
Aldara symptoms

Common Questions and Answers about Aldara symptoms


Avatar m tn is this something to be concerned about or should i continue using aldara and if these symptoms continue talk to my doctor or should i stop all together?
Avatar n tn I have recently been using Aldara cream to try and eliminate my genital warts (HPV). Although the warts minimised in size after three months my doctor told me to stop using aldara because of the ineffectiveness and incredible sores and lesions that i endured whilst treatment. He reccomended me to a dermatologist for the treatment of the HPV.
Avatar f tn I was prescribed Aldara by my gynecologist for a recurrent bout of genital warts in the vulva area that I've also received TCA treatment for. I started applying the Aldara last week and must have applied too liberally and/or left on too long. After only 2 treatments had severe flu-like symptoms, swelling, burning, painful urination, and worsening pain. Had to call gynecologist over weekend and she recommended I come in today if pain had gotten worse.
Avatar f tn I’ve read that one can get herpes-like symptoms from Aldara. Is it normal to experience this a week after I’ve stopped using it? Is it normal for it to last this long? Is it possible? I’m very petrified, too petrified to go back to my gyno. Please help.
Avatar m tn dont use aldara. I think ACV even does better than aldara although some people here would disagree with my opinion. You can get mini surgery like electrocauterization, cryotherapy, or use podofin and its variants. These three, afaik, are better than anything else to treat warts.
Avatar f tn I was infected in late Nov when I last saw my boyfriend. I developed the symptoms in Jan but diagnosed with GW in March and had electrocautery performed right away.Because of this my boyfriend later confessed that he had a one night stand with a stranger back in September. However, he has not developed any symptoms of genital warts. Needless to say I was devastated but I know that I have to be strong.
Avatar n tn He froze them and gave me Aldara. Today my wife found out that her blood test was positive for Herpes. Could my warts be misdiagnosed? Also would I experience testical pain that radiates to my inner burning sensation when I urinate.
Avatar f tn i used aldara and the symptoms went away. i figured it would just stay kind of dormant for awhile but i dunno. i made an appointment with my schools campus doctor and now it's just to he point of being really nervous. if it is herpes...idk. :\ thank you for responding! but what else could it be? hopefully something a little more cureable than herpes right? im scared.
Avatar m tn I have been using aldara for about a month on my genital warts and have had no burning or tenderness that I have heard people talk about on these forums. It has been working great and I am noticing my warts are starting to shrink. The other morning after using my aldara cream overnight I noticed a lump under my skin where I applied some aldara. It is very tender to touch and very noticeable.
Avatar f tn I had flu like symptoms as well. Please whatever you do, DO NOT use Aldara / imiquimod cream. Turns out it eats the mucosal lining of any area, and can cause an immune system disease.
Avatar f tn well a few months ago i began to get genital warts i used aldara and they went away not to mention the symptoms was very painful, anway a few weeks later i put alot of it on my inner labia but didnt have an warts i just wanted to make sure none were there,any way a few days later i seen these round white ulcers looking things on the outer part of my labia i didnt think it was from the aldara because of the first time using it i never got this but im not sure, i automatically thought it was herpe
Avatar n tn I have suffered from genital warts for around 18 months now. The first time I got the symptoms I went to my local GUM clinic and the doctor stated from a visual examination that I had the HPV virus type that caused genital warts. He then froze the warts and gave me some 'warticon' cream. A few months later the warts came back and I revisited the clinic and they were frozen once again, but this time I was given 'Aldara' cream to apply three times a week on the warts.
Avatar f tn I have genital HPV and I was treating the warts using Aldara. Applied a lot of the cream Monday to the outside of lower labia minora. Wednesday the labia was hard, swollen and really sore. Friday the swelling was reduced and in it place were 2 sore lesions located just inside the labia. I am now convinced it is herpes from looking at pictures online and reading the symptoms. I am also experiencing tingling down there too! I also have a decreased appetite although this could be from worry.
Avatar n tn I was prescribed Aldara (imiquimod) to get rid of a few perianal HPV warts since cryotherapy was only making it worse. After only about 2 weeks of usage almost all symptoms of the warts were gone however I now have perianal psoriasis in its place. That is one of the side-effects of imiquimod and it mainly strikes people whom are genetically prone to having psoriasis.
Avatar m tn I used Aldara successfully and never got any redness, pain ,etc. I had a wart under a fingernail once and the Dr prescribed Aldara with a bandage over the finger to keep the medicine on and in two weeks it was gone. Some HPV (genital warts do not respond to Aldara or freezing and must be zapped with a CO2 laser or cut out or burned out with the Hyfrecator (sp?) All people with visible genital warts should have them removed ASAP as they can cause cancer in females AND males.
Avatar f tn At the very beginning of December I noticed one or two skin tag looking things, my GP said it could be GW and gave me aldara but said to go to a gyno to confirm. One week after using aldara the bumps disappeared, and I went to my GP a few more times the next few weeks and she too said everything looked clear. It took until late January to get into the gyno, she also assured me there was nothing there.
Avatar f tn I really thought I was a healthy person until these bumps showed up! The doctor prescribed me Aldara cream and I just started using it last week, she said it can take up to 8-16 weeks for the warts to go away. They're small bumps though so I hope it wouldn't take that long. My question is, for anybody that has used Aldara cream before, how effective is it?
Avatar n tn They are very small but many clustered with a few random ones on the lower part of my penis that popped up as recently as this week. I have been using Aldara for about 4 weeks with little skin reaction at all (not even redness). I have a two part question. 1. In your experience have you noticed Aldara be less effective depending on what part of the genital region it is applied? PI indicated 33% total clearance in males. I don't seem to be reacting to it at all. 2.
Avatar m tn If in doubt, see a health care provider. But stop using Aldara or anything else. Aldara will cause the area to be red and inflamed, making it much harder for a provider to know what is going on. Just keep the area clean with soap and water once a day. I hope this helps.
Avatar n tn m also using Aldara and recently, I picked at three small bumps until they became irritated and bled or became very red and then slathered them with Aldara. One of these was visible to me, the others weren't (due to the angle). The one that was visible to me I've been aware of because it looks like a wart but I thought it may have been scar tissue, a large wart had been removed there 6 months ago or maybe more.
Avatar m tn and after 2 weeks use i have had good results so far so if i were you i would go see your dermatologist if he recomends surgery set the date for about 1 1/2 months away and get them to prescribe you aldara in the meantime. use aldara and within 4 weeks if the warts have not reduced in size or started to clear then just go in for surgery.
535760 tn?1213891166 I used aldara with great success. However, I have read it has a higher success rate in females than males. Still, I do not know how credible this information exactly is. I found using Aldara to clear up the majority of warts, and then using a different treatment (such as cryo) to clear any remaining warts seemed to be effective. I used a combination of TCA and Aldara, and have been wart free for a month now (took 3 months to entirely clear).
Avatar n tn I have had genital warts for 5 years now and ive been using aldara for quite some time. aldara seems to work pretty well for the most part. while using aldara frequeantly i would experience some side effects like some pain or swelling after using it for a long period of time. i would stop the use and the redness/ swelling would go away and i would contine use and everything would be okay.
Avatar n tn Once my outbreak goes away with the medicine my doctor prescribed me (Aldara) will they keep coming back monthly? Or if my soon to be husband and i decide not to use condoms any more will that mean that since were both infected that we will get it again? or I will since i was the only one that showed symptoms? Also, does the medicine Wartrol really work? I want to try it but im not sure if it will actually make them go away.
Avatar n tn I wouldn't use a BIC razor anywhere. I'm not real sure what you mean about grooming (I'm new to all this forum stuff) but for a bikini line legs or under arms a more expensive razor is far less likely to leave bumps.