
Acyclovir for oral herpes

Common Questions and Answers about Acyclovir for oral herpes


55646 tn?1263660809 Nationally, there are at least three different studies beginning for the treatment of genital herpes. First, the Genocea phase one (first in humans) trial. Instead of an oral medication to treat herpes, Genocea out of Boston has taken the approach of stimulating the immune system to respond more robustly to the herpes virus in people who are already infected with the virus.
Avatar m tn A week later the line did not go away, so my doctor states to me that it was not herpes and he is not sure what it is. As a result he told me to stop taking the acyclovir. Now, on Saturday underneath the right side of my tongue there are about six small white bumps cluster together and doesn’t appear to have any fluids in them. The area next to the bumps is swollen and the bumps really hurt if I push on them or when I eat or swallow, other than that not a problem.
Avatar m tn s he was going to prescribe me 400mg acyclovir to take twice daily for suppression. My question is, how much of a reduced number of OB's should I expect and does taking this medication cause any birth defects as my wife and I are talking of maybe having another child. Thanks in advance.
Avatar m tn abreva isn't really effective for oral herpes for the price you pay for that teeny tube. it barely got fda approval to say it speeds the healing of herpes lesions :( It only heals cold sores less than a day sooner than using a placebo. you can get a round of acyclovir for $4 - works a little better and far cheaper. if you use acyclovir, best to start it at the very first sign of a cold sore about to start.
Avatar m tn So i got tested about 4 weeks ago for Herpes. I got tested for HSV 1 and 2 both IgM and IgG. Everything was negative, except the HSV 1 IgM was positive, and Negative IgG, and the doc told me that i have a recent infection. Ive never had cold sores or anything, which means it could be an asymptomatic shedding. The doc told me to take Acyclovir 800 mg for 5 days. But then another doc and some articles says that IgM is not reliable. Does that mean that the test might showed me a false positive?
Avatar n tn If a female is the recipient of oral sex on the day discomfort begins, later an ulcer develops (PCR tests neg for HSV, CMV, etc) but serum IgG test is positive (5) for HSV2, (Neg for HSV1 & HIV neg) what are the chances the partner could develop HSV2 orally? What is the latest that symptoms could appear? (Partner has swollen nodes on day 15, no mention of oral ulcers or sore throat.
Avatar n tn acyclovir cream isn't very effective in general. it is actually recommended more so for oral herpes than genital herpes though it's usefulness is limited for both. Oral antivirals in the cold sore doses work better. plenty of cheaper and better topicals to apply to a cold sore for pain relief than acyclovir. Ask your provider for a prescription for oral acyclovir, famvir or valtrex in the cold sore doses and use an otc pain relief topical instead if the cold sore hurts.
Avatar n tn It's too late for a leision culture but go back because it should've cleared up by now, not continue to keep having recurrences like this back to back even while on acyclovir. Odds are that it's not oral herpes going on after all.
Avatar n tn you only take acyclovir daily for cold sore prevention? it isn't effective as a once daily treatment for herpes. being on acyclovir suppressively will mess up testing for hsv2. that said, this encounter was only oral sex so you really were never at risk for hsv2. blood testing for std's a few days post encounter was inaccurate. most of the std's you were at risk for can't be tested for via blood as well as you tested too early.
Avatar m tn // has terrific info on oral herpes for additional reading. sounds like they threw the book at you medicine wise. topical zovirax doesn't do a whole heck of a lot for cold sores, especially if symptoms have been there for several days. at this point even acyclovir orally isn't going to do a whole lot either. no idea why they prescribed an antibiotic for you. not sure what the last medication you listed is for.
Avatar f tn t do much at all. give the doc a call and ask for a prescription for herpes antivirals to keep on hand for future cold sores. she can use either 1 day famvir, 1 day valtrex or 2 day acyclovir to treat cold sores. acyclovir is the cheapest option - 800mg 3x/day for 2 days.
Avatar m tn I use acyclovir to and you must know that it doesnt take effect spontaneously especially the first time your using it. It helps relieve the pain though but might take some time to take effect. Just continue use it and youll see the sore will go away within 3-4 days instead of the usual 7-8 days they take to go away.
Avatar f tn Confirm that indeed this is hsv1 related - 6 recurrences in 2 months is incredibly high even for oral herpes so it needs a further evaluation to make sure that it really is herpes going on. this might just be chapped lips, an allergic reaction or even a bacterial infection/fungal infection going on that needs different treatment. Also ask about oral acyclovir or oral valtrex ( both come in liquid forms now ) to treat your son's cold sores when they occur.
Avatar f tn How effective is acyclovir as daily suppression therapy for Hsv-2? How must it be taken to cut down on viral shedding?
Avatar n tn this could be many things including oral herpes , fungal infection or bacterial infection ( impetigo ). Unfortunately the ER isn't the greatest place to be seen for issues like this. seeing a dermatologist, ENT specialist or even just an experienced family practioner/internal medicine specialist are your better options. best of luck and stop back and let us know how your appointment went !
Avatar m tn I have went to the doctor and do a test, and while awaiting for the result, the doctor give me a box of Acyclovir for oral intake. I went online to search for the picture of HSV and none of them look like the symptoms I am having. I am confused, and these symptoms I have does not look like HSV, but the doctor prescribe Acyclovir which is use to treat HSV. I went to another doctor for another expert advise, and the doctor told me it was not HSV.
Avatar m tn i called the doc n found out that the test is only for hsv2, he said hsv1 test is not required because most of the genital herpes are hsv2, i have doubt because what I read so far, most of the genital herpes from oral sex is hsv1? What is the odds of getting hsv2 from oral sex?
Avatar m tn I really believe I do have genital herpes and I am looking for a doctor to at least give me more insight on my blemishes. Could acyclovir really wipe out developing herpe blemishes or sores within a day? Thanks for the help and have a great day!
Avatar n tn Hi, my gf got oral herpes and i got genital herpes after having sex together. we never change our sex partner. My questions are can we still have sex intercourse? can we have oral sex? Is there Any risk?
Avatar f tn I was recently diagnosed with herpes they did a culture but did not type it but they did take my blood I was positive for type one herpes. But because of the timing I decided to retest after my possible exposure which was 14 weeks later almost 15 my test was still negative I did igg blood testing I'm very unsure if I should continue to do blood work to figure out type or be content with my 14 week results.
Avatar f tn Recently my family doctor prescribed me to take tablets Acyclovir 400mg for one week 4 times a day. I wonder can it help herpes stop? my husband is irritated by these on the corner of my lips and he is freaked he may get it. can the tablets be a real long-term cure?
Avatar n tn s not unusual for a newly acquired genital herpes infection to trigger a recurrence of an oral herpes infection. The acyclovir helps but doesn't completely prevent recurrences in either location.