
Angiogram for the brain

Common Questions and Answers about Angiogram for the brain


Avatar n tn They have support groups all over the country, and the contact person for the group nearest you may have a revommendation. I so hope that one of the vasculitis experts answers you. This is info that I've been trying to get for a long time. I have a similar condition, PACNS, and there seems to be very little specific info out there. I've posted on the member website, but I apparently never attempt to post on the expert site early enough to get my question on Good luck.
Avatar m tn In which case, you would need an angiogram (an x ray of the brain where the blood vessels will light up after injecting contrast material) Discuss with your doctors all the options and possibilities. Regards...
Avatar f tn The new test that usually gives the answer is very easy to do and is called a macular OCT if that is indeterminate than a retinal fluoriscene angiogram (of the eye not brain and carotids) is usally done at the same time. I don't know where you live but retina ophthalmologists would not let your mom walk out the door without one or both tests being done. See if you get her to a retina MD tomorrow. ERs are not equipped to do this testing.
Avatar m tn It seems to me your brother needs a quick solution for the 3 serious blockages, which could be given by the stents. The other problem areas could be treated with medicins and healthy diet. This would imo be in concordance of statements 2, 4 and 5.
Avatar n tn I had a CT angiogram for heart this week. Compared to a regular angiogram or catheterization , the CT angiogram can be considered a noninvasive procedure. However, in your dad's case the CT angiogram may also be considered risky because of kidney problems. His kidneys may not be able to deal with the dye used for CT angiogram. I am not a doctor so here I am just giving advice based on my on experience.
Avatar f tn However, the gold standard in evaluating the blood supply of the brain is through 4 vessel angiogram which is an invasive procedure. It will all depend on what your doctor is considering, and he or she will be contented with the accuracy of the MRA. Regards and God bless.
548182 tn?1215216723 t worry - the benefits (super-clear picture of what going on in your brain) far outweigh the risk. Angiograms are the gold standard for brain imaging - the doc will be able to see exactly whats going on.
359574 tn?1328360424 The downside would be that there is no way to know for sure whether or not the blood flow to the ophthalmic artery would actually be preserved. He didn't give a % or anything like that. I am not willing to risk my eye at this stage of the game. All the doctors insist the annie has nothing to do with my eye pain. So, we will continue monitoring. If it grows, it's nice to know the PED is an option.
1213000 tn?1280463161 Some weaknes and loss of dexterity in both but I am told it is mild, although frustrating. they did not find the cause. I wonder what it was and if it could be connected to the angiogram knocking something loose then, when I exercied, maybe it came all the way lose and went to the brain? any thoughts? Should I be afraid of cardio exercise? should I have LDL aphreses?
Avatar f tn Thanks for the advice. I go in next week for an angiogram to rule out a dural fistula. Hope it gets ruled out!
Avatar n tn Hi there, Well the angiogram was I expected. He wasn't going to commit to the neuro referral "yet" he said. He believes its RP. On another note I failed the two visual fields tests done that day. I'm very frustrated, because I can see fine. In the VF tests I can't distinguish between the flashing lights and the flashes I have all the time. I've told them that MANY times, but they insist that is the proper test.
Avatar f tn my Dad is 67 years old and had memory loss ,slurred speech due to two little block in brain and blockage in internal carotid artery . The doppler study and MRI A angiogram showed 100% blockage of left internal carotid artery. The right artery had 30% 40% of block. His colateral blood is normal. he had diabeties and Bp for the past 1 1/2 years. he got blood supply through right arteries..
Avatar m tn A doctor inserts a long thin tube into an artery in your legs and guides it through your blood vessels to the arteries in your neck that lead to your brain. A specialist injects dye into the arteries, which creates a map of your arteries and the aneurysm on xrays. CT can reveal blood flow in your brain and show aneurysm location.
Avatar m tn There must have been some kind of vessel weakness/damage for it to bleed. Perhaps your best plan would be to keep your blood pressure in the normal range, or better still, low normal. Any other vessels heading for the same problem would have a much greater chance to recover. Maybe a reason they didn't intervene is that the bleed was too too deep in the brain and the artery was too small for stenting etc ?
Avatar f tn Cranial Nerve Palsy. I was ordered an angiogram of the Brain. Anyone able to provide me feedback on the diagnosis and or the CTA. Angiogram?
Avatar n tn He ran a series of test and told her to return for an Angiogram on the eye with the Fovea. Why is an Angiogram necessary for this type of problem and if the Fovea is still there, is there a cure for it? What can they do for her Fovea? This discussion is related to <a href=''>Cataract Complication: Fovea leakage </a>.
Avatar m tn Iam 31, 2 Months before i got the chest pain and I immediately rushed to the hospital. They did the ECG and found little changes in V4 - V5. And I went through the angiogram. The angiogram results shows negative. And doctor discharged from hospital with some prescription for 3 months. Still I am getting the pain in center of chest. Two days before I went to doctor and in ECG found the V6 changes in the lead.
Avatar n tn 2011 she got admitted in hospital for neuro stroke,now dr suggested to take mri angiogram of brain.these are findings of mri angiogram of brain 1)Lacunar infarcts in bilateral subcortical frontal,parietal & occipital white matter.2)Acute infarct in left ACA territory.3)Diffuse cerebral & cerebellar atrophy.4)Occluded right ICA with reformation of MCA by PCOM.5)Atheromatous disease in left M1 with reduced calibre of M2/M3 and focal narrowing at M2.
359574 tn?1328360424 In addition, she is the first doctor to say that it is possible the annie is related to my eye pain. If it is located at the point where the carotid enters the brain, it could be irritating the lining of the brain and cause my pain. So, I guess it was worth the visit. Quite the system they have there. Best wishes to everyone on the east coast. I'm hightailing it out of here tomorrow before Frankenstorm hits.
Avatar n tn The angiogram is the best procedure and provides the most knowledge for blocked arteries. If needed, they can also measure the pressures in the valves during the angiogram. If you feel you have symptoms of blocked arteries, you should see your doctor.
Avatar n tn They tought I had a brain anuerysm so I was sent to UCLA for a femoral artery angiogram. While on the table they injected dyeinto the left side of my brain and I immediatly had a seizure. Only the right side was affected. Thedoctor told me I had a seizure disorder on the left side of my brain that causes the right side to shake. Since January I have had some sort of episode at least every week and a half. I notice that I will feel tingling in my lower legs and/or arms. Lately (the last 2 mon.
Avatar n tn Thank you so much for your response. I do have high blood pressure (last year I had they placed 4 stents in my heart vessels) and recently my cardiologist changed my medication. The MRI also found a "tiny aneurism" close to my optic nerve.
Avatar m tn Results of the referral are basically that the blind spot is a combination of the laser surgery I had for Central serous choroidopathy (scarring) and more Central serous choroidopathy. He did mention that there were some anomolies with my visual field studies, and expressed a concern that there could be a potential of low tension glaucoma. So.... more tests every few months to check on that.
Avatar n tn To follow up and close out - my throacic surgeon followed up with the doctors doing the angiogram and made it clear that he only wanted the angiogram done. (I might mention that my thoracic surgeon is one of the top in the world.) And, as the angiogram turned out, I have absolutely no blockage at all - zip, nil, none. (This to the absolute disgust of my wife who nags at me incessantly for putting so much butter on pancakes or 1/2 and 1/2 on my cereal.
Avatar f tn He advised that the hemangioma I have on the left side is in no way responsible for the numbness, tingling, burning, or headaches that I have on the left side because the left side of the brain only affects the right side of the body. They have scheduled me for an EEG on Monday of next week to rule out seizures and to see if anything shows up there.