
Actors in ghost rider

Common Questions and Answers about Actors in ghost rider


Avatar n tn Negative ghost rider.
Avatar m tn But no, shes not pregnant and it being on panties is a another negative ghost rider. Pre-*** can also get your pregnant, hence why the pull out method does not work. Sex without protection has a 50/50 chance of getting your partner pregnant. You should always wear a condom to prevent STD's and other bacteria, if you dont your going to be asking more questions later :] good luck!
2038871 tn?1329798210 To answer the question in your second post. NO! Heart disease, and brain cancer, heart disease, and Parkinson's are NOT complications from Hep C. Why in the world would anyone think that?
Avatar n tn I had cataract surgery done in both eyes in Nov and Dec and have floaters that create a veil and that make me have to blink and focus. When I sit in front of the computer and look from left to right I see the veil move the same way. Not sure if this will ever go away. I too have a ghost when I'm in the theater and see a face i see a shadow or ghost to the top of the persons face. When I'm driving I see the shadow on letters in signs which makes the words look blurred and not sharp.
1260255 tn?1288654564 I’ve been putting off getting rid of the leaves in my yard the past two weekends. I like to think I did it because we had rainy weather and the leaves would be too wet. This weekend was one of no excuses. We had only a smattering of rain early in the week and then the weather has gotten nicer and nicer with each passing day. Today is one of brilliant sunshine and temps in the low 60’s, which is unseasonably mild for southern New England. It was now or never.
Avatar m tn In all, about 120 actors smoked in two or more films. The thirty actors listed below smoked in more movies than all other actors. Of the tobacco performances listed below, 42 percent were youth-rated. How many of these thirty actors do you recognize? Only two smoked in all their roles — so it can’t be that actors “demand” to smoke, as studios have claimed. How many actors really have the leverage to decline to smoke on screen? And how many could help change Hollywood — if they acted together?
Avatar m tn I've been having ghost vision (seeing double image) in one single eye. It's been going on for about 3 weeks now. Both eyes get really blurry at night though. In the morning my ghost vision goes away for a few minutes, then it comes back. Any ideas on what it could be? I've been to an opthamologist and he said I need to change my glasses perscription, but I don't think that will solve the issue.
Avatar m tn I work at night and when I get out in the day time from a dark room my eyes have ghost images. When I close each eye seperatley the ghost image is still there. Its normally worse when i'm in bright light. Looking over the herizon or tree tops.
Avatar n tn move on wanna be a ghost rider
1352166 tn?1280695681 mon lets go get in and he jumps in my car and no whining he loves it! i think it depends how early you start them! What kind of car do you have by chance? if you have an SUV or maybe that dont matter but i saw on the dog show on TV to keep a curtain up and if they make noise close it and when they are quiet open it and let them see things!
4372583 tn?1358902146 The other night in my house, all of the fire alarms on the left side of the house started going off, in the laundry room, the spare room, the kitchen, and the dining room. It was freaky because nothing was plugged up or smoking or anything. We always have freak occurrences happen here and the way I was raised just tells me that there are spirits living here, besides our own. lol sorry, I sound like a weirdo.
4372583 tn?1358902146 My nephew has a gardian angel and a ghost with a frightening side he always got night terrors. His mum always got woken up in a sweat and fright and knew he was having them. We wrote on a A3paper "go away your scaring the children" and nothing has happend since.
4456535 tn?1355894638 Im 24wks and this started about 12wks ago and at first i thought it was me but now my boyfriend and moma friend hear it too. Is it true that ghost are closer to women that are pregnant? Or anyone else going through this?
755087 tn?1250925397 Maybe you have a gift and you can see the future and can feel the ghost feelings. I do believe in ghost and have a friend that is a ghost hunter so to speak. Talk to your parents please they can help you. Also maybe getting into counseling will help you deal with these visions better. Please don't let anyone tell you you are crazy because these things do happen.
Avatar n tn I have similar ghosting (except the ghost image is above the real one) in BOTH eyes separately, and an ophthalmologist and neuro-ophthalmologist weren't able to tell me why. Only that it's a refractive problem, and they gave me some special reading glasses (since it happens after I've been reading continuously for a few minutes while looking down). Interesting that yours occurs when you're tired.
630047 tn?1289248521 I have seen a ghost. Ok, guys in white suits are comin for me now!
163305 tn?1333668571 , the Alliance for Natural Health USA and many others are gathering hundreds of thousands of signatures in protest of the rider, and in support of DeFazio’s amendment. Will Congress do the right thing and keep what are arguably already-weak safeguards in place, to protect farmers and the environment? Or will industry win yet another fight in the battle to exert total control over our farms and food supply?
Avatar m tn Hi, I used glasses for over four years now to treat my Astigmatism in both eyes. Recently, I noticed that I have a ghost image in my right eye even when I wear my glasses. Is that has anything with retina? Is this something serious that may need an operation to the eye?
1028452 tn?1537448484 Since then, no one was able to sleep in that room because of the ghost. One day, a barmaid needed a room. Grandpappy said, "Sorry, miss, I've only got one room left and its haunted." "That's ok, I'll take it," replied the barmaid. While getting ready for bed, she heard, "I'm the ghost with one black eye. I'm the ghost with one black eye." Scared the bejeebers out of her!
7930748 tn?1395500860 Make sure you really trust the horse and have a good relationship with it. If your body isn't used to riding (like you want to go for the first time in your life) I'd definitely say no. But if you rode a lot prior to getting pregnant, you're probably okay if you take it easy.
Avatar m tn 50 in my right eye. In the past few weeks I have begun seeing a shadow or ghost image in part of the visual field in my left eye. If I look toward my nose or right from my left eye, my vision becomes somewhat blurred and that is when the ghost image or shadow is more prominent. I went to the opthamologist earlier this week and she found nothing wrong with my eye. I was pretty much told this is something i need to deal with.