Heartburn pregnancy myths

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn pregnancy myths


Avatar f tn There is an actual study about the heartburn and hair one.
Avatar f tn Haha. Yup. I suffered the same heartburn too. And my baby was born full of hair. But so were both of them and the heartburn wasn't as bad the second time. I think it has more to do with how high u carry. With my son my pee was almost neon. And I was told that meant I was gonna have a boy. And I did. So I don't know if its a coincidence or if there are some truths to it.
Avatar f tn I had a TON of heartburn my first pregnancy (never had it in my life before then!) and he had a TON of thick almost black hair. Now I'm having very little heartburn this time around so im hoping it was just a fluke and this lil bean will have a lot too!
Avatar f tn Im assuming she would be but i guess youll not know until shes born!
Avatar f tn What are some old wives tales about pregnancy you've herd? have any came true?
Avatar f tn So I've heard and seen some Pretty ridiculous myths about pregnancy. My favorite has to be that scratching your belly causes stretch marks. I itch and scratch all the time and I'm stretch mark free! Any other mamas here see or hear a Ridiculous myth that made you crack up?
Avatar f tn Hi guys I've been craving spicy food through out my whole pregnancy. Is this normal.
9523089 tn?1414211966 ve never experienced heartburn with my first two but this bby has made me experience every pregnancy discomfort possible lol
6712392 tn?1393708678 there actually is a correlation between heartburn and a lot of hair... I had heartburn my 1st pregnancy and my daughter came out with a full head of hair...
1628553 tn?1319162510 before I even found out I was pregnant, I been having lower back pains, they aren't sharp but they are there and worries me. I been having them for about 2weeks or more. I am 6weeks right now. they feel like when I would have my period. sometimes I get cramps in my lower abdomen. ppl tell me it's probably my body getting ready for the baby. this is my second pregnancy but the first had no symptoms just fatigue and heartburn.
187316 tn?1386356682 Heartburn Myth: If you experience heartburn your baby will be born with lots of hair. Good news ladies, heartburn doesn't mean you have a hairy baby! Heart Rate Myth: If the heart rate is fast it's a girl and slow it's a boy. Medical research actually looked into this myth. They did find a slight difference but it wasn't significant enough to make heart rate an accurate predictor of sex Hot food induces labor myth: LOL sorry ladies another myth.
Avatar f tn Does anyone believe in the myths about boys and girl pregnancy? And if so what are some you ladies are feeling with a boy pregnancy!?
Avatar f tn I am Asian/American and this is my 3rd pregnancy. So I love to eat spicy. I have always eating spicy and even more so when I am pregnant. My 2 girls r healthy and I am 9 months pregnant without any problems.
Avatar f tn Idk about four weeks but my mom didnt wait ro long after I was born to do the deed and got pregnant with my brother, she hadn't even lost her pregnancy weight with me yet. I think the fertile thing may be true but I'm not positive. Oh and me and my bro are only 11 months apart to the day.
1465921 tn?1287771483 Its a myth. Plus the colors for it are different with every one you read. Some say brown is girl or yellow or green and others say those same colors mean boy.
Avatar f tn ve done several of the old wives tales/myths to see..I got boy on all the myths. Has any body done these and saw that it worked or was there something different you did to get an early peek at the baby's gender.. thanks!
Avatar f tn Nope all myths said girl but I'm having my second boy. And this pregnancy is a 180 from my first you never know.
Avatar f tn , these are all things they say point to you having a boy. Pregnancy myths are called myths for a reason lol I know it seems like a long time but the only way to know for sure is to wait until your doctor confirms it, which isn't even 100% accurate.
Avatar f tn Idk but I'm having a girl and she only stays on my right side and barely started feeling her move at 15 weeks
9121436 tn?1407979502 How many of you have a girl? During your pregnancy did you break out bad, crave sweets, had horribke morning sickness, and breasts grow much larger? I feel like I'm having a girl but I don't want to disappoint myself. I already have an amazing little boy and having a little girl would complete our little family. This pregnancy feels totally different from my son. Also how accurate was the Chinese calender for any of you? I know there old wives tales but was just curious.
Avatar f tn I found out I am having a girl. Her heart rate has been 137 and has been around that area. I would not go by the myth by any means. Although the Chinese calendar did say I was having a girl and it was right. I don't personally do myths though. Every pregnancy is different.