
Actors in old dogs

Common Questions and Answers about Actors in old dogs


2038871 tn?1329798210 To answer the question in your second post. NO! Heart disease, and brain cancer, heart disease, and Parkinson's are NOT complications from Hep C. Why in the world would anyone think that?
Avatar m tn In all, about 120 actors smoked in two or more films. The thirty actors listed below smoked in more movies than all other actors. Of the tobacco performances listed below, 42 percent were youth-rated. How many of these thirty actors do you recognize? Only two smoked in all their roles — so it can’t be that actors “demand” to smoke, as studios have claimed. How many actors really have the leverage to decline to smoke on screen? And how many could help change Hollywood — if they acted together?
Avatar m tn Hey guys, all my life ive been very interested in girls and have masturbated to alot of porn. UNfortunatly ive never had a girlfriend. Lately ive become desensitized. Ive started having these these thoughts about men that i instantly turn off in my head when they come to mind, Im desperatly scared of being gay. So much so that im losing sleep over this. I cant even watch movies anymore with good looking male actors becuase of this reason. Please someone tell me im not gay.
Avatar m tn He also told our 2 kids, 12 yrs. old and 9 yrs. old, that their dog had cancer. I think I will have a second opinion done. Thank you so much for the reply back.
Avatar m tn I am no vet but my Irish Setter started with epilepsy when she was about 2 -3 years old. Her first seizures were also short in duration but one night she began "fitting" and we had to take her to the vet as she would not come out of it for over an hour. We gave her phenobarbitol for a while but then the vet changed her to liquid potassium bromide which we gave her (she hated it) for about 2 years and then weaned her off it slowly.
535822 tn?1443976780 My friend had a seeing eye dog, so it was important that the cat she picked out would really like the dog. She took the dog with her when she picked out the second kitty, the one I inherited when my friend died. The first kitty she had to take back to the shelter, because it didn't like the dog. The first kitty kept slapping the dog and snarling and hissing at him. If you knew that dog, you would know immediately that it was a misunderstanding on kitty's part.
931246 tn?1297902651 my dogs are to old to walk and i dont like the idea of putting them in a pram or wagon thing.
Avatar m tn Can this be from the medication or is she in pain? The vet thinks she may have brain tumor, and I want to make sure she is not in pain.
1994268 tn?1329466212 Took my12yr old dog to the vet after he had funny sores on him and was drinking too much. His blood-glucose is fine his heart is good and his kidneys are ok. He had the one tumor removed and was told he is not to go into the sun for too long.
Avatar f tn Scrooge ...there are a lot of them, the old ones are great, so many famous actors have played the part of Scrooge...I like all the famous ones and wait for them to be shown ..
Avatar f tn Hi, my dog, she is a mutt is about 2 or 3 years old. We took her in July '07. She was a stray. We took her to the vet for shots and a check-up about Aug.'07. She was fine. In March'08 she had a seizure. We rushed her to the vet. She stiffened up but at the same time was shaking, drooling, lost control of her bowels and had a faraway look in her eyes. The vet said she had an epileptic seizure and gave her some Valium for me to give her if she has another seizure.
Avatar f tn Welcome to the Dogs Community! :-) The cheesy white drainage makes me think it's follicular cysts. Basically, the hair follicles get clogged and the tiny sebaceous glands underneath can't drain properly which results in a pimple or cyst. Think of it along the lines of humans with certain kinds of acne. Like humans, some dogs just produce more oil in their skin, and there's not much to be done for it.
Avatar f tn I have a 5yr old a 2 yr old nd a 5 month old and a miniature bull terrier nd I just found out I'm like 6 weeks pregnate again and they all follow me if the baby could she would to.
Avatar f tn Yes dogs are smart. My German Shepherd follows me everywhere now even to the bathroom. And when I come out he runs up to me to make sure im fine. He also lays his head on my belly to feel my son move :) 27 days left can't wait.
Avatar f tn I have a Great Dane and I'm due in 13 days Great Danes are amazing dogs to have around kids i have been able to leave my first son on the floor and my great Dane just lay there and watch him my great dane is very protective of my son I'm actually looking at getting another one here in a couple of months
Avatar m tn My quesyion is, how far into the cycle is the best time for her to get pregnant? She is 4 yrs old and other times when she was in heat her stuff seemed more swelled or puffed up than it does right now. I think its too early my wife says no. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Avatar n tn Hi tmax.....You don't say how old she is, but more than likely, this is old age Arthritis as the weather becomes cooler.....Just the same for humans..... Yes, a Vet visit is in order as they can prescribe the correct anti-inflammatories.....DO NOT to attempt to treat this w/OTC products......Ibuprofen is TOXIC to dogs & one dose of Aspirin can cause a Gastric bleed.....It is not worth the risk! Prescribed meds. for Arthritis from your Vet will help her feel much better for many years..
Avatar f tn My dog is a basset hound mix, approx 50 lbs. My mom kept her while I was in the hospital after baby was born, so my fiance could stay with us. My mom has two big dogs of her own. My fiance took the very first blanket the baby was wrapped in to my mom's house, so all of the dogs could get uses to his original scent (before a bath). When we brought the baby home and got my dog back, she was super curious, but gentle. Then she started acting funny with me.
Avatar f tn ve never heard of that other than in dogs I raise dogs and unfortunately lost two about 5 years ago to parvo but we never got it ourselves.
203342 tn?1328737207 Our oldest dog, a 12 yr old Akita, has been acting "like a puppy" too. When we moved here two years ago, the fire alarm actually scared the poop out of her. We only moved about two blocks away and she wan't afraid of the old fire alarm which sounds just like this one. Maybe dogs react to different sound frequencies. She is also "big sister" to three young dogs.
4733442 tn?1358513248 which is more likely in old dogs, not puppies. In old dogs that can also indicate cancer, in my experience with an older Golden Retriever. I think fat pockets are also more prevalent in large dogs.