
Chantix vs patch

Common Questions and Answers about Chantix vs patch


Avatar f tn I ended up stopping the Chantix and am trying to quit using the patch and sucking on tons of lolli pops
407029 tn?1253992623 If I could, I we be a walking advertisement for Chantix. I had tried the patch, the gum, zyban and hypnosis in the past and got absolutely no where. Chantix is a wonder drug as far as I'm concerned. To me the benefits of Chantix far out way any of the risks.
393419 tn?1228447393 I was a 22 year smoker, and what worked best for me was the patch. It completely took all the edge off. I tried it all- even prescriptions, and the patch worked the best for me. I've been smoke free for 6 months and it feels so good to just not think about cigarettes any more.
Avatar m tn Congratulations to all.... to stop smoking for most is a terrible wife smoked (5-6 cigs/day) for about 5yrs and when she decided to go to work, she quit that very Monday and never picked up another one. %-) I was a basket-case... I don't think they had Chantix in the late 1970's...I think they had 'the patch' back then???.. Oddly enough, the Hypnotist was Elvis's hypnotist & martial arts companion in Memphis...
444932 tn?1273980797 Sorry to hear that you had to quit the chantix. I guess I was one of the lucky ones! There are no quick fixes and even though chantix made it easier, there were still withdrawals and cravings. If you have had success using the patch then you really should try that again, read and post to the board when you are feeling vulnerable. Good luck!
950277 tn?1247274551 My mother in law went on the chantix program. She was a smoker of over 50 years. She has been on Chantix for 3months. She actually lights her smoke but does not smoke it. She does this twice daily. She really has quit. It is amazing!
469210 tn?1219188128 To conquer fear of quitting there are 2 ways you can go about it, just do it and quit cold turkey and start soon so your not thinking about this and stressing or slap on a patch, get chantix and get going!!
Avatar f tn Last june i was hospitalized with pneumonia, being a smoker they put a patch on me, i am to understand that they are not for 24 hr use and should be moved from one place to another, when i was realeased i bought patches and had a very bad reaction my Dr.
540521 tn?1221699706 I am 35 years old and i have been smoking since i was 15, I tried the patch and i did not get results. I really need to quit for my kids and for my health, Does anyone have any recommendations for quitting and what really works besides the patch? Any help is Greatly appreciated. Thanks so much..
Avatar f tn I know i must quit smoking and for the last 2 weeks iv only smoked about half as much as i use to but i want to put them down for good so my health will get better because i want to live i have to much to live for and both my parents died from smoking related causes so i know what will happen to me if i dont get serious and quit.Im going to look into the patch and chantix tomorrow and thanks again.I hope im making sense but iv had so little sleep im allmost a zombie today.
334876 tn?1229979296 s time to quit being the Marlboro man and quit smoking, my doc finally gave me the rx for chantix so I guess this is day one and I should see how good it works in about 7 days as it tends to taper off the well to smoke Wish me luck Cowboy
444932 tn?1273980797 I just started taking Chantix yesterday. I have heard lots of great things about this medication and how much it helps, but I've also heard lots of scary things - bad dreams, depression, suicidal/homicidal thoughts, hallucinations. Obviously, I chose to ignore all those things and take it anyway b/c I know me and I know that I need something pretty powerful to help me quit. I also quit taking pain pills four days ago.
385161 tn?1270081218 Ok so I've been on the last step of the patch for 3 weeks now, on and off. I use it during the week and remove on weekends. On weekends I smoke and then put the patch back on and start a smokefree week again. This has happened 2x already and i am going on my 3rd shot. Does anyone know if this is even safe to do. Smoke on saturday and sunday and then use a patch mon-fri? I am on the lowest dose of the patch and obviously having trouble kicking my habit still.
Avatar f tn I started having problems in Oct 2008 after taking Chantix for about a month. I quit taking the meds because I had a really bad reaction to it. I was angry, very emotional and thought of suicide. I have never been this way before and didn't like so I stopped the med. About a month later I had an episode where I was having slurred speech (alot) and I would drive to work and then sit there and think "how did I get here". I couldnt remember driving. This lasted or about a month.
Avatar f tn So here I am again! Monday I will apply the nicotine patch! I have ordered one of those electronic cigarette thingees with no nicotine. The patch plan is 8-10 weeks I think. I am hoping by cutting slowly, I will avoid the panic and anger this time. If not, I plan to become an alcoholic instead! KathyJo, Dakota! I am back and needing your support again! :D Happy Easter Everyone!
Avatar f tn i would be 27 before i would smoke a full pack. or felt any cravings. i have worn the patch, been hypotised, tried the gum, the candy. been to stop smoking school 3 times. nothing has worked so far. i even read the book by someone that i felt after i read it and did'nt quit i never would. and i did'nt.
Avatar f tn I am going to attempt to quit smoking to nock another bad habit out of my life. My question is...has anyone tried Chantix? I am about to start it but I am really nervous because I have read that it can have some serious mental side effects. Has anyone tried it? If so, what was your experience with it?
595141 tn?1239971814 I stopped smoking using chantix. my doctor gave me a script for it. My daughter is usuing the patch and not having as good of luck as i had. My doctor was trying to give me scripts for antidepressants to quit drinking lol, no way would that have helped i had to do that one on my own. Good luck, try chantix IT REALLY WORKS. I smoked for 40 years and quit in less than 3 weeks.
Avatar f tn sounds like hocus-pocus to me, but if you think it will help, then it's entirely up to you. I think the patch is probably second best to Chantix, but that's only my opinion.
Avatar f tn I did the nicotine patch and I was on the patch for 2 months. Havent had a smoke since. Takes will power tho. Wasnt so much the nicotine but just the habbit of lighting up that I missed. Its either ct or nothing when it comes to the cancer sticks. Its easier than quiting the drugs but I think I miss the smokes more than the meds. Good luck.
Avatar f tn I then went to the doctor and got a prescription for Chantix, but never got it filled. Instead I took the patch off and went cold turkey. It was a hard few days, but after that each day got a little easier. The withdrawls begin to go away, but I would find myself thinking about smoking. To this day the thought will occasionally across my mind, but I just resist. I won't even take a hit for the fear that it would trigger the addiction again and I never want to go through quiting again.
444932 tn?1273980797 I've been taking chantix to quit smoking but I started that over one week ago so I would think that would have started before now, don't you? Nothing else new. Guess I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it. Thanks for writing back.
Avatar f tn m not quite sure what your friend and her husband used, but if it was chantix/champix, then the success rate is 44%. I used Chantix to quit and it really worked great. Saying that, there are so many people who have experienced side effects, some severe, so make sure you do your homework on it. Most people that you tell truly want to see you succeed. The one who told you would not be able to succeed is probably bringing her own experience into your conversation.
Avatar f tn I would stop smoking immediately if I were you - use a patch if you need to, or ask your doctor for Chantix - it can cause some weird side effects in some people, but it can help you quit. Use an expectorant like Mucinex in case this is something in the airways - it will help clean it out, and use some Advil for a while. After a month or so you will be totally better!