
Tongue exercises breathing

Common Questions and Answers about Tongue exercises breathing


Avatar n tn In another form of the disorder, central apnea, both oral breathing and throat and abdominal breathing efforts are simultaneously interrupted. In a third type of apnea, mixed apnea, a brief period of central apnea is followed by a longer period of obstructive apnea. Sleep apnea can be recognized by a number of symptoms. Loud and intermittent snoring is one warning signal.
1275919 tn?1279836004 m wondering if there are any actual breathing techniques that may help me get this most out of breathing exercises. Usually I just take a deep breath in close my eyes and wait a few seconds and then slowly release the air. Does anyone know of certain ways of breathing that help when in pain?
Avatar m tn You can plan for the attack and start doing your coping exercises, deep breathing , etc. Try not to miss your Zoloft to keep consistent coverage for your anxiety disorder. Stopping abruptly even for a day will not feel good to you.
Avatar n tn until you get the above done, please work on your breathing this is a good start and you will be amazed how it can help! start off by prracticing "deep breathing exercises for panic attacks" (just google it) many different exercises, really easy to do and really can relieve and STOP a panic before it even starts, but you need to practice before hand. good luck keep posting on updates on how your doing.
Avatar f tn m starting to do some breathing exercises to strengthen the diaphragm in hopes to somewhat control some of the anxiety. I was wondering if anybody has had any success with these exercises. If so how long did it take? What exercises brought about the quickest best results?
Avatar f tn I would suggest you to ask him to relax and take it easy for the next few days. Breathing exercises and meditation will also help him. If the symptoms persist please convince him to see a doctor. Take care!
Avatar n tn Other causes like peripheral neuropathy due to diabetes, B12 deficiency, migraine, stroke and fibromyalgia. I would suggest you to relax and do some breathing exercises. Eat and sleep well. If your symptoms persist please get yourself examined by your PCP. Take care!
Avatar f tn You will need to consult your primary care physician for proper assessment. In the meantime practice good breathing exercises, humidify your room and do steam inhalations. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn If this is a new symptom, you need to let your doctor know so other causes other than anxiety can be ruled out. I only know of the deep breathing exercises, but stay with us as others offer advice and their experiences. I'm sure this has got to be very frightening, and hopefully others can give you some advice. Take care...
Avatar m tn s clear also the bumps on the back of my tongue appear to be raised on both sides but one side a little more than the other. Does this sound like a sinus infection?
Avatar f tn I've recently started trying to use breathing exercises to decrease stress. However, almost as soon as I start breathing deeper, I get a headache. If I continue the exercises, I end up feeling more anxiety, and a disoriented pressure/whirring sensation in my head. The headache can continue for hours. I'm also a professional oboist (wind player), and don't get headaches from that. I do get exercise-induced headaches.
Avatar f tn I used to have severe restriction in my rib cage which affected my breathing. My physio gave me some exercises which helped fix this and my breathing is better. I feel better and can breathe better when my head is tilted less forward and jaw slightly back. This is what the oralfacial specialist and phsyio is helping me achieve. What puzzles me about this is that if anything at all my lower jaw seems too backwards and yet when I try to keep it forward, it gives me headaches.
Avatar f tn The Yog Pranayam (breathing exercises) will help with asthma control. Build up your timing gradually. If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after 1 minute. Bhastrika - Take a long deep breath into the lungs(chest not tummy) via the nose and then completely breathe out through the nose. Duration upto 5 minutes.
Avatar m tn The theory is that people get stuck into a pattern of over breathing, and by doing the exercises you can retrain their lungs to breath a more normal pattern. http://en.wikipedia.
Avatar m tn And is it possible for me to actually stop breathing and die during this while fully aware that I have stopped breathing? If I just let go and stop fighting will I simply stop breathing and die? I would really appreciate some answers because I'm kind of afraid to go to sleep and I cant concentrate on anything my school is suffering and there is just way too much going on in my life without this.
Avatar f tn Tongue or teeth sucking has become a problem to me for the past ten years. I have the feeling it is changing the shape of my face. What can I do?
Avatar n tn a couple of days later i was sitting down again drinking, not so much, when the same sensation arose, this time i called ems. they told me vitals were fine, that a panic attack is the cause, to take breathing exercises if this happens again. it did the next day, exercises worked i guess, i still felt i needed to see a doctor. i went she said my bp was 144/89 heart rate 69. ekg was fine but i had a few premature heart beat, she felt maybe panic is a reason, but recommended me to get a full exam.
Avatar n tn Breathing exercises aren't necessarily a yoga experience when used for anxiety. Breathing exercises come from different sources, including yoga, meditation, western psychology, Taoism, and other places. So there are many of them. As far as "curing" depression and anxiety goes, that will involve more than breathing exercises. They can help a lot, as can yoga, and meditation, whether from yoga or other traditions is probably better still for this.
Avatar m tn I wake up every night, sometimes half a dozen times with a parched mouth, throat, tongue, roof, even high up on my gums. First I tried to increase saliva, although I have plenty during the day, by drinking more, using an alcohol free mouth wash, chewing gum, artifical saliva, but I don't think saliva shortage is the problem. Whilst my wife tells me I'm a quiet sleeper, she says my mouth is wide open when I'm asleep, even though my nose is clear.
5696332 tn?1372577613 oh right uhm no cause Im out of work and not on any benefits so I cant see a doctor to get subscriptions..The tablets I was on was sertraline same as zoloft 50mg... So it was weak probably was a waste of time taking thoes ones.She told me a few months ago to come back if it wasent working to increase the dosage to 100 but ive had no job so really for the past 14 months this has been happening ive been on 1 subscription so 30 tablets..
Avatar m tn I think that the way to see if the theory is true is to get an air purifier or to somehow get out all the bad air in your lungs but i dont know how you could do that, maybe breathing in pure oxygen or doing breathing exercises? It also explains why our breath is so foggy, its because the gas form of patm is much easier to heat than water vapor which is what we normally exhale.
Avatar m tn Is there some reason why a partial oral breathing tube could not be used to treat sleep apnea? A full oral breathing tube goes way the heck down the trachea and has a balloon on the end to keep it in place. Since apnea closes off the area at the back of the mouth, one might think that a much shorter tube, just long enough to get past the the back of the tongue/soft palate might provide enough of an airway - without having to thread a tube so far down.
Avatar f tn I am an obese female with a current medical condition, I want to lose weight especially around my stomach area but i was cautioned to take it easy with difficult exercises because of my size. Tell me what kind of exercise would be good for me to lose this stomach area.
Avatar f tn hey like kelz said...i think yoga or breathing exercises are very good to relieve the anxiety...i used to have terrible anxxiety but my therapist recomended to try the breathing exercises and it really helped alot...i was also perscribed clonazapam but i refused to take them after i tried the breathing exercises because they helped me more then the medication....try eating healthy, do exercise because both of those things help the anxiety just as much as medication...