
Amoxicillin during pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Amoxicillin during pregnancy


290867 tn?1333569278 Does anyone know if amoxicillin is safe to take during pregnancy. I am 19 weeks 2 Days and I am concerned. I went to my primary care physician because I have been having a sore throat and really bad headaches. My ob said there is nothing he can do because its really not pregnancy related and its gotten to the point of unbareable. He said I had a bad viral infection and strep throat. I am just really concerned about taking any meds while im preggo.
Avatar f tn I don't see it being the medication, I was prescribed it during my pregnancy and my son was fine. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Avatar f tn I was prescribed amoxicillin by my doctor in early pregnant as he said that it is completely safe to take during pregnancy. Congratulations.
Avatar f tn I took amoxicillin for a UTI in the beginning of my pregnancy. As long as your doctor is okay with it and prescribes it for you, you should be fine.
Avatar f tn My doctor put me on amoxicillin for 7 days because of small infection. Is it okay to be taking this while I'm pregnant.?
Avatar f tn any of you ladies had any type of antibiotic prescribed during pregnancy? you see im im afraid because my last pregnancy ended in miscarriage. during time when i was very sick and only thing i took was tylenol, am i blaming that medicine?, just im afraid to take any medecine.
Avatar m tn You need to be taking folic acid and that's all. Anything else you need to see a doctor and have them prescribe something for you because it's not always safe to take other medicines during pregnancy (especially in the first few months). I work in a pharmacy and as far as I'm aware amoxicillin is not used as treatment for a UTI and neither is it safe to use during pregnancy. You need to see a doctor ASAP.
Avatar f tn You absolutely risked pregnancy and unprotected sex any tie during your cycle risks pregnancy. However, there are times in the cycle in which you are more fertile. so, day one of your period is cycle day one. Counting from there, most women have about a 28 day cycle and ovulate around day 14 or 15. Ovulation lasts only 24 to 48 hours max, but sperm can live up to a week leading up to that.
Avatar n tn Hi, you have to treat the uti! I didn't take straight penicillin but a version of it, amoxicillin during pregnancy. Safe. So if your doc prescribed it knowing you're pregnant, it's safe. An untreated uti is far worse than an antibiotic!
Avatar f tn No drugs are completely safe during a pregnancy, but some prescription drugs have more dangers than others. Amoxicillin is rated as "B" grade by the FDA, since a few studies have shown that it can have a negative effect on the fetus. It also went on to say you should talk to your doctor about your concerns and if it is safe to take since you are pregnant. I hope this helps.
1697869 tn?1306766843 Amoxicillin is considered safe during pregnancy (it is Preganncy Category B). Have you seen your doctor about the yeast infection? There are medications that are safe to use during pregnancy for yeast infection.
Avatar n tn for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy they, treat it in the first tri with amoxicillin if it were found later on like second or third tri theyd prescribe a stronger antibiotic!
Avatar f tn So yesterday I went to the Dr for an ear infection and the Dr said it was pretty bad. He prescribed me amoxicillin 500mg 3 times a day for 10 days. He said it was safe but I am scared. I have called and left a message for my drs assistant. Waiting for a call back. Have any of you had to take this in this dossage?
1472764 tn?1287588186 When I had pneumonia with my daughter, I was on antibiotics to clear it up and everything was fine. I was just put on amoxicillin for a dental infection. Both amoxicillin and the medication in your z-pack (I'm assuming that is what you are taking?) are both Pregnancy Category B and considered safe during pregnancy. I even specifically asked my Pharmacist and she assured me it is safe.
Avatar f tn Has anyone bn in antibiotics during pregnancy? If so how far along were you? Had anyone taken azithromax 250??
Avatar f tn Is it absolutley necessary to take antibiotics or can I forgo it? My aunt had UTI 30 years back during her pregnancy and she said she never took any antibiotics. And she had healthy kids..
280418 tn?1306325910 with my LLMD and he said that he has treated 30 pregnancies and 0 babies tested positive with cord blood PCR after birth. I am to take Amoxicillin and Zith starting in my second trimester thru my third. I hope my OB doesn't freak, although he said he's had none that did. So, I'll have my baby tested via cord blood PCR as well. Wish me luck!
7558356 tn?1410715309 That does sound awful. I googled the side effects during pregnancy, and nothing what I have been feeling is considered a symptom besides nausea. Idk I just got to the doctors office so I'm hoping that they have more insight, because I'm miserable!
9771234 tn?1405793808 Most antibiotics are safe during pregnancy. If you told your primary Dr that you were pregnant they would've chosen meds safe for you. I've been on them twice so far and I'm almost 29 weeks and baby is great.
Avatar f tn Plain (NOT vanilla) organic yogurt spread on a tampon should do the trick. I believe Amoxicillin is alright to take during pregnancy, except it kills the good bacteria in your body as well as the bad. Yogurt is safe, unless your water is broken (in that case, nothing should be in the vagina) but even if you aren't comfortable with inserting it, eating an extra dose of it daily will help your body keep the yeast under control.
5606564 tn?1370818485 did anyone have Bv during pregnancy? what was prescribed and did it going away?
Avatar m tn Hi, I'm 37, been TTC for 1.5 year. Just found out that I'm 5 weeks pregnant. Both my husband and I were sick when I conceived. My husband ran a fever the day before my ovulation. And he took fever and cold and cough medicine. I have been coughing a week before ovulation and still coughing now. I have taking amoxicillin and cough medicine until 1 week after ovulation. I didn't expect I will get pregnant.