
Heartburn ulcer pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn ulcer pregnancy


Avatar n tn I have been living with heartburn for a long time now an have seen a doctor about it Im going back to doctor again an hoping to have the scope put down to find out what it is, could it be a ulcer? or something worse thats coursing this for me...
Avatar n tn Hi Cass167, sorry you are having this problem. Since the over the counter meds are not working you should see a doctor. They may need to do an Upper GI to make sure you don't have an ulcer. Also, The chest pain and back pain needs to be checked too. I don't want you to put off going to the doctor but it does take a month or two for Zantac or Prilosec to heal an ulcer or you may reflux even if you don't feel it. Please get this checked out.
Avatar m tn In January of this year (2008) I was having heartburn so bad it made me sick with feeling of muscle cramps on the right side of my chest. My doctor prescribed a 2 week course of Nexium. The heartburn went away for a few days after the 2 weekes but returned. Maalox used to help but after a few days of constant heartburn the doc told me to buy Prilosec which worked well.
Avatar m tn Good grief, spitting up blood from heartburn when you were pregnant was a pretty good sign you have an ulcer, a bleeding ulcer. It sounds to me like when you pour alcohol in your tummy, it's like putting battery acid on an open wound, it makes it bleed more, hurts, irritates the stomach so much, that it pukes it all up.
Avatar n tn I was having the nausea problem and my doctor put me on an anti-ulcer/heartburn (even though I did not have heartburn) medication (pantoprazole). After a week the nausea went away. Yes, stress could make this worse. Do get it checked out.
Avatar f tn 6 weeks ago I started waking up in the night with what I can only describe as heart burn - severe pain in my chest. I had heartburn during pregnancy and this pain feels nothing like this. Its just an intense pain in my chest it varies from the middle to all over the chest to just one sided, it feels like a cramping or crushing feeling. It starts before I eat and gets worse after wards. I also have pain on and off just under my right rib cage, also lately the smelliest light tan/yellow stools.
Avatar f tn If you have acidity symptoms such as heart burn, acid brash, acid regurgitation, gastritis, peptic ulcer then you would need medications such as antacids, H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors to counter the action of the acid. So Prilosec and Nexium fall into the class of proton pump inhibitors. Do not self prescribe and I would suggest you to follow up with a gastroenterologist for a proper diagnosis and for titration of the dosage for you. Take care!
1662361 tn?1302762372 my regular dr wants me to get an upper GI which i can not afford because he wants to see where the ulcer is, the hospital just says i have heartburn, I know heartburn and this is not it, this is pain like someone is tearing my stomach a part and its a sharp pain even into my back, everything makes it hurt worse. So does anyone know any ways to make it hurt less? I am trying to get some medical asstance so i can pay for the tests. Any ideas or advice is welcome.
Dog It has been shown to be effective in the management of duodenal ulcer or gastric ulcer, including those caused by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Both Nexium and Protonix are a substituted benzimidazole proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) that suppresses gastric acid secretion by inhibiting the gastric (H+, K+)-ATPase enzyme pump. Results may vary from patient to patient.
1688492 tn?1346364370 If u r wondering if u r pregnant symptoms are different for everyone so the only way to know for sure is to take a test... but not everyone gets heartburn during pregnancy and not everyone with heartburn is pregnant....
Avatar n tn Quite a bit of insomnia, usually around 4 am. Not much heartburn, but I do take Rantidine for that, as I have stomach ulcer problems. My obgyn says it is safe to take, and really helps.
Avatar f tn i'm 20 years old and I've been sick for 2 weeks, started out with nausea and vomiting, now cough and cold, but the past few mornings i've been waking up with bad heartburn. can someone please help me figure out what this is..
Avatar n tn I was fine for the first few days but then developed a cough for about 10 days but now I have persistant heartburn every night and at times during the day something I never experienced before. Its like my throat is on fire for the past 2 weeks. Ive tried unsuccessfully to give up smoking before and this never happened. Can anyone tell me if its normal and if so how long will it last, or should i be worried and visit the doctor.
Avatar f tn I was 1st diagnosed wit ulcer abt 9yrs ago. I took drugs nd it worked.over time it comes and goes but dis tym d heartburn is serious extending to my back. I was asked to take d followin drugs by a pharmacist (lansaprazole 30mg 1g Amoxilicin and 500mg clarithromycin) av taken dis drugs for 4 days now nd d heartburn is worse. Pls wat do I do?
Avatar f tn If it does not causes ulcer, then there is no blood in stool; in ulcer, blood would be black. Test for H. pylori: breath test. Gallbladder: cramping pain in upper RIGHT quadrant, just below the rib cage, usually within an hour after a FATTY meal. Pain often radiates into upper right back or shoulder. WBC can be elevated and some liver enzymes like GGT are elevated. No blood in stool. First investigation: ultrasound. Small intesinal or colonic inflammation (e.g.
Avatar f tn Hello. I just had a pneumonia almost 2 months ago and i had ulcer last November but already been cured by pantoprazole domperidone. Now i feel like my ulcer reoccured again coz im having heartburn,stomach pain and bloating and nauseous. My question is can i take pantoprazole again even though i just had pneumonia and still having shortness of breath and chest pain? Pls help coz i dont know what really is the cause of my difficulty in breathing is it from having pneumonia or my ulcer.
1293887 tn?1332702847 I get it too but bc I have an ulcer though pregnancy has made it a bit worse. You can try TUMS or another antacid. Also reduce sodium intake, avoid spices especially garlic, chili pepper, cinnamon and any others you find bothersome. Lastly don't lay down for at least 30min after meals. Milk sometimes can soothe the burn.
1293887 tn?1332702847 Nausea pukey and heartburn from h-e-ll! I take rx for my ulcer which helps the heartburn. I puked on Thurs and was annoyed bc i thought 4 months of morning sickness was "paying my dues" but apparently not :P but I get nausea more often than I toss my cookies but when I do its an impressive gold metal performance as it launches great distances :/ and with the heartburn I get the acid that creeps up into my throat too. Luckily only a few more months!
900720 tn?1241996271 If she is vomiting more than a tablespoon, or it looks like coffee grounds, then you need to take her to the ER because she sould have some sort of internal bleeding, or a bleeding ulcer....which the ulcer would be more of a guess becuase of the heartburn and vomiting. Make sure she gets plenty of fluids, because all of that vomiting will make her dehydrated. even if she has to force down a teaspoon at a time.
Avatar f tn Only if I have a ulcer. I had to go to a specialist and get medicine to help me so I hopefully wouldn't get an ulcer.
Avatar m tn I am a 33 y/o caucasion female. I am pretty healthy, generally excerciseand usually eat healthy foods. I am 5'7'' an 120 lbs. Two weeks ago I started getting heartburn and stomach aches. One week ago I went to my pcp and he gave me Dexilant. I have been taking 60mg daily (before lunch). I do no have a stomach ache but the heartburn is throughout the day, mainly at my breastbone and then I feel it in my left armpit. Everything I eat is giving me heartburn.
Avatar n tn A couple days ago I had really horrible heartburn, I took some alka-seltzer for it and it eventually went away but even after it went away I've had a really bad stomach ache remaining and after anything I eat i feel nauseous and have thrown up a couple times as well. Can anyone tell me what it may be that i have or how i can treat it?
526146 tn?1287442248 I had a baby 5 months ago and had terrible heartburn for the last 2 months of pregnancy and I wondered if it was that that was re-surfacing. I have also had a LOT of stress in the last year and through my pregnancy. However, it got to the point where I was in so much pain I felt winded. I have pain up towards my lungs and in my stomach. It stops me eating etc.
Avatar f tn pylori does cause symptoms, they are usually either symptoms of gastritis or peptic ulcer disease. The most common symptom of peptic ulcer disease is gnawing or burning abdominal pain, usually in the area just beneath the ribs. This pain typically gets worse when your stomach is empty and improves when you eat food, drink milk, or take an antacid." The antibiotics in the Prevpak can cause heartburn as well. I would still suggest giving it a bit more time...
Avatar f tn Central pain, if it was just below the breastbone, and if it was shortly after the meal, may be from gastritis or stomach ulcer. If you fel bloated and you burp, this is usually from H. pylori infection. This may be tested by a breath test, and treated with antibiotics. Ulcer itself may be diagnosed only with endoscopy.
Avatar f tn org/diseases-conditions/peptic-ulcer/symptoms-causes/syc-20354223. I suffered my first ulcer for several months before it was found on endoscopy and then I drank a chalky liquid for two days and felt better. So, it can be a quick recovery if this is the situation for you. Do you take a lot of nsaids by the way?
Avatar f tn For the past few days I have been feeling very nauseous after eating, sometimes with heartburn and sometimes without heartburn. What scares me is that a few years ago I had experience some blood on my toilet paper, sometimes it was a decent amount. I am also lactose intolerant. After switching to a plant based diet i haven't seen any blood, it's been about 2 years.