
Depression medication used for sleep

Common Questions and Answers about Depression medication used for sleep


Avatar f tn I'm on 50 mg Zoloft
Avatar m tn I usually only have two racing thoughts compared to 8-9 when I am very manic. Anyhow, I have tried EVERYTHING for sleep and I mean that seriously! I love to get good sleep. My best solution yet is the melatonin and noise machine. I did some research on melatonin and found that a lot of bipolars are depleated of natural melatonin compared to normal folk. Maybe this helps you? Best of luck.
Avatar f tn Hi, its me again sorry to bother everyone, but, I have been very very depressed over the past few months, as you all know I have the missed heart beats and so on, I have been seeing a pshychiatrist for the depression, doc has just changed my medication from Avanza to 'Cymbalta' has anyone heard of this drug, he said it would be very safe, but I dont know how it will effect my ever ectopic heart.
Avatar m tn Hi, I need help to save myself. I have chronic depression since I was 15. Many people suggested me to try medication at that time but, I managed without doing a medication for almost 4 years. But after that situation got worse and I was compelled to try medication and I had it for 3 years. It helped me in many ways like I was sleeping well, was not being down for silly reasons etc, but it was like I had no emotions.
Avatar f tn Used to take Paxil, but had a horrid experience coming off of it. Never recovered. But honestly, the name just came because there was no number that would work with my first name and that just popped out. And yes, it causes weight gain. All ssris can cause weight gain. Doesn't mean they will, but they all have that as one of the most common side effects. The starting dose for klonoping is either .5 or 1mg twice a day. Not 4mg. That's too high.
Avatar f tn There are many teas used for sleep, not just one -- many herbs are relaxing and mildly sedating, including valerian, chamomile, hops, passionflower, and a host of others. They aren't nearly as strong as prescription meds, but are much safer, and not hard to stop taking, so if they work, it's a great remedy for the problem. All of these herbs, and there are a host of them, can be used as a tea or taken as a pill or as a tincture.
Avatar f tn However, always check with your doctor if you use this medication because it may cause withdrawal reactions and can also be habit-forming. When used for an extended period, this medication may not work as well. Check with your doctor first for proper management. Take care and best regards.
Avatar n tn You might be suffering from a depression which is probably caused by a lack of serotonin and that is why people are used to treat depression with anti-depressants. But there is one thing you must know about before thinking about taking meds. Depression and anxiety can be both treated with talk therapy. So i suggest seeing a therapist pror taking any medications but you must consult a doctor first since i'm not a doctor and im only giving you suggestions.
Avatar n tn Seroquel is not a sleep medication and is not commonly prescribed for sleep as a result. Very few doctors prescribe it for sleep because there is no evidence that it has any positive effect on sleep and it can have powerful side effects. Dr.
Avatar f tn If you are not on the antidepressants for depression you can ask your doctor how to taper off. You can take Benedryl at night but it dries your mouth and makes you sleepy in the morning. It works but isn't ideal. But it will get you off the antidepressants and maybe get you used to not taking a major drug. There are lots of sleeping pills but all are hard to get off of.
Avatar m tn Hey. I have been suffering from depression for about 16 months now after some life events took place. I have been seeking professional help but it only seems to help me a little bit/temporarily. I may be improving slightly but nothing substantial enough. I was prescribed zoloft but i cant deal with the side effects. The worst being the sexual side effects and the insomnia. I cant deal with those side effects so i stopped taking the medications.
Avatar n tn I have recently started taken Lamictal for bipolar disorder and am now up to 100 mg/day. Since taking this dosage I have been troubled with intensive, vivid dreams seemingly most of the night and thus waking up tired. Last night I took the medication 2 hrs before going to bed and it took a long time to get to sleep in bed due to racing thoughts.
1565016 tn?1295371145 There are a variety of mood stabilizers that are either FDA approved for this purpose or FDA approved medications used off label as mood stabilizers. This is a list: You could discuss available options with your psychiatrist. Depakoate is generally sedating. It might be the other medication you are taking and it would depend on what it is being prescribed for as to what else would work.
Avatar m tn This is my second post here. I have just found that there is a direct link between SSRI drugs and lack of REM sleep. I cant get out of bed in the morning and am always not getting into REM sleep until like 6 or 7 am. I also cant fall asleep at night despite taking a sleeping pill. This article says that both the lack of REM sleep and difficulty falling asleep. So basically the drug that is treating my depression is ruining my sleep.
Avatar n tn This is not for mood or depression. Our psychiatrist recommends this for children and adults since most sleep meds are extremely dangerous and can cause groginess. Ginger tea and peppermint tea is sold everywhere and is approved since it is tea and peppermint is in tootpaste and many other items and ginger is used in alot of things. I do agree with you all to check with your doctor about taking any herbal supplements since some of them are not approved by the FDA.
Avatar f tn And yet like yourself from what I have been reading on the internet, I note that Frisium is frequently used for epilepsy. I suspect the medication must have been originally prescribed for anxiety. The authorities over here are quite strict in which medications they allow in and for what conditions so the CMI must be reliable. I shall have another chat with my doctor about the side effects. Once again thank you for researching on the matter.At least we have learnt something new together!!
1039200 tn?1314912008 Actually I heard trazadone is mainly used as a sleep aid these days and I was recommended trazadone if I kept having trouble falling asleep.
Avatar m tn i still have a prescription for tramadol (50mb) - i dont take it everyday but it really helps when im feeling stressed is it unreasonable to ask for tramadol as an anti-depressant\anti-anxiety medication. from what ive been reading about tramadol is that its only prescribed for pain - would a doctor prescribe this medication for my condition? I really dont want to take anything else.
Avatar n tn I have been on pain medication for 2 years, I have been on depression meds for @ 10 years but got off of them as soon as I started on oxydone. I had back surgery and seem to be feeling worse, I can go out without my pain meds and have no withdrawals. I would really like to go back on my depression meds but I am not sure what medications that will be okay to take with oxycodone, valium, and ambien.
Avatar f tn Have you considered trying abilify or seroquel? They are atypical antipsychotics that get used as add ons for unipolar depression, and are used for mood stabilization in bipolar. You could try an SNRI like effexor if you haven't tried that class yet, or maybe wellbutrin (although this could worsen your anxiety). There's also remeron, which can sometimes help when nothing else seems to.
Avatar n tn I have to interject, I was on Trazadone for 3 yrs, and it's done nothing for Depression. It's actually used most frequently for sleep disorders now like insomnia and mid sleep awakening. I've been on a dose that could stun a horse - and I was still and do still get depressed with that drug in my system. It's great for insomnia btw, because it's not a benzo and not as addicting, so withdrawals aren't as hard.
1280947 tn?1278376332 You really haven't told us enough to determine either way. Your doctors tell you something you apparently don't believe. Many of us here have been 'down that road' too! When the first psychiatrist I went to told me I had depression I said 'NO ####, if you felt as bad as I do, for as long as I have, you'd be depressed too!" I too had insomnia, waking up nightly with panic anxiety attacks and walking around like a zombie all day.
Avatar f tn t need to test more than either lamictal, seroquel or abilify. These 3 are the best for your case. The 1st AC for depression. The 2nd is antimanic and a moderate MS. The 3rd is AP atypical like the 2nd but a 2nd generation stabilizing the dopamine instead of supressing it.
Avatar f tn I posted this on Depression side too, I don't know which one to stick too since i have both anxiety & depression. I'm 21 and i've been depressed since I was about 8 or 9. I wrote on this forum months ago about my trial with effexor. I recently stopped taking it because after having my dose increased more and more, my psychiatrist realized it wasn't doing anything for me. Now i'm taking Wellbutrin XL 150 mg for one week, then I have to take 2 tables totalling 300mg.
Avatar f tn doxepin is used to treat alchohol depression it causes drowsiness can aid in sleep .although it would be much better if you could find a root cause to maintain your health instead of masking the problem with drugs .alchohol can also worsen anxiety and apnea .
Avatar f tn Good doctors and parents know that no one asks for depression or gets it on purpose....Your parents may not be able to treat you but certainly can point out the best therapy and best therapists that are out there for you.... You can recover from this malady.....It takes hard work and a bit of determination and a lot of faith, but I have good vibes about you and hope you come back and tell me how well you are doing in a couple of weeks....
Avatar m tn I have been taking Amitriptyline for a while for depression and pain but 6 weeks ago I suffered a stroke and my depression is worse so was given Sertraline along with the other.