
Zoloft side effects tremor

Common Questions and Answers about Zoloft side effects tremor


Avatar f tn i take prozac and had NO side effects at all and gradually felt better. i was told that Zoloft was the best and tried it after 2 months of night sweats, insomnia and speed like effects i did some research and was suprised at how much more side effects zoloft has compared to other ssris. get off of it now and try another ssri, dont put up with tremors and dont mask the side effects with xanax. that is my personal opinion.
Avatar f tn It says on the list of side effects that tremors are a possible side effect. Do you plan to stay on Zoloft?
Avatar f tn drowsiness, tremor, fatigue, diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, insomnia, loose stools, dizziness, headache, paresthesia, delayed ejaculation, ejaculation failure, xerostomia, anorexia, diaphoresis, and decreased libido. Other side effects include: agitation, pain, vomiting, abdominal pain, anxiety, hypouricemia, and malaise. See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects.
Avatar m tn Frequent neurological side effects of Wellbutrin include tremor. The incidence of tremor is high; roughly 20% of patients reported tremor during clinical trials , compared to about 8% taking a placebo.
Avatar n tn Or is it repeated over and over? There are two kinds of side effects from these meds, start up which go away with time and those that stick around. Your experience won't be the same as your mother's. You're at a very low dose, so you're just getting started on it to ease you into it. But if it does cause a lot of discomfort, there are other meds out there to try, assuming your problem is significant enough to require medication in the first place.
Avatar m tn ve noticed side effects like insomnia, loss of appetite, tremor/shakey, headache, nausea, fatigue and such. I've also noticed something different about my left foot. it feels very weird. it feels kinda like it wants to move on its own. at first it didn't, but now my toes kind of just twitch a little. it doesn't bother me to walk or anything. I feel it more when i'm laying down or just relaxed. i'm a little concerned that it might get worse when i move up doses.
Avatar f tn Hello, I was seen in the ER today for a migraine and they gave me a mixture of compazine, benadryl, toradol and a steroid through an IV. I was wondering what possible side effects I may encounter.
1756199 tn?1312596025 should i continue to take Zoloft with these given side effects? What are somethings i can do or take for sleeping (tried mediation, Prefer Herbal Products ie. Teas)? Should i go to the hospital if lack of sleep comes up again?
Avatar f tn When I came off of it, my doc put me on a taper as I came off of it. I did notice some side effects like naseau and increased anxiety, however I kept an open line of communication with the doc. I asked if it would be okay to go on a slower taper as I came off of it. He agreed and the slower taper seemed to help with the side effects. I am glad that you are seeing a psychiatrist to help you with your medication prescriptions and questions.
Avatar f tn I had terrible side effects from Zoloft not pregnant. I would be terrified to take while I was pregnant. It has to be very unsafe for baby. Hope you feel better.
10361664 tn?1409609407 thats why my anxiety got he wants to up the paxil and take me off the zoloft cause of the side effects. I cant even work im sleeping til 2 in the afternoon and stomach is so upset! Thank you for your input I really appreciate it!
Avatar f tn I believe you can continue to take your Ativan as it is in a different class of drugs from your other meds. BUT.................I am NOT a doctor nor a pharmacist and I will tell you right now that you MUST check this out with someome with real knowledge of the interactions of medications. And that is NOT me! Zoloft, an antidepressant, normally reaches steady state in about a week and in my humble opinion, you should not still be feeling "really anxious and nervous.
Avatar f tn Has anyone here ever taken Zoloft? If so wat were your side effects? I started Zoloft on Monday. I only took one pill n within a couple of hours I felt horrible! I had nausea n diarrhea. Today is Thursday and I still feel nauseas. Keep in mind it took one pill on Monday n no more after that. Please give me some input.
Avatar f tn Zoloft has a fairly long half-life of 26 hours. A half-life is the amount of time it will take your body to excrete 1/2 of the amount of Zoloft in your body. I really suck at math, so I'll leave that up to you. Bottom line though is that it's not going to take very long. Couple days at most. Hell, you only took a grand total of 75mg. Drink lots of water and understand that your anxiety about "withdrawing" from that tiny amount of Zoloft IS just that......anxiety.
1258608 tn?1269552597 I think tremors are one of those annoyingly common side effects, but definitely speak with your doctor about it just in case, and maybe he/she can tweak some things in an attempt to tone down the tremors.
20632981 tn?1503687567 My question is, does Prozac have low side effects like Zoloft but does it work better? And should I be taking a SSRI or SNRI for depression and anxiety, what works better with less side effects?
2044839 tn?1331255841 I was recently tried on Zoloft and I thought the side effects I was having were withdrawls from my Effexor and new side effects from the Zoloft ... but it turned out I am allergic to the Zoloft and was having a reaction to it!
Avatar f tn Zoloft, like other SSRI's, often makes anxiety worse before it gets better. Sometimes a doctor will prescribe something like Klonopin (which is basically a longer-lasting benzo like Ativan or Xanax) to take along with the SSRI for the first 2-3 weeks to help keep those temporary negative side effects at bay, then wean the patient off of them about the time the SSRI benefits kick in. Also, it is often recommended to "start low, go slow" with an SSRI.
Avatar n tn I too am on 175 - 200mg of Zoloft and I admit when first starting the medication I was feeling quite dizzy and nauseated. Dosage started at 50mg, then after a week increased, and every week increased until I reached 175mg. In the past my doctor has had me on Celexa and Effexor but Zoloft seems to work the best, for me that is. Everyone is different. I waver between 175 - 200mg depending on the kind of day I'm having.
Avatar f tn =) I experienced some side effects on Zoloft, mainly the tremor, but I felt a huge relief from depression & somewhat with my anxiety. I couldn't take the tremor. It was having an impact on my life, especially when trying to eat dinner. I know it wasn't just in my mind as it is stated under side effects "tremors". I plan to give the Lex 4 weeks. Congrats on getting back to your old/new self.
Avatar f tn I experienced the most significant side effects at about the same time period on zoloft that you are. Some good folks on here, plus my psychiatrist, advised me to wait at least 4-6 weeks, because it takes time for the meds to level out in your system. I'm on day 55 on zoloft and all my side effects are gone. Just my experience, though, yours may be different. I'd give it a solid 2 more weeks. Keep focusing on good things - what is better vs. what is worse.
Avatar m tn I have been on zoloft for two weeks and the side effects are still pretty bad, without any benefits (it seems like it has been two years!). (I have tried lexapro, paxil, and celexa, but zoloft was the first AD I have taken and from my first experience seemed to produce the least side effects for me (although this time seems bad). I know it takes awhile for SSRI's to get working and initial side effects are common. I started taking 25mgs for a week and have been on 50mgs for a week.