Adhd symptoms inattention

Common Questions and Answers about Adhd symptoms inattention


Avatar f tn • Patients with POTS scored significantly higher on inattention and ADHD subscales than control subjects. These symptoms were not present during childhood. Conclusions: Patients with POTS do not have an increased lifetime prevalence of psychiatric disorders. Although they may seem anxious, they do not have excess cognitive anxiety. They do experience significant inattention, which may be an important source of disability. Source: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry.
Avatar n tn In my opinion it won't be such a good test as we (people with ADHD) also have what some call hyperfocus and moving things on a screen usually triggers it ... I was able to play GTA:San Andreas for 36 hours with no breaks (and no meds)... so a moving star will probably (not necessarily ) trigger hyperfocus so everything depends on the surroundings and the state of mind...
Avatar f tn But when inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior are the norm for a child, it may be a sign of ADHD. ADHD can lead to problems at home and at school, with family, teachers, and peers, so it’s important to identify the symptoms and get help.
Avatar n tn His year 1 teacher started mentioning wheter his inattention and lack of focus could be ADHD or ADD. i am ant medication as i can easily control him and at home and with his tutor out of school he is good. He also plays team sport 2 times a week and has had no problems there. I keep on getting this ADD/ADHD thing from school only... ANY IDEAS????
471377 tn?1210946391 Hi. Let me give you a brief synopsis. My TSH level was checked 2/06 with a level of dr increased to .88mcg. In 2/07, I was diagnosed with ADHD & anxiety and treated w/Adderal XR and Effexor XR. In 10/07, I was admitted to psych hospital. My TSH level was 16.4 and was diagnosed as being bipolar. I work for fed govt and they are trying to fire me based on the fact they say I basically can't do my job anymore.
Avatar n tn at the age of 12 that should be something that at this point would be a everyday routine, including making friends and being able to focus on school work and meds could possibly give your child relief from the nasty symptoms and effects of ADHD.
Avatar f tn First, I don't know how old your child is that makes a difference. Yes, he could have normal results since this is a test designed to be "used for assessing the core symptoms of ADHD: hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity." Furthermore, the makers of the test say that, "The QbTest results should always be complemented by a clinical interview." Did these doctors interview your child or give any questionnaires to you or his teachers?
Avatar f tn My son has ADHD. We have been successfully treating it with medication for 6 yrs now. A therapist recently said that ADHD has been proven to actually be an allergy to chlorine. I have tried researching this online but have not found anything that supports this. I have read where drinking filtered water that has removed the chlorine is helpful but this is the closest I have found online that ADHD might actually be an allergy to chlorine.
Avatar f tn I have 2 children who were diagnosed adhd by 6 years of age and both displayed classic symptoms; hyperactivity, inattention, social awkwardness, inability to focus. We were never even remotely concerned that this son had it, as his teachers were always happy with his work and behavior in elementary school and he always excelled in everything he did. Could he have underlying ADD that is only showing itself now as more effort and focus is required or is he just a typical teenage boy?
Avatar m tn As to your inattention in school, do you like school, or dislike it? You get bored there, so the question is reasonable. Boredom may result in inattention. That does not make it ADD. Your test scores were high. Again that does not sound like ADD.
Avatar n tn s very young to be prescribed stimulant medication. Aggression is not typical of children who display ADHD, so the fact that your son is aggressive casts doubt on the validity of the ADHD diagnosis. Making such a diagnosis for a child of two is very dubious. At the very least, even assuming the accuracy of the ADHD diagnosis, that does not explain his situation.
Avatar f tn This is one of the best sites for information on ADD and ADHD - take a look at it and see if any of the symptoms sound familiar. I don't think the hyper stuff will apply. What you are looking for is the inattention things. The site is - It does sound like he is in over his head and is shutting down. Moving him out of the gifted class might be a good idea, but it doesn't deal with the problem that is causing his actions.
Avatar n tn my sons tics where full body moments to where his phsyciatrist thought he had austistic type symptoms...only got worse on other med like concerta, strattera on the other hand did not cause tics at all on my son, but it didn't work to well.for focus..and it is not a stimulant..
Avatar n tn which uupon reading about seems very much like ADHD. He is bright, mechanicaly inclined and capable but is a borderline student, moody, impulsive and extraodinarilly hard to discipline. At age 9 he is now having trouble keeping friends and in gerneral not as happy as he once was. It was previously suggested that he might be best served by being on a med like ritlalin but we have been unwilling to to this. Are we hurting this child by not using meds.
Avatar f tn Children with ADHD usually do not exhibit psychotic symptoms or reveal a loss of contact with reality, whereas children with bipolar disorder may exhibit gross distortions in the perception of reality or in the interpretation of emotional events. Bipolar symptoms in kids differs for symptoms of adults. These are basic common symptoms: During a time of mania, children and teens may: Feel irritable and throw violent temper tantrums. Seem extremely happy and have high energy levels.
Avatar m tn The misbehavior in children with ADHD is often accidental and usually caused by oblivious inattention, whereas children with bipolar disorders intentionally provoke or misbehave. Some bipolar children are described as “the bully on the playground.” 8. The child with ADHD may engage in behavior that can lead to harmful consequences without being aware of the danger, whereas the child with bipolar disorder is risk seeking. 9.
Avatar n tn Relative to the school behavior, it may be that he displays inattention and hyperactivity typical of ADHD. Now, it is important not to assume that this is true. But his behavior invites evaluation. It is very critical that his teacher set firm limits on the talking and getting out of his seat. There behaviors have to be prohibited. Too often teachers allow these things to happen because they are not effective in setting limits, then they complain about the behavior to the parents.
1304850 tn?1273215493 I question the possibility that I may have adult ADHD but those symptoms might also be due to depression or bipolar disorder. I know it sounds stupid but I'm hesitant to see a doctor because if it were nothing, I'd feel like I was wasting their time or just trying to find an excuse for my faults.
Avatar n tn s quite a dilemma you have-- feeling that you have to chose between your sex life and living with symptoms of ADHD. This should be something that a psychiatrist will be able to manage. While some neurologists do medication management for psychiatric disorders, you will want to find a professional who does med management all the time.
Avatar m tn Yes, risperdal is commonly added when someone is diagnosed with adhd. What symptoms did you have prior to the adhd? What kind of testing did you have? Any issues when ON medication should be brought to the attention of the doctor who prescribed it. That's really important. And also letting them know about any other meds you take from any different care providers.
Avatar n tn With ADD/ADHD your child needs to have a combination of symptoms that interfere with daily activity in order for them to have ADD/ADHD. So, you shouldn't just look for one or two of any of these symptoms... you should be looking for quite a few of them... think of it as a whole picture that describes your child and then, not only that, but the picture must also negatively interfere in the child's daily activities, as many of the symptoms can describe any normal child...
Avatar n tn As he gets older it gets worse and more symptoms have appeared which led to his diagnosis of ADHD. Because The discipline recommended had not been working the past several months, behavioral therapy was recommended. My son will be reevaluated and will receive treatment at a special ADHD/Autism management center in children's hospital. I guess I'll just have to try and hang on until then. Just wanted to get some advice\experiences before going in.