
Aldara skin cancer

Common Questions and Answers about Aldara skin cancer


Avatar m tn Can someone please explain the differences between skin tags and HPV in regards to physical symptoms. About 4 months ago, after shaving my pubic region, I noticed what looked like a skin tag in the pubic hair area. It actually appeared to be a very thin piece of skin that was attached to the pubic area. It was very short, and extremely thin. Very hard to notice. I didn't think anything of it, it's now gone, but I noticed another recently on the right side of my testicles.
Avatar m tn If for example, your are diagnosed with a melanoma skin lesion and the doc says to apply the aldara 1x/day every other day for 3 months. During this time, if your skin reacts violently in that area and perhaps beyond where the original lesion was, then your immune system is in over drive and will successfully clear the cancer in the area of the reaction. If there is no reaction, then there was nothing to attack.
Avatar n tn I was prescribed Aldara (imiquimod) to get rid of a few perianal HPV warts since cryotherapy was only making it worse. After only about 2 weeks of usage almost all symptoms of the warts were gone however I now have perianal psoriasis in its place. That is one of the side-effects of imiquimod and it mainly strikes people whom are genetically prone to having psoriasis.
Avatar m tn I used Aldara successfully and never got any redness, pain ,etc. I had a wart under a fingernail once and the Dr prescribed Aldara with a bandage over the finger to keep the medicine on and in two weeks it was gone. Some HPV (genital warts do not respond to Aldara or freezing and must be zapped with a CO2 laser or cut out or burned out with the Hyfrecator (sp?) All people with visible genital warts should have them removed ASAP as they can cause cancer in females AND males.
Avatar m tn My dermatologist suggested it to determine if my mole was just an irritation or a skin cancer. After reading the package insert and doing some research online I was to scared to try it. If it is recommended to me again I am wondering if I should use it. Thanks!
Avatar f tn Interferon is a substance which your body produces naturally to help fight viruses and some skin diseases. Although the exact way that Aldara works is unknown, it is believed to be due to its effects on the immune system. Actinic keratoses are thickened, scaly, pre-cancerous patches of skin on the face and scalp, usually caused by too much sun exposure. Actinic keratoses are also known as solar keratoses. Aldara is used for several skin conditions.
Avatar m tn How did you apply it? Did you just put it on the spots or did you put it all over? Aldara can cause reactions like this, and therefore should only be used when you are certain its warts. You might need to get this checked by a doctor to rule out infection. If you hadn't applied aldara, I'd say get checked for herpes, but I doubt its herpes.
Avatar m tn Any skin inflammation can make other skin features more prominent. So yes, putting Aldara on the area might make other bumps or skin conditions move obviously visible. Other than that, I can't say anything more about the possible causes. Whatever you have, it isn't an STD you caught during the encounter 36 hours earlier.
Avatar n tn Im a 19 year old male and i was diagnosed with Molluscum Contagiosum about 5 months ago on my genitals. I used Aldara cream which got rid of most of them and im basically clear of them however now on the shaft of my penis there is a spot where the skin is very raw looking. i put polysporin on it to help it heal. I was just wondering if anyone knew if this was normal after having Molluscum. Thanks for your time.
365470 tn?1232747095 The post of kindd relates to skin cancer. This is a lung cancer forum, but people do on occasion post other cancers.
Avatar m tn There is also another area that does exactly the same and also an area that i believe is HPV infected skin that looks almost perfectly normal skin and certainly not warty but always turns white with vinegar.
Avatar n tn Could this be a primary herpes outbreak or is it normal for the skin to react this way after ending aldara treatment? I experience minimal itching which i always have and no pain but to touch the affected ares is a little tender.
4865450 tn?1361294533 (((( ..... I cannot wait for the cancer to appear, i have to fight. I'm 23 years old but my imun system does not fight like for other girls. I already took vitamins but no results at all......I have on my internal lips little wart, i felt with my tongue that now it's not only one, there are 3 :((.............What shall i do???
Avatar m tn d have a higher risk of getting an STD if the area is not covered by a condom. Aldara makes the skin raw and in my opinion will likely make it more susceptible to transdermal infection. My opinion is also that you should just stop Aldara treatment and try electrocautery or even natural remedies (which have worked for me) Hope this helps!
Avatar m tn 3 weeks without aldara and it still hurts? Sounds absurd to me. Skin irritation should heal within 1 week or max. 2. Maybe you have another STD infection that you werent aware of, and please remember not all STDs show symptoms (sometimes chlamydia or GO dont show symptom if you have a mild infection). You should get tested for all STDs, including herpes/syfilis/GO/chlamydia, basically everything.
Avatar f tn My gyno said the ones the aldara did help could have been skin tags because they went away so quickly and aldara is a strong skin cream used for various conditions...
Avatar m tn after the aldara treatment stops,,,does the red skin return to normal?
Avatar f tn I had mild skin irritation while I was on it, but a week after I had stopped the Aldara I developed a rash around my anus near where I had been using Aldara and I’m worried it’s herpes. It was a red rash. It itched, felt irritated, and the skin was shiny. I would compare it to mild sunburn. I never saw breaks in the skin: no blisters, ulcers, or scabs. There were, however, tiny, red, separated dots in the rash around the hair follicles I think. I didn’t have any fever, aches, or tingling.
Avatar m tn I'm using aldara right now too, I am a female but my skin has started burning and bleeding too, I talked to my doctor and he said it's normal.
Avatar m tn I have a few questions about using aldara. 1) is it harmful to shave on off days from using aldara? 2) Can shaving make the warts worse? 3) Is sex okay when the cream is not on the skin? Thank you!
Avatar n tn Hi. I used Aldara for two weeks and my warts went away. I didn't have to scratch or scrape. I don't think you should puncture them at all. The cream caused some severe skin reactions for me (and it was on my bum :( ) so I stopped using it two weeks in for about a week and then when I went to start applying the cream again the warts were gone.
535760 tn?1213891166 I used aldara with great success. However, I have read it has a higher success rate in females than males. Still, I do not know how credible this information exactly is. I found using Aldara to clear up the majority of warts, and then using a different treatment (such as cryo) to clear any remaining warts seemed to be effective. I used a combination of TCA and Aldara, and have been wart free for a month now (took 3 months to entirely clear).
Avatar m tn I had unprotected vaginal sexual intercouse with a female on several separate occasions. Exactly three weeks following the last sexual episode, I notice what appeared to be a reddish looking mole on the right side of my right testicle. It was not painful nor did it itch. My physician gave me aldara samples "out of an abundance of caution," although he did not believe it was anything to worry about. He specifically stated that he did not think it was herpes.
Avatar n tn About a year ago when my grandma passed away from lung, bone and brain cancer I was extremely stressed and noticed some darker brown (fair asian complexion) bumps in my pubic area, around base of shaft, circumsion scar and just under the head of the penis. Thought they were ingrown hairs since they're small and I shaved at the time. A month or two passed, still present so went to local RN she diagnosed me with genital warts and proceeded with Cryotherapy along with Aldara.
Avatar m tn The other morning after using my aldara cream overnight I noticed a lump under my skin where I applied some aldara. It is very tender to touch and very noticeable. I was wondering if this is a normal side effect and what I should do to make this go away and if I should keep using aldara on that area while there is a lump. Thank you.
Avatar n tn All tests came back negative including the HSV1 and HSV2 blood reports and the skin culture from the sore. It was a side effect of aldara on top of which I got a mild bacterial infection. They saw the bacterial activity in the sore but nothing else. My sore has healed completely now though the skin is still tender and yet to come back to normal color. The HIV, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C all were negative too.