
Jaw pain when bending over

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Avatar m tn It usually lasts a few minutes and then goes away. I dont have any other symptoms other than sharp chest pain, pain in my jaw, and left arm. What could this be? Is it possible to have a heart attack at 25?
Avatar f tn yep ligament pain! Supprised you can even bend over! I loose my breath when I do every time and get dizzy.
Avatar n tn ) Then about 1 weeks after that, I had pain in and around my right ear. A couple days after that, the pain expanded to my right jaw. It hurt to eat anything. That lasted about half a week, then vanished. Nothing happened for about a week, then I noticed the same ear and jaw pain, but on the LEFT side of my face. That shortly disappeared. Then, about 3 weeks ago, I got these sudden severe head pains on the LEFT side of my forehead, about 2 inches apart.
Avatar m tn Im 20 years old male 6'3 175 pounds and im a roofer for the past 6 to 8 months when im working while bending over like when im laying shingles i get really bad migraine's. The pain is behind my eyes top of my head and back of my neck. Its so bad it brings me right to my knees. I was in a car crash in august but i had a MRI and a CAT SCAN done that showed no prolbems. Most of the time if i sit up for a few minutes it goes away but as soon as i start bending over again its back.
Avatar n tn Is bending over bad for baby? I'm almost 8 months along and I keep having to pick up stuff around the house.
Avatar f tn I have had problems with only the left side of neck shoulder and upper back and also I get a twingy head pain in left temple when bending over. Also left side of head has a constant pressure feeling. So now after having MRI's and nothinh there, I am wondering if it's tmj or clenching of the teeth after all I have dealt with anxiety for 2 years.
Avatar m tn Could that cause the chest and ab pressure,pain,and burning when bending and straining? I also cant burp since the surgery and I take beno before meals and gas-\ x after meals. Could this be gas reflux pains when bending?
Avatar f tn Does bending over alot hurt my baby?
Avatar f tn Agreed. If you're going to hurt anything bending'll be your back...try your best to sqaut when possible just to take the pressure off your back and hips, but baby is fine.
Avatar m tn bending over to do something, working out, laughing, singing). I have had to stop myself fr ... [More] om laughing because the pressure behind my head gets so tight. If i continue to do the strenuous activity after i feel pressure, it evolves into a full blown migraine. Over the past few months it has affected my jaw and ears. I now in addition to the headaches and tightness in my head have a fatigued jaw and pressure in my ears as well.
Avatar n tn I am looking into getting a nightguard. Recently I also noticed that my jaw is cracking. The headaches do get worse when I bend over so maybe it is a combo of and infection and tmj. If it is tmj do I need to see a dr? If so family or dentist? I also have a lot of joint pain so I am not sure if it is all related or if I am just going crazy.
Avatar f tn ve done tons of research on this subject and here are some ideas, for jaw pain and dizziness, when I was bending down I feel pain in my jaw dizziness, nausea, fatigue blurred vision, heart palpitations ....since the experts cannot figure it out. What do you do? It is very interesting to note that a guy saw 7 specialist all in the same field and ONE figured out the cause and cured him this saved him from living in living assisted center!
Avatar n tn what causes full head headache - painful pressure - when bending or coughing or having a bowel movement etc? This happened to me a couple of weeks ago, never had it before. My nose is fine (no congestion or apparent sinus problem).
Avatar n tn s not pressure, but like my uterus has grown and is in the way so I feel it more when I bend over. Apparently baby is the size of a lime. Could I just be feeling baby when I bend over now? First time mum!
Avatar f tn Any other situation that jars the TMJ area or affiliated muscles and can also lead to symptoms (jumping from being startled, bending over, straining, etc, running, showing emotions). I can also get headaches, muscle spasms, pain in the ear roaring sounds, nausea, and dissociative symptoms. I've had tentative diagnoses of chronic migraine, bilateral hearing loss with vertigo, dysautonomia, cervical dystonia, and a lot of other neurological problems.
Avatar m tn It just comes and goes. The first time I got it and when it usually occurs is when sitting or bending over. When walking or upright, I'm fine. On a scale of one to ten, the pain is either a 2, 3 or 4. It rarely occurs when I sleep and even then it hurts even less. Sometimes I don't have the pain for like a week. It doesn't worsen with exercise, no shortness of breath. there's no burning sensation and antacids don't help. Doesn't hurt to take deep breathes.