
Angiogram groin pain

Common Questions and Answers about Angiogram groin pain


Avatar n tn Angiogram, central access line, all are possible, but it should not last three years, I agree! Going in for a second opinion will probably be the best option.
Avatar f tn for some reason that same hand is tender over the top of my hand, where they put in the Angiogram camera tubing. I have had a groin Angiogram about 7 years ago. Even though I had this wrist discomfort, I would seriously ONLY ever recommend the wrist Angiogram, should you be reading my experience here.
Avatar m tn Has anyone had an angiogram with the catheter inserted in arm or neck instead of the groin? I don't think I could take the groin without serious nerve spasms.
Avatar f tn I went home in dire pain. Today is the 17th and while I still have a bit of pain in my groin area, the REAL pain is when I have a BM or I urinate. Is this unusual?
Avatar f tn limping I have pain in my groin down my thigh and cramps up. IT is hard for me to walk for to long pain is consistent and still no answers.
Avatar n tn I am also experiencing sharp pain in the left groin area. The pain feels like a burning sensation. The pain is sudden and sometimes crippling where I have to sit down immediately. This started happening about 4 months after I had an Angiogram where the doctors inserted the catheter on the right side of my groin. What can it be?
Avatar f tn My partner is having an angiogram after suffering chest pains a few weeks ago. NAD was found at the time from blood tests and ECG (done over 18 hours). Was kept in overnight. Had no discomfort since, but suffers from type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol which are all controlled and low due to medication. His chest pains were 4 weeks ago and he's had nothing since.
Avatar f tn I had an MRI done and it showed a 60% blockage in the left renal artery. They sent me for a catherazation through through the groin area and they didn't see any blockage. I do have a dull flank pain. I also now have high blood pressure.
748902 tn?1286034758 i have to have a angiogram and im extremly terrified, not so much about the procedure but i am NEEDLE PHOBIC so that is the only thing on my mind, i havent seen a doctor yet to discuss this, it was the nurse that told me i need the angiogram after i did a treadmill test, and having chest pain. Is there anything that they can do so i dont need a NEEDLE?
Avatar f tn Now that I am home I realise there was a nerve cut which the procedure was done and now I am numb on the right side - groin area and my right labia. I have a great deal of pain - much like that felt with Shigles (I expect) the skin is very tender and I even have difficulty wearing clothes. My question - Will this nerve damage repair itself - and if Yes, what time frame might I expect this to happen?
974371 tn?1424653129 t say we have the best doctors where I live. Anyway, I am afraid an angiogram will be ordered and I really do NOT want one of those done. No way could I get through that and understand they keep you awake? Wondering if there is an alternative and if anyone has had the angiogram done and what your experiences were.
Avatar n tn t have a problem after an angiogram. I flew on airplanes 3 days after my angiogram.
1235217 tn?1267916228 I had a Cardiac catheterization 15 days ago. Groin lump about the size of my thumb not that sore should this be a concern or id it to be expected at this point.
Avatar f tn He said the pain was very minor and now he is feeling no pain at all. Has anyone developed or heard of these kind of side effects? I read up on lumps being normal after angiograms, but I'm wondering if this is different. I'm doing everything I can possibly do to get him to go to the doctor tomorrow, but because its Thanksgiving, it'll more than likely have to be to an ER.
Avatar n tn One week after the procedure and I am still experiencing moderate pain in the groin especially lying down. I am unable to sleep in any position, but sitting is fine. My own examination is a small hard area along the artery about a inch and a half long and the thickness of a pencil that is very sensitive.
Avatar n tn The doctor is going to inject some kind of glue? in the aneurysm tomorrow. Because he had so much pain in his groin after having the first procedure, I did not want them to go in his other side but they did anyway. I don't know what the outcome will be. I am worried if his artery will be weak and if it will heal properly. How is your husband? Did he have a good outcome?
Avatar f tn It does get better, just takes a day or so and the pain went away, just hang in there. Getting pain meds would probably help with the current pain but, if your like me I have too many other pain issues and nothing short of morphine will work. Unfortunately, I cannot take morphine since it lowers my blood pressure extremely low. But, believe me, the pain does subside after a day or so and now I do not feel anything from the site.
Avatar n tn Some more insight in addition to Flycaster's information. You should get an understanding if the totally blocked arteries have developed a natural bypass (collateral vessels,angiogeneisis growth) that is now supplying the area with blood/oxygen. I and others on this forum have totally blocked arteries and manage very well without intervention (by-pass). You my not need a bypass or a stent.
Avatar n tn I've read that the angiogram through the wrist has a faster recovery period than the groin one. I've had four via the groin. If all goes well you will leave the hospital the same day as the test. Have the doctors suggested what they expect to find and how they will treat it? From my experience I would delay making a decision on future treatment after the angiogram so you can carefully weight the pros and cons. I was too hasty to make a decision.
Avatar f tn I had a cardiac cath 2 days ago. The next morning I removed my dressing in the shower as instructed and felt fine, slight tenderness to the site. As I was trying to put my clothes on, I lifted my right leg and I had a "popping sensation" to my right groin that took me to the ground and I blacked out. I finally made it to the phone, called triage and they sent me to the ER.
Avatar n tn Angiogram is when the doctors go up through your groin into your heart, use some dye, and checked for blocked arteries. Sometimes they check the pressure in the valves. A mild sedative is given before to relax you. It will definitely show if there is anything wrong with your heart and it is worth it. If they see blocked arteries they may choose to stent them to keep them open at that time.
Avatar f tn Also my cardiologist says he is going to do the stents through my wrist ,I had the angiogram through the groin .I was hoping they would put the stents in that way as well.
Avatar f tn Anyway I finally got a diagnosis for my heart when they saw ischemia in MRI and now since feb/march I have leg pain aswell. Actually its in the femoral area . The pain happens after walking 5 mins or so . It is relieved by rest , worse when walking uphill . Not effected by position. Somedays better than others. The pulse is weak in the groin (as commented by 2 Drs) but normal in feet. My toes are purple and my legs are cold .