
Osteoarthritis hip classification

Common Questions and Answers about Osteoarthritis hip classification


Avatar f tn You probably have the onset of osteoarthritis which usually is first noticed in the hip, especially when lying on it in bed.
1175033 tn?1492201228 I went to Shriners hospital when I was 13ish, and one of the doctors there told me that I could need hip replacements by the age of 35. I didnt want to believe him, but now I starting to realize why he said that. I also have noticed reoccurring pains in alot of my joints along with stiffness and muscle spasms. I also have weird bone growths, on my ankle, heel, toe joints, finger joints, Im too young for all this. My sed rate always comes back normal.
Avatar f tn Since high school, after running track for 4 yrs, (7 yrs ago) I hav had knee pain. In the last couple of years it has gotten worse, radiating to my hip. It happens when I've been standing or walking too long, or if I'm cold. Could this be a trauma induced osteoarthritis?
1378884 tn?1315505845 Dull pain along with sharp pain depending on how I move. Pain in inner groin/hip area. Hip occasionally locks up on me when I stand up from a sitting position. I just finally recieved the results from the MRI with Contrast a year after the initial injury. I was also diagnosed two years ago with Hashimotos and I do have issues with arthritis although still trying to get a handle on it as I speak. Here is the report: Indication: R hip pain, question labral tear.
Avatar n tn In your case, as it is already diagnosed as osteoarthritis, there is a possibility of increased inflammation in the hip joint, that could happen due to stress, infection etc. Osteoarthritis of hip is a common degenerative hip joint disorder that tends to affect older people. The main symptom is pain in the buttocks, thigh and calf. Treatment involves rest and antinflammatory drugs until pain subsides. Also antibiotics and hormone terapy can be implicated depending upon the severity.
Avatar m tn I have been suffering from chronic hip pain for about 8 months. I had THR surgery of my right hip on 1-15-08. I seemed to be recovering at a normal pace until December of 2008. I started experiencing pain in the soft tissue of my right hip. I returned to my orthopedic surgeon for diagnosis. Xrays confirmed the hip was good, to be sure a bone scan was ordered, it also showed that everything appeared normal.
Avatar f tn I take it 3 or 4 times daily. I have severe osteoarthritis and need a total right hip replacement. I had a total left hip replacement 3 months ago.
1021831 tn?1331605848 the hip area and also the balance issue. At the same time I will tell him of the osteoarthritis and the hip replacements, they also want to know of my medications, I'll tell them of the Oxy. that my fam. dr. had me try. Thank you for your interest in my problem.
Avatar n tn Ther. Class: nonopioid analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, antipyretics Pregnancy Category B (first trimester) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2003 by F.A. Davis Company INDICATIONS Mild to moderate pain Dysmenorrhea Fever Inflammatory disorders, including: Rheumatoid arthritis Osteoarthritis. ACTION Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis.
Avatar f tn I am 23 years old, 5"9 145lbs, Caucasian/South Asian Male I was diagnosed with having level 4 stress fractures in both of my femoral necks and level 2 stress fractures in each of my ankles, in November of 2016, I was near the end of basic training and due to what I'm assuming was these sprint exercises we did on the track, followed by shuttle sprints and then an 8 mile ruck ended up hurting me pretty bad.
Avatar n tn Hi, After experiencing acute jabs of pain in my right hip when I walked, my PCP referred me to a rheumatologist and I had an X-ray done. The diagnosis was "osteoarthritis of the right hip" with a calcium deposit on a tendon near my hip. That supposedly was why I was experiencing all the stabbing pain. I also have severe degeneration of the discs of my back. The acute pain has sort of disappeared and now it is a more subtle pain that is located more in the groin area of the hip.
1388332 tn?1285346447 Have you checked with your Doctor at all concerning this pain in your Hip? You might be encountering the beginnings of Osteoarthritis in your Hip Joint. I've lived with that for the past 36 years. I've had 2 hip implants and I'm getting ready for a third in September.
Avatar f tn maybe a car accident, or you hit your hip on a sharp, hard corner or you fell on your hip... it is inflammation of the fluid-filled sac (bursa) that lies between a tendon and skin, or between a tendon and bone... so RA or osteoarthritis can increase your risk of development... I had it on my leg after a car accident and after physical therapy for it I finally got through it... the bursa was absorbed by my body is what the doctor told me... it hurt like fire burns!
Avatar f tn I also took Darvocet and there is nothing else for my pain except the real strong stuff and I am trying to hold off as long as I can before I would take those, I have osteoarthritis in my joints, I need a hip replacement and I have osteoarthritis in my back also, I dont know what to take for pain.
Avatar f tn Guess it depends on which nerve is being compromised. Hip Dr. says no problem with implant. Back Dr. says mild disc bulge with osteoarthritis in facet joints in lumbar spine, but not enough to cause this much pain. Tried PT, three sessions about crippled me. Now going to Chiropractor who is doing a combo of adjustments, acupuncture, plant based injections, ultra sound, etc. Still in pain, but hoping this will work.
Avatar m tn terribly annoying.....I have it in my neck and knee and hip..
Avatar n tn it sounds like you have bursitis. Arthritic hip pain usually gives you groin pain, not lateral hip pain, worse when laying on it. I'd go to the doctor and ease your mind.
Avatar f tn Pain in your hip could easily be related to your back. The sciatic nerve could be pinched. Also, back pain changes the way you sit, walk, stand, etc., which leads to stress and pain in other parts of the body. Gentle exercise to keep your back muscles strong could help. Ask your doctor for advice.
Avatar f tn I am a 31 yo female wo has been experiencing very sharp pain in my left groin / inner hip for 4 months. The pain occurs when I turn my hip inward and it limits my movement. Recently, I have also developed a tingling sensation in my left foot. Not sure if these two are related or not. I had a pelvic MRI 17 months ago for a lump in my left pelvis, which turned out to be nothing. Would the MRI have picked up anything serious in the hip area?
Avatar m tn osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition. It is caused by the breakdown of cartilage and is often associated with aging. It can be assisted along the way by injuries. There is no cure for osteoarthritis. Treatments include NSAIDs and pain management, maintaining a normal weight and exercise.
657653 tn?1224680706 l When I was 56 I had my total right hip replaced;then when I was 60 my left hip was replaced. In between times I had both thumb joints replaced. Then when I was 63 both knees had total replacements. A couple of years ago my right shoulder had surgery but it was not replaced. Now I am having extreme pain in my left foot & anterior ankle. Had x-rays taken & Dr. says its arfthritis throughout both of my feet. On top of it-I have diabetic neuropathy. What can they do for my feet?