
Angiogram brain

Common Questions and Answers about Angiogram brain


Avatar n tn I also had an MRI/MRA and found a small aneurysm. When I went and saw a neurosurgeon they had me do an angiogram as well. Its considered the gold standard in finding aneurysms. I would suggest finding out your family history and see if anyone else has had them. If there is a familial connection the medical community can take different more aggressive tactics. I was rather surprised to find out a family member had had an annie.
Avatar f tn However, the gold standard in evaluating the blood supply of the brain is through 4 vessel angiogram which is an invasive procedure. It will all depend on what your doctor is considering, and he or she will be contented with the accuracy of the MRA. Regards and God bless.
359574 tn?1328360424 My 5 mm annie on the internal carotid has the ophthalmic artery coming out the side of it. The doctor who did my angiogram told me it wasn't treatable through endovascular means like coiling because it would cut off blood to the eye. The surgeon also told me a craniotomy and clipping is riskier than leaving it alone and monitoring it. At my one year follow-up, the CT Angiogram showed no changes.
1213000 tn?1280463161 On May 19, after a MRI stress test was abnormal and an angiogram showed diffuse restonosis of the LAD stents, I underwent CABG (4X). 10 weeks later, another abnormal MRI stress test and on 30 July another angiogram. the results of thst angiogram was, all stents are now closed, all grafts are open but there is flow irregularities that may be caused by size mismatch between the vein grafts and the native arteries. This is being treated with Metprolol 25 mg and Diltiazem 120.
Avatar f tn my Dad is 67 years old and had memory loss ,slurred speech due to two little block in brain and blockage in internal carotid artery . The doppler study and MRI A angiogram showed 100% blockage of left internal carotid artery. The right artery had 30% 40% of block. His colateral blood is normal. he had diabeties and Bp for the past 1 1/2 years. he got blood supply through right arteries..
Avatar f tn Cranial Nerve Palsy. I was ordered an angiogram of the Brain. Anyone able to provide me feedback on the diagnosis and or the CTA. Angiogram?
Avatar f tn They found a 4mm carotid aneurysm in my scan last week. I am to get a CT Angiogram Wed and then see the neurosurgeon in August. I am on coumadin due to a blood clot in my sagittal sinus (reason why they found the aneurysm) from 2009. Was just wondering if someone has been through this process before and what I need to expect.
Avatar m tn Sometimes a dye may be injected into a vein to highlight blood flow in your arteries and veins, CT angiogram and provide additional detail regarding appearance of brain aneurysm. MRI can create detailed images of your brain and show aneurysm’s location. Hope this helps. Take care.
Avatar m tn Last year I suffered a serious brain bleeding rupture. I was rushed to a hospital and remained in intensice care for 11 days monitoring the condition. No surgery was necessary and was released since the ruptured vessel closed on its own. It was not considered an aneurysm. Am I susceptible for a reoccurance? I'm on a daily dose 120mg. mild Gkingo natural plant extract blood thinner capsules. No other medication was advised.
Avatar n tn The tenative diagnosis is BACNS, but they are not sure. I have not yet had a brain biopsy or a ct angiogram. I have been put on steriods and verapamil and have had no attacks in a month or so. I have been experiencing some slight numbness in my extremities ( random) and some light headaches/ dizziness from time to time. I am wondering if this is normal or I should be running to the doctor. What am I looking at as far as the prognosis ? Also, I live in Knoxville, Tenn.
359574 tn?1328360424 I had my initial appointment with a neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins yesterday about my brain aneurysm. She is not happy with the quality of the angiogram I had done in March, and wants me to have one done at Hopkins. Then she would follow up with me, and also have me see another neuro-ophthalmalogist while I'm there. I will have to schedule it around my work, so it may not be until sometime next year.
Avatar n tn My recent MRI of my brain found mild T2 and Flair signal changes in the perivenricular white matter and subcortical white matter compatible with minimal chronic microvascular ischemic disease. What does this mean?
Avatar n tn I have to have a valve replaced and am having an angiogram to see if there is blockage to be treated at the same time. The physician doing the angiogram has indicated he will put in a stent if he finds blockage. My feeling is that this is unnecessary as the major advantage of angioplasty (less invasive than bypass) is totally irrelevant since I'm having a valve replaced anyway. Thoughts?
Avatar f tn I have had neither at this point. I see the neurosurgeon in 2 days and am going to inquire about those tests.
Avatar f tn Hello I am looking for advice or any suggestions. My husband in 2004 had a brain injury fractured skull and bleeding in the brain Epidural Hematoma at the Occipital and left Temporal area. Then about a year later his Cerebellum started to Atrophy and the Dr.'s can't explain why they are stumped.
Avatar m tn In which case, you would need an angiogram (an x ray of the brain where the blood vessels will light up after injecting contrast material) Discuss with your doctors all the options and possibilities. Regards...
678571 tn?1228012270 I usually go to a cardiologist in another city. But my cardiologist could not perform my scheduled angiogram. My symptoms before this angiogram were chest pain with exertion of any kind. After this angiogram, I have had blood pressure problems, breathing problems, dry cough, shortness of breath and all the other symptoms that my cardiologist wanted me to do an angiogram for. He had said that if I needed an other stent put in. I would need a bypass even though I have small vessels.
Avatar n tn , MRI, Cerebral angiogram, Blood work, ambulatory EEG which showed muscle spasms in several of my blood vessels in the brain. The doctor has put me on Depokote 3-4 weeks ago and I am still having siezure like symptoms (which I failed to mention in the beginning). I am ready to call the Fox network and ask them to put this situation on "House" so they can fiqure it out! Is anyone having anything similiar happening?
Avatar n tn Hi, Thank you for your question. Cerebral or brain aneurysm is an abnormal widening a brain blood vessel at its weakened area. This may occur as a congenital (present since birth, familial) or may occur later in life due to injury, birth defects, or neurological disorder and it is life-threatening. Most serious consequence is stroke that may occur if this bursts in the brain.
649926 tn?1297657780 Dear Doctor, I have had MS symptoms for 10 years starting with neuropathy in the legs, neck pain & black outs and my first brain lesion which was non specific. Prior to that I had severe endometriosis and a mega-colon resection eventually a hysterectomy. Symptoms continued including severe colonic inertia, esophageal motility disorder, tiny skin blisters in the sun even with sunscreen, chronic low potassium. Doctors ran tests for lupus, MS, etc and only tested positive for sjogren's.
Avatar f tn this happened to my father at 72yrs old, on both sides his corroted arteries were almost completely blocked on both sides, he was operated on and they were cleared. If left they can cause serious problems, Sometimes they can be partially blocked and medication is enough to thin the blood so it gets the brain. His tests should reveal the prognosis. Good luck.
Avatar n tn The doc puts the device up through the groin and into the brain like an angiogram. If she is having this procedure, she is very lucky. There are not many docs that are trained to do this procedure and there is a small window of time that the procedure can be done after the onset of the stroke. Good luck to your sister in law and your family!
Avatar f tn s not a normal reaction to an angiogram. Possibly it has nothing to do with the angiogram. It might be something more or less unrelated. It kind of sounds like a migraine type of thing, on the face it. It could even be some type of reaction to relief of stress. We think of stress as being able to cause physical symptoms, and it certainly can, but sometimes just a sudden offset of stress can cause a reaction in the body.
Avatar m tn I have a 7 week old son has a brain aneurysm rupture at age 4 weeks. I am interested in the prognosis of other infants or young children that have survived an aneurysm through surgery. Any history or information you could share would be appreciated. He was admitted in hospital due to fever where aneurysm may have potentially ruptured,seized for 3 hours, lot of blood in his brain, went through coiling surgery, had 2 angioplasty to control cerebral vasospasm.