
Bloating first trimester

Common Questions and Answers about Bloating first trimester


10727100 tn?1416715131 Durring my first trimester, I had the sore breasts until 10 weeks, then until the end of 13 weeks I was throwing up every morning.
Avatar n tn Its just bloating the baby is way too small to cause a bump that early. I felt huge in my first trimester but now at 30 weeks I can tell how much larger I am! If you're cramping watch for spotting or bleeding and congrats!! Good luck!
Avatar f tn But I felt the same way and its due to bloating in the first trimester.
Avatar n tn Hello, this is my first pregnancy and I'm 8 weeks 2 days. I'm just wondering the typical symptoms people get in the 1st trimester? What have you guys noticed, is there anything I should know?
Avatar n tn Its just bloating and trying drinking lots of water that might make some of the bloating go down but I bloated horrible through out the first trimester I think its just something you gotta deal with.
1715474 tn?1318189449 s uncommon thu that a symptom would disappear so early into the first trimester. I suggest u get ur insurance fixed ASAP and do a beta to check ur levels. also try not to move a lot especially if ur cramping. Good luck and Congrats!
Avatar f tn Any of you March mommies still having the terrible first trimester symptoms?? I'm 12 weeks 5 days and still battling with morning sickness and bloating. Just wondering when to expect that to end. I hope soon!!
Avatar f tn I had it bad in the first trimester of mine, and I looked enormous. It should settle down and go away in a few weeks.
Avatar f tn Is it normal is be bloated your first trimester? Iv felt like a cow the past couple weeks I don't feel comfortable in anything I just want to sleep and be in baggy cloth. Is this normal?
Avatar f tn Me too! 5 weeks and 3 days and look 5 months. We're wanting to keep it quiet for first trimester but doesn't look like that's going to be possible at this rate!
Avatar f tn how soon in your first trimester did your body change and clothes not fit? I am early in my pregnancy, am not showing and haven't gained weight. Already skirts and pants don't fit.
Avatar f tn I did have a fatigue feeling going on where I wanted to nap and also bloating during the first trimester. Second trimester was exciting and relaxed no issues, felt his movements, gained weight, found it what I was having, b begin exercising.
Avatar f tn I bloated every now and then.'s down to your digestive system working different when pregnant.
Avatar f tn re doing an ultrasound and drawing blood! Any tips before going and what else goes on during first trimester?!
Avatar f tn I had bloating in first trimester too!
Avatar f tn Also, try to switch to a prenatal vitamin with less iron. I took Flintstones gummy vitamins for a while in my first/early second trimester and that helped as well. Hope that helps mama!
Avatar f tn I kept Tums on hand during my first trimester. They helped a bit, but sleeping was difficult for me at first as well. Try some lemon too.
Avatar n tn Some women keep their pre-pregnancy belly far into the second trimester, while others start showing in the first trimester. Some women notice bloating (not the same as "showing," but a swelling that can make their pants fit tighter) as soon as a week after they get a positive pregnancy test. Generally speaking, first-time moms begin developing a baby bump between 12 and 16 weeks.
Avatar f tn 4 105 pounds and I wasnt showing until my second trimester. In the first trimester I was just bloated.. this is my third baby also.
Avatar f tn I am 13wks pregnant and am likely to over worry due to losing my first to a miscarrige. I just have a couple of questions regarding my poor old body. My Mum lives on the other side of the world so i have knowone to talk to about things that are going on. I have an awful lot of discomfort right below my breasts like evrything is just to tight and my tummy in the evennings gets very bloated and rock hard regardless of what I eat.
Avatar f tn Is it possible that I could've gotten pregnant da day before my period had sex before n after my period.when I started feeling sick I went to er m& they say im in my first trimester .but im showing im really clueless .im going by last period which would make me 4 weeks .
Avatar f tn I was bloated probably for my first twelve weeks of pregnancy. I had very bad gas in the first trimester haha you might only be a couple weeks along, try taking another test in another week. If that comes up negative but you still have symptoms go to your doctors office and get a blood test.
Avatar f tn A lot of it is bloating. Soon after the first trimester is goes away. Thats what happened to me. Ive pretty much gained only on my stomach. But I'm tall 5'8. Everyone is different. Im 28 wks tomorrow. I gained quickly my first and second trimester. Now in my third and its slowing down. usually its the other way around. Lol but every pregnancy is different. This is my second. You will be fine. Just make sure to make healthy choices when eating and exercise. You be fine.
Avatar f tn But a diet like this will bot perform miracles, this is a normal stage of the pregnancy. It got better for me after the first trimester.
Avatar f tn This is my first time being pregnant. Im 21 and Im 8 weeks and 4 days. Ive done my fair share of research on the topic(who hasnt). But ive found that its better to hear from the experience of women who have been pregnant before. So heres the point of this; From about 5 1/2 weeks-7 3/4 weeks, I felt awful. Nauseous and fatigued. Almost constantly. Then, out of nowhere, it stopped. For the past few days, I have been fine ish. No nausea or vomiting at all.
Avatar f tn I' am about to be 11weeks also! When I wake up in the mornings I have a small pudge but threw out the day after eating a stuff it grows I' think for me it's bloating! I also think bloating is common in pregnancy!