
Medroxyprogesterone hrt

Common Questions and Answers about Medroxyprogesterone hrt


Avatar f tn I am 63 years old and 8 Years ago I stopped having periods and haven't had any problems with hot flashes or anything that goes along with menopause. I have never taken any hormones, but just this week my GYN prescrivbed Medroxyprogesterone 2.5 mgs to help keep something "down there" (uterus, endometrium???) from thickening. Do you know how much this would raise my chances of getting breast cancer?
Avatar f tn I am receiving conflicting information regarding treatment for hrt. I have a uterus in tact I was prescribed combined hrt progesterone and estrogen estarlis patches. Then I went to another gyno who said that recent studies have proved that estrogen only with uterus in tact is safer that in fact it's the progesterone that is toxic. Is anyone receiving the same advice?
Avatar n tn My mother is 52 years old and she had her hysterectomy ten years ago (only her cervix was removed but not her ovaries). She has been taking estrogen for HRT and progesterone for the prevention of breast cancer. However, some of her friends have advised her not to take the progesterone because her cervix has been removed. This has left her wondering if she should take the progesterone or not... Does anyone have any experience with regard to this matter. Your advise will be much appreciated.
Avatar f tn I recently began HRT for my hot flashes and extreme sweats. they also affect my sleep. I have been taking them a week and see no relief. How long do they take to relieve symptoms??
Avatar f tn I was prescribed Medroxyprogesterone because I was having irregular periods that either were extremely heavy and long or did not exist at all per month. I was prescribed this medicine after getting off of birth control pills with hopes to attempt to conceive with my husband. We've then decided to stop actively trying to conceive for now, but recently I am starting to think about trying again. Will continuing to take medroxyprogesterone help or hurt my chances of getting pregnant?
777396 tn?1329787551 She is having me do some tests, but says that I more than likely have PCOS. She wants me to take Medroxyprogesterone (Provera) to get my periods regulated. I first wanted to know about side effects. Second I was reading that this particular drug is not recommended as it could cause some sort of pregnancy issue. Wasn't sure about if that was fact or myth. Any input is appreciated.
Avatar n tn I haven't had period since Sept 28 so my Dr put me on medroxyprogesterone 10 days 10mg, but my period came down on day 4. should i continue to finish medroxyprogesterone so should i take metformin???
Avatar f tn got prescribed medroxyprogesterone 10mg to stop my bleeding of 2months. how long does it take to work? I been taking it for 3days and still heavy bleeding.
Avatar m tn One example is Medroxyprogesterone acetate, which is an antiandrogen. This is used in cases where men feel that they cannot control their sexual impulses. The Medroxyprogesterone acetate will control urges and also may diminish pre-occupation which should make it easier to practice self-control.
Avatar f tn I was bleeding for 3 months straight and my obgyn put me on medroxyprogesterone to make it stop. I started it the day before I was predicted to ovulated. I have been off it over a week and was told when I stopped I should spot and then my period should come normally. I have been having unprotected sex and I am 3 days late on my period. I have no clue what is going on. My questions is has anyone taken this and had this problem?
Avatar m tn ve gone 6 months without getting it without being pregnant or anything like that. My doctor prescribed me Medroxyprogesterone about a week ago and told me to take it for 5 days until i get my period then start taking birth control once it starts. it's been about 8 days and i still havent gotten my period. she says that it you dont get your period for more than 3 months (without the medicine, naturally) then i have a great risk of uterus cancer.
Avatar f tn Me and my fiance have been ttc for 3+ years now. I was prescribed medroxyprogesterone 10mg for 10 days. I started taking this medicine on the first of March and had a regular cycle on the 19. I didn't take the medicine in April due to me being on antibiotics. I didn't have a period in April and haven't had one so far in May. I'm usually regular with my cycles being off a few days. I've never missed a whole month except for my pregnancy with my daughter.
Avatar n tn Hello, I just was given a 10 day cycle of medroxyprogesterone and it has been several days since I finished taking it and I have yet to bleed! Has anyone else had this happen? I am very queezy and feel like I am going to throw up but don't actually, ever since I stopped taking the medicine. Again, no bleeding at all has occurred. I am getting worried on why that is. Anybody know what to do?
Avatar f tn I am on Medroxyprogesterone. & i had un protected sex then i took a plan B pill & i am not 2days late with my perios.
706727 tn?1229093232 I haven't written in a while but I had a few questions for some one you that have had your first cycle and mc. I hadn't had one so my doctor put me on medroxyprogesterone. 6 days into taking it I started. Now it is none stop and the cramping is so bad that sometimes it hurts to sit and sometimes it hurts to walk. Has anyone else had these issues and do you have any advise?
Avatar m tn My OB prescribed me Medroxyprogesterone and advised me to take it if I went longer than 3 months without a period. I took my first course of the meds in early April of 2016 and got my period right after my last dose. Had a period in May with no help, missed June and July so I Started my Medroxyprogesterone again in August and started my period later that same month. Missed September, but as of October and without needing the medroxyprogesterone I have been getting my period every month.
Avatar f tn I got the prescription from the doctor to take 10mg/day of MEDROXYPROGESTERONE ACETATE. However, since I started taking the medicine too late, 2 days after I took the medicine, I still had my period, so I stopped taking it. On May 13th, I had unprotected sex. My question is: is it safe to get pregnant within a month after taking 20mg of MEDROXYPROGESTERONE ACETATE? Many thanks!
Avatar m tn I was prescribed medroxyprogesterone 10mg for 3 months because I was starting to bleed daily sometimes with clots sometimes just old spotting (brown discharge)and the medicine stopped the bleeding right away, in fact the very next day. I'm worried because I haven't had a regular menstrual cycle in almost 2 months.
Avatar f tn I am taking the Medroxyprogesterone 150MG/ML birth control shot and I get very long periods, now? I have had my period for 35 days stright, I have frequent migraines not headaches, I'm feeling very weak, am having cold/hot flashes. I am just feeling the most horrible I have ever felt. Is it the birth control or could it be something else? P.S. I have two children, 2 years and three months.
Avatar m tn I had blood work done and I am not full menopause - so my DR, put me on Medroxyprogesterone for 10 days to start it up. Is it true that these drugs can make you more fertile after all is on track? I've posted before as I would love to get pregnant. When I thought I was full menopause I was sad to say the least. I hear so many stories of people that get surprised during pre-menopause when they think they are safe and then get pregnant - I should be so lucky! Thanks in advance for your help.
Avatar n tn Sorry I am too new at the hrt thing myself. I have just been relying on my doctor to tell me what is best for me.
Avatar f tn My oncologist has made it very clear that I am not a canidate for HRT even though I have had a bilateral mastectomy and the cancer I had was not hormone dependent. They only thing she may consider is an estrogen ring which only releases a small amount of estrogen which absorbs locally. Very little is actually released into the bloodstream. This would only be used if other non-hormonal lubricants did not work. This will not do much for other menopausal symptoms.
Avatar m tn I stopped HRT in late Nov. after 12 years (I was on a very low dose) and am now struggling with sleep. I can fall asleep just fine but wake up every 45 min- 1 hour all night long. Even sleeping pills like Lunesta and Halcion don't get me through the whole night, I am awake by 2 or 3 am and then off and on for the rest of the night. I did not have any problems with sleep while on HRT but each time I've tried to go off, I have trouble with sleep.
Avatar f tn I would do alot of research - there are some good message boards on HRT and what is available. Bioidenticals are identical to what your body would be making and that's what I'm on now and anxiety is gone, no more heart palps, and no more off and on hot flashes - which I rarely got but I sometimes did. Please don't go estrogen dominant. American Dr.'s are so far behind the times when it comes to our hormones.
Avatar f tn That seems to work great, no more real low moments but the last week I have noticed ( been off hrt now for 16 months ) that I am experiencing alot of vaginal dryness, cotton mouth, breast tenderness and the dreaded hot flashes. I do not know what to do. Any recommendations would be appreciated.