
Antihistamine and urticaria

Common Questions and Answers about Antihistamine and urticaria


Avatar f tn Next time when itching start take an antihistamine pill (like Benadryl). If this will help you, it means you have physical urticaria (allergy to heat in your case).
Avatar m tn i went to the hospital and the doctor said that i have urticaria, she prescribed me a medicine called fexofenadine. the med is very helpful everytime the rashes appears, i just take the medicine and the rashes will gone but i have to take it everyday, i dont know if this medicine have side effects.
Avatar n tn Antihistaminics like Claritin and zyrtec can also be taken. The antihistamine cyproheptadine (Periactin) has been found to be a useful treatment also. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
Avatar f tn i want to be able to wear shorts and a bathing suit. i found out my father it allergic to grass, and usually they pop out after being outside, and i almost always lay or sit in grass. so i thought oh, maybe that could be it. But i went tanning outside the other day in my bathingsuit. and my back and stomach are very very bad. but i wasn't in the grass. so maybe sun poisning because i always get burnt badly! please heeelllpppp?!?!?!??!
4477719 tn?1355188618 It more commonly affects women and may occur alone or in association with other forms of urticaria. Antihistamine medications may help provide relief. Unfortunately, the cause is unknown. (ref: If it persists, it is best that you have this checked by your doctor or be referred to a dermatologist. Take care and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn These are known as physical urticarias,and cold urticaria is one such.Antihistaminics help.You may need a blood test to rule out cryoglobulins as a rarity.
Avatar f tn He told me to take one a day but i been taking them for two days and i feel a little better and some has gone away but my hands and feet got very swollen and hurtful. i dont know what it is and its scaring me because I've never been the type of person that has allergic reactions?
960785 tn?1248645096 Hydroxyzine ie atarax is a antihistamine and mild sedative too and may be preffered in your case as a night dose, with calamine application externally.
5128334 tn?1364001945 Researchers in the UK have reported two instances in which patients with chronic urticaria and TPO antibodies responded well to the anti-thyroid drug carbimazole." Excerpt from American Osteopathic College of Dermatology - "Urticaria"... "In about half of patients with chronic idiopathic hives, the explanation is that body's immune system is, in a sense, overactive. The urticaria is "autoimmune".
Avatar f tn Hi, How are you? Chronic urticaria, especially the autoimmune type, is often resistant to antihistamine treatment. They usually require immunosuppression and medications such as prednisone and cyclosporine may be given. There has been several studies already which have shown effectiveness in using cyclosporine in the treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria, who fail to respond to conventional therapy (ref:
Avatar n tn Antihistaminics like Claritin and zyrtec can also be taken. The antihistamine cyproheptadine (Periactin) has been found to be a useful treatment also. Sometimes cold urticaria is a symptom of another problem, such as cryofibrinogenemia, cryoglobulinemia, or syphilis. There is growing evidence that chronic hepatitis-C infection can result in immune dysregulation and expansion of autoimmune B cells that produce cryoglobulins. This can result in acquired cold urticaria and cryoglobulinemia.
Avatar m tn I was outside playing soccer and basketball with my cousins. When I came in I felt really itchy all over so I began scratching, but not hard or majorly. A few days passed, and it has gotten worse. I am not sure what it is. I believe it may be a allergic reaction to something or moquito bites. But I do not think it is mosquito bites anymore because it has been five days. I used Hydrocortisone Cream USP 2.5% and a All Day Allergy pill 10 mg. The pill seems to be helping as I feel better.
Avatar n tn Hives (medically known as urticaria) are red, itchy, raised areas of skin that appear in varying shapes and sizes. They have a tendency to change size rapidly and to move around.Many cases of hives are "idiopathic," meaning no cause is known. Others may be triggered by viral infections or medications. The mainstay of treatment of hives is antihistamine which may be necessary for prolonged periods (in excess of 6 weeks).
Avatar f tn My dr says that I have heat induced hives and put me on 24 Zyrtec and 25mg of Benedryl. It worked for about a month and now I'm breaking out in hives again when I exercise. I haven't had any allergy tests done yet. A fitness friend of mine thinks that I might have a build up of toxins and when i sweat the toxins are being released. I haven't talked with my dr about that yet. Is there any truth to this? I do drink a good bit of regular soda.
2082101 tn?1419965061 Sounds like Exercise Urticaria or Cholinergic Urticaria. You can try: 1. Taking an antihistamine prior to exercising, i.e. Claritin 2. Doing a slow warm-up prior to the actual work-out 3. Wearing clothing light-weight to exercise in; clothing that breathes well, i.e.
Avatar m tn Sounds like Dermographism, google for details if it is you may be able to write your name on your back, it lasts for a few mins, it is very itchy, could be connected to Chronic Urticaria , and allergy related .
Avatar n tn Hives (medically known as urticaria) are red, itchy, raised areas of skin that appear in varying shapes and sizes. They have a tendency to change size rapidly and to move around, disappearing in one place and reappearing in other places, often in a matter of hours. Take non sedating antihistamines like Claritin or Zyrtec to get symptom relief. Sedating antihistamine such as Benadryl is used at night to get urticaria control.
Avatar f tn Pregnancy may be complicated by new-onset or preexistent allergic disease, including rhinitis, anaphylaxis, urticaria and angioedema, and atopic dermatitis. Pregnancy and asthma is extensively studied. Of the currently available preparations, chlorpheniramine has been recommended as the first generation antihistamine of choice for use during pregnancy. Based on the information available, loratadine or cetirizine may be considered the second generation antihistamines of choice.
Avatar f tn last week I started to delevope these hives all over my thighs and groin and then started on palms of my hands and soles of my feet.. . They were so itchy and swollen and very painful... I went to the doctor and he diagnosed me with dpu or delayed pressure urticaria... basically any pressure applied to my skin cases a hive break out so standing, walking even using my hands are causing issues... the doctor signed me out of work...
Avatar n tn ve been to a dermatologist and she told me i have this aquatic urticaria. She recommends me to take desloratadine antihistamine every time this rashes appear again. i need your help.. is there any way that this allergy will not occur even though i would not take this kind of medicine? Kindly reply..
Avatar m tn Hello, Without examination,confirmation of a diagnosis is tough but it can be due to hives Hives (medically known as urticaria) are red,itchy,raised areas of skin that appear in varying shapes and sizes. They have a tendency to change size rapidly and to move around, disappearing in one place and reappearing in other places, often in a matter of hours. Many cases of hives are "idiopathic," meaning no cause is known. Others may be triggered by viral infections or medications.
Avatar m tn Ive been on every antihistamine, OTC & Rx. Ive tried every sunblock. Ive even been on XOLAIR for 6 months, but stopped because i wasnt getting much relief from it. so im going back to antihistamines, but no matter which one i use, it knocks me out! l cant function. my doctor told me to take montelukast sodium with zyrtec. if i take these at night, will they still be as effective the next day? will i still be drowsy all day?
Avatar n tn t sleep, and the hives were really bad this morning, so we went to the hospital, where they gave her an IV with antihistamine and cortisone. The Dr. prescribed two type of antihistamines, loratadine and dexchlorpheniramine, as well as a once daily steroid prednisolone. A couple hours after returning from the hospital, the hives worsened. They are spreading across her body and the itching in unbearable. Solarcaine, aloe, cool baths, etc. have little effect.