
Angiogram brain stroke

Common Questions and Answers about Angiogram brain stroke


548182 tn?1215216723 They are decided that it was the smoking, the OCPs and me being overweight were the causes of my stroke.. although NOW, my neurosurgeon is recommending a CATHETER ANGIOGRAM. I have read up on this diagnostic tool... and i am quite afraid to give my consent on this... I already had MRA.. why is my doctor recommending catheter angiogram??? Should i give my consent??? This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
Avatar f tn my Dad is 67 years old and had memory loss ,slurred speech due to two little block in brain and blockage in internal carotid artery . The doppler study and MRI A angiogram showed 100% blockage of left internal carotid artery. The right artery had 30% 40% of block. His colateral blood is normal. he had diabeties and Bp for the past 1 1/2 years. he got blood supply through right arteries..
Avatar m tn Last year I suffered a serious brain bleeding rupture. I was rushed to a hospital and remained in intensice care for 11 days monitoring the condition. No surgery was necessary and was released since the ruptured vessel closed on its own. It was not considered an aneurysm. Am I susceptible for a reoccurance? I'm on a daily dose 120mg. mild Gkingo natural plant extract blood thinner capsules. No other medication was advised.
Avatar n tn The tenative diagnosis is BACNS, but they are not sure. I have not yet had a brain biopsy or a ct angiogram. I have been put on steriods and verapamil and have had no attacks in a month or so. I have been experiencing some slight numbness in my extremities ( random) and some light headaches/ dizziness from time to time. I am wondering if this is normal or I should be running to the doctor. What am I looking at as far as the prognosis ? Also, I live in Knoxville, Tenn.
Avatar n tn My recent MRI of my brain found mild T2 and Flair signal changes in the perivenricular white matter and subcortical white matter compatible with minimal chronic microvascular ischemic disease. What does this mean?
Avatar m tn In which case, you would need an angiogram (an x ray of the brain where the blood vessels will light up after injecting contrast material) Discuss with your doctors all the options and possibilities. Regards...
Avatar n tn Vasculitis is diagnosed based on history, examination, imaging of blood vessels of the brain (which can be accomplished with an MRA or CT angiogram but the most sensitive test is a standard cerebral angiogram). Lumbar puncture to analyze the cerebrospinal fluid, the fluid that bathes the brain and spine, can sometimes be helpful. Lupus is diagnosed based on a combination of clinical signs, organs involved, and specific blood tests.
Avatar n tn The doc puts the device up through the groin and into the brain like an angiogram. If she is having this procedure, she is very lucky. There are not many docs that are trained to do this procedure and there is a small window of time that the procedure can be done after the onset of the stroke. Good luck to your sister in law and your family!
Avatar f tn My husband had a stroke 2 years ago at age 57due to a "100%" blockage of his left carotid Due to the stroke he has significant impairment in speech, his right (formerly dominant hand) is not functional and he is now able to walk with a cane.. We have done rehab. but he still can't drive or read well.After initial consultation with a vascular surgeon and in follow up 1 year ago we were told to monitor the right carotid and no surgery was indicated.
Avatar n tn I dont understand these headaches or head pains as now I take Amlodipine to help my cronic small vein problem in my brain. I am wondering if you could tell me any more information on this. I do have to say though, on the day I started out to go grocery shopping, and was hit in the middle of my head so hard with a pain that was like no headache, at the onset of the TIA, it was the same kind of pain, but is much lesser... it comes and goes, now.
Avatar f tn We have scheduled a MRI-C-spin, MIR-Brain, MRA-Brain and MRA-Neck. I also have scheduled an Echo Cardiogram, an I.V. Persanthine-Thallium stress test and a Holter Monitor. I cannot drive while wearing the collar but my hustand says he does not want me to drive unless they can tell me why I passed out. I've been told that that is not always possible. Should I refrain from driving if they are not able to pin-point the problem that caused me to black-out?
Avatar m tn We were transferred down to the pediatric ICU where he had an MRI that showed a stroke on the top right part of his brain (very close to the midline) Followed by an angiogram through his femarol artery that showed a aneurysm. It was coiled as well as some of the surrounding vessels and besides a blood clot in his leg where the angiogram was inserted (which took about 72 hours to resolve, for blood flow to fully reach his toes and return to normal) there have been no other side effects.
776302 tn?1241091853 Thanks for the wonderful explanation. I don't want an invasive angiogram. I has slight chances of stroke, heart attack, irregular heart beat, etc. I don't even want the slightest chance of getting a stroke again. They are the scariest things I ever went through. Thank God I didn't get any permanent damage. So I will take the 64 slice CT scanner because it has no chances of getting a stroke, etc.
Avatar f tn s not a normal reaction to an angiogram. Possibly it has nothing to do with the angiogram. It might be something more or less unrelated. It kind of sounds like a migraine type of thing, on the face it. It could even be some type of reaction to relief of stress. We think of stress as being able to cause physical symptoms, and it certainly can, but sometimes just a sudden offset of stress can cause a reaction in the body.
Avatar n tn Hi, Thank you for your question. Cerebral or brain aneurysm is an abnormal widening a brain blood vessel at its weakened area. This may occur as a congenital (present since birth, familial) or may occur later in life due to injury, birth defects, or neurological disorder and it is life-threatening. Most serious consequence is stroke that may occur if this bursts in the brain.
Avatar f tn These drugs arent only used for heart disease. I had a stroke due to a 100 percent occlusion of the carotid artery. After being on warfarin and plavix separatelyI had a TIA ,I am currently on both,and so far so good.Is this normal that my bleeding and bruising disappeared after combing the two drugs? i am happy but confused. Thanks Terry926 This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Heart-Disease/Plavix-vs-Coumadin/show/254168">Plavix vs Coumadin</a>.
Avatar f tn My mother is 79 years old and 280 pounds she has high blood pressure and is a diabetic. She had a massive stroke 10 days ago on the right side of her brain. Her right carotid artery was tested and is 100% blocked while she lost control of her left side including the sight in her left eye, her current and pass memory are excellent. I understand surgery is out of the question. She is still in the hospital and they have her blood sugar and blood pressure under control.
Avatar n tn The symptoms you have could be due to the high blood pressure which can cause arrhythmia (heart not beating in sync) and symptoms of TIA or stroke (headache, vision problems, numbness etc). However a contrast MRI of brain, and carotid angiogram should be done. Also a 24 hour holter should be done to monitor your heart activity. The cardiologist must not have tested further because the drop in heart rate and arrhythmia happened just once in 3 days.
1213000 tn?1280463161 5 days after that angiogram I has a small stroke so we are now trying to sort that out. No hole in heart and the cateroids looked fine, no visualization of what caused the stroke so some fear for th future. Fingers crossed though that it was an annomoly.
Avatar f tn // Hope this helps!
Avatar m tn What can be ruled out with a ct angiogram? Can we see what the EF is ? Also can they find any abnormalities in the shap of the heart? And can they see any major valve regurgitatiOn? I'm concerned ? Because some people rather have a conventional angiogram and don't see a ct angiogram useful and I would like to know why??
Avatar f tn This history indicates a transient ischemic attack or TIA, which occurs when blood flow to a part of brain stops for a brief period of time, which leads to stroke like symptoms and could be a warning to coming events. This could be due to blood clot in artery, emboli, narrowing in blood vessel of brain due to risks like hypertension, diabetes, atrial fibrillation and high cholesterol. Symptoms are dizziness, altered touch, pain, temperature etc.
Avatar m tn did MRI, CT,MRA,all with and without contras,even a angiogram all came back normal.her leftside seems as if she had a mini stroke. week arms week legs at one time swollen .waht on earth could be the problem what could be causing such severe headaches,and left side problems please help the dr's are trying every test they can do. Please help.
Avatar n tn 41yr old female presents to stroke unit with left side arm/leg weakness. Physiotherapist not convinced it is a stroke. dragging left leg and left arm in a contracted position. C.T and M.R.I are negative, doplar also negative. Blood pressure and chlorestrol normal, however does have a raised E.S.R. Awaiting angiogram.
Avatar f tn When I originally had my MRV is showed narrowing of vessels on one side. So they scheduled me for an angiogram thinking I may have a blood clot. Well thank God it turns out that I did not and the angiogram was negative of any stenosis or any other findings. Which I assume is a good thing, right. Why would the MRV show one thing and the angiogram show another? Could the increased pressure be what made the vessels appear to be smaller on one side?