned because i never heard of anyone using antihistamine for that long. Will this severly affect my liver? Please help!
Avatar f tn It's fine I'm 18w4d never had nausea/sickness.
Avatar f tn Hiya, try getting yourself some travel sickness bands that you wear on your wrists, they work a treat xx
Avatar f tn I would be careful with any medication drs give I have t bands(basically travel sickness bands) I wear them most of the day and they work im currently 30 weeks x
Avatar n tn U can try navidoxine's agood medicine for this ...and it's for pregnant ...also my doctor advice me to put fresh ginger and slice of lemon in boiled water then keep it to be warm ...and drink it at morning before eating anything ....
Avatar f tn Since then I have avoided taking any antihistmaines except for Benadryl. I did take an occasional Claritin but it seems like every time I did anything I break out more. My allergist told me to try Claritin tabs instead of gel caps but I took one after having my allergy shot and I broke out in hives again. Now all the pollen is out and my eyes are really itchy and red and I have a hard time seeing at work. I tried taking Atarax last night to see if that would help more than Benadryl.
Avatar f tn Is it safe to travel long hours by flight at 9 weeks pregnant? cant afford to cancel the trip which was planned many months ago.. Will it effect my fetus?.. And im worried if morning sickness strikes in the plane..
Avatar f tn They sell these lollipops at babies R us that help with morning sickness those were my life saver while I could still work I also had to travel via metro and I'd always get soo sick
Avatar f tn Try anything with ginger in it, also there are pressure bracelets you can get for travel sickness (they put pressure on part of your wrist and it helps stop the nausea) I can't remember what they are called but I used them with my last and they worked wonders.
Avatar f tn Was you offered a GTT (diabetes test) at 16 weeks to be done around 28 weeks, I was just wondering if its a must, as I have travel sickness and cant go in a car without a drink. And my midwife said that I cant eat or drink as from 8pm the night before up until they say so, my test is 10am the next day?
Avatar n tn Ask your OB for Diclegis, its safe and for morning sickness, I am 9 months and have had morning sickness the whole time. This works great.
Avatar n tn They are bands designed for travel sickness, you can get them online or at any chemist/pharmacy. I felt they didn't do anything for my morning sickness, they just irritated my wrists! But it is worth a go, some women have noticed a difference.