
Vomiting in one month old

Common Questions and Answers about Vomiting in one month old


Avatar f tn My 19 month old has been vomiting for about 3 months. Sometimes it's once a week other times it's 5 days in a row. When he vomits he empties his stomach of all food and stomach fluids. There is not pattern, sometimes it's when he is eating, sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes 3 hours after eating. There is alot of thick, chunky milk in with the food and liquids. What could be causing this?
Avatar f tn Starting Last tuesday my 3 month old son started throwing-up.. three times on tuesday none on wed. once on thursday none on friday three times saturday and Yesterday. He has no fever, and nothing is different when he does throw up. It is now projectile ... It just flows. 1st dr said it was a virus ( on tuesday )'s not. 2nd dr said it was stomach spasms gave him medicine and it didn't work AT ALL. Has anyone ever heard of this before? i can say it's not spit up.
Avatar f tn My 3 month old drinks 4 oz of formula every 3 hours but he does not burp he also throws up after every feeding. He has been throwing up since around 3 weeks old what could be wrong.
20797736 tn?1510713181 Hi everyone , I've got a 10 month old bulldog and yesterday night we gave him a lamb bone to chew on ! 4 hours later I mixed his regular biscuits with some tinned fish.. (which he's used to) later on tonight he's been sick 5 times within 6 hours. Hes still drinking well and the sick is just his biscuits. Can anyone tell me if this is normal for his breed ???
Avatar n tn My 20 month old grandson has had vomiting for almost a week. He has had a history of reflux, but this past week he has had some projectile vomiting, no fever, and just can't keep anything down. What should we do? No fever, his pedi thinks it's a virus and lasts 7 to 10 days.
Avatar n tn My 3 month grand daughter was pale,lethargic,vomiting,sweating and now is spitting dark brown stuff up. she is in the hospital on a IV and pedi but will not drink anything. today she had a watery stool with blood in it. Can someone help me find out what is wrong. Doctors here are not really nice.
1984945 tn?1326556865 My 5 year old daughter is also vomiting about every month for the past 5 or so months. It wakes her early in the morning and then will vomit one to three times and then is fine. She has a stomachache right before it, but no other recurring symptom consistently goes along with it. She has a congenital heart defect and the genetic condition called HHT. She has in the past had seizure looking episodes that have never been diagnosed as anything because she has had clean EEGs.
Avatar f tn Its been quite a while ago but I have had 2 periods in one month before. Could just be you're period switching up on you.
900434 tn?1241971535 My daughter was a full term healthy baby. She was fine her first couple of weeks at home until all of a sudden at 5 weeks, she started vomiting everything. I tried Pedialyte and that came back up too so I was told by my pediatrician to take her to the children's hospital emergency room on March 27th and they wanted to keep her overnight. Overnight turned into two weeks. They gave her an NJ tube because she started losing weight and wasn't keeping anything down.
Avatar n tn My son is 8 months old he has pnemonia and did have vomiting for a few days now the vomiting is gone but my son will still not eat he only takes about 4 ounces through a whole day when usually he eats 6 ounces every four hours and two jars of fruit or veggies..What do I do?
Avatar f tn My boyfriend's parents have a 1 month old Miniature poodle named Kenji, today he started vomiting for the past two hours, a light brown, watery substance with remnant of his food. At the moment they are feeding him pedigree from the can and they dillute it with water (which I beleive Kenji is way too young be eating this). Besides calling a vet is there anything else that can be done, to help Kenji or even suggestions as to what to feed a 1 month old pup?
Avatar f tn ve read a lot of women have 2 periods in one month when they discover they are pregnant. Did my period come 2 weeks early or is something wrong?
Avatar f tn i walked out the back porch to find my 5 1/2 old puppy standing stiff in the middle of the grass with saliva streaming from her mouth and tail between legs breathing sounds real shallow wont open mouth clinched teeth wont eat or drink
Avatar f tn I'm 17 years old and about 4 months ago I had an attack - it involved constant vomiting and diarrhea. I ended up calling an ambulance as I was pretty out of it and passed out on my kitchen floor, none of my family were home at the time. It took 3 drip bags and 5 needles to make me eventually feel better (after 9 hours) although they wanted to keep me overnight. They took bloodtests and urine samples - results came back with nothing out of the ordinary.