
Zoloft klonopin

Common Questions and Answers about Zoloft klonopin


Avatar f tn hi i am on klonopin and zoloft,which seemed to help but recently my dr started increasing my zoloft and decreasing my klonopin.....can the changing of meds like that make you feel funny again? Do i have to get use to them all over again?
Avatar f tn They gave me .50 zoloft and .50 klonopin. Came home, saw my dr, said to continue on same dosage. Still wake up with anxiousness, think zoloft is giving me these symtoms. Dr wanted to switch me symbalta (looked it up--said it was for bi-polar). I requested to try to go off zoloft. She said to take one every other day for two weeks and then quit. Keep taking Klonopin. Now I see Klonopin withdrawal and side affects are bad and maybe I'm getting symptoms from that too?
Avatar m tn due to anxiety issues I was taking xanax for 3 weeks then switched to klonopin for 3 weeks, also 2 weeks ago i started taking zoloft. The xanax was .5 mg 4 times a day and the klonopin is 1mg morning .5 lunch, .5 dinner and 1mg bedtime. zoloft started last week at 25mg and now is 50 mg. I built a tolerance for the xanax and now it seems them sames is happening with klonopin. I have a lack of appettite and anxiety.
Avatar f tn I currently take klonopin .05 mg twice a day, along with 100 mg Zoloft once a day. I feel normal again. The Zoloft was not working well enough by itself, and ativan turned out to be not a good long-term med for me. Klonopin has been my 'savior'. Given enough time for the body to adjust to it, it 'smooths out' and works beautifully.
Avatar f tn doesnt zoloft and klonopin kinna serve the same purpose so why do they put you on both meds
1308164 tn?1275224247 hi, i am on clonazepam and zoloft as well. i have started zoloft 50mg, and i take klonopin for anxiety attacks, 0.25 x 3 daily.
Avatar f tn Hello. I've just started taking Zoloft about a month ago. While sleeping at night, I wake up abruptly feeling like I am having a panic attack, chest feels tight, my mind is racing. It lasts for about 15 minutes and then stops and I fall back asleep. I am a bit fearful and worried if I should continue the Zoloft. I didn't have panic attacks this severe before taking the Zoloft. Has anyone else experienced this?
Avatar n tn My doctor put me on zoloft 2 days ago. Many of the sleep meds I've tried don't help me. I've had to do .25 klonopin to go to sleep. I feel starting the zoloft has given me wakefulness. So I called my doctor this morning and she wants me to do .5 or 1mg klonopin every night at bedtime for the next 2 weeks. I'm scared if taking a benzos like this.
Avatar m tn I am really trying to figure out if I feel like this because the zoloft is finally working, or if the klonopin is the only thing working I've been taking this dose of kpin for a bout 3 months now and am afraid if I stop I'll have terrible withdrawls but I heard the zoloft should counter act that. Any suggestions are greatly apprecited thank you. Also my doc wants me to go up to 100mg Zoloft EVENTuALLY So We Will SEE.
Avatar m tn I seem to be doing better, but I am not sure if it is the Zoloft working or the Klonopin taking away the side effects. I really REALLY want to get off the Klonopin but I am scaered that I am going to go through nasty withdrawls, increase in anxiety, seizures etc. I have read HORROR STORIES. I need to be off this drug. I am in therapy now and am going tomorrow. He says to take it that I should not be addicted and it will help, but I feel as I am physically dependant and am scared not to take it.
Avatar f tn Once you start better managing that, you will most likely not have a need for either the Zoloft or Klonopin anymore, so hopefully you could be tapered off both of them. That of course would all be down the road, you first have to address some of these issues. Hang in there, keep us posted, okay?
Avatar m tn One more thing- anyone on Zoloft- I have been on Zoloft 100mg/day for about 2 years, again with few results. I note from the on line info that dosages of up to 200 mg/day are OK- needless to say I should explore having my dosage raised before switching from Zoloft to something else? Also, anybody have any relief from OTC stuff like St. John's Wart, Magnessium supplements, Serydyn or others, or are these a waste of money?
Avatar m tn I've been on klonopin and Zoloft for about a week yeah I looked up the symptoms of globus they sound similar to what I have I currently going to therapy just have my first session last Fri but yeah I'm gonna to the doc to see if I can take klonopin twice a day but at night I'm taking zoloft it's only been a week since I've been on this meds the only symptoms is the globus I have which bothers me all day but I'm learning to cope with it once this globus thing goes away I&#
Avatar m tn Klonopin 0.
Avatar m tn I was on Lexapro and Klonopin for a month and that did not work out for me at all. I had been on Zoloft about 1.5 years ago and it worked for me so I decided to ask for it again. I stopped the Lexapro and started on 25mg Sertraline for 4 days then up to 50mg. The first week and a half were incredibly difficult. Every side effect imaginable I was having, and I also was panicking and super anxious. At the two week point (which was 4 days ago I started to feel myself again).
Avatar m tn Hi, how long have you been on the Zoloft and how much? Is it for anxiety? I have been on it for about 5 weeks, 25mg. I take it in the morning, even so sleeping is very difficult, if I do fall asleep I wake up every hour or so. I have heard this is common with Zoloft. My doctor told me to take Xanax to sleep, also tried Trazodone, Melatonin, and many over the counter - the only thing that works is the Xanax however I won't take this every night.
Avatar f tn I have been on .5mg Klonopin, 100mg Zoloft and 15mg Remeron for 3 weeks now for severe anxiety and depression, but I am not feeling any better. I wake up with severe anxiety (pain in my stomach) that won't go away no matter what I do. I don't start feeling semi normal until around 11 am. I am off work on medical leave because I just could not function at work. I am always tired, no motivation and just about everything makes me anxious.
Avatar f tn i have been on klonopin and zoloft since november last yr,my dr just increased my zoloft so my klonopin can be only as not really liking zoloft with all the side effects and such.has anyone ever stopped taking zoloft?my fear is that all my anxiety will come bk.does anyone do or take anything more natural so you dont have to take meds?
Avatar f tn m am having winter time bout of Anxiety, this time it seems to be in the form of the shakes and dizziness. I started on Zoloft, 25mg 21 days ago. In the past it worked great to treat my anxiety. Even so my shakes continue, nearly all day. Sometimes I have difficulty writing & talking. I try not to dwell on it or it can make me very anxious, I just keep waiting for it to go away. I have completely quit drinking coffee and cut way back on sugar hoping to remedy this.
Avatar f tn I only started them 8 weeks ago, .50 zoloft and .50 klonopin 3x/day. Started to feel extreme anxiousness in the mornings, and blamed the zoloft so I asked my doctor to get off it and she gave me a tapering schedule, once off that I will begin tapering off the klonopin (using buspar---not as addictive as other benzos, so dr said). Hoping I can try to work my way through these attacks without medicine. Are you suppose to take celexa for anxiety. Is the anxiety severe enough?
Avatar f tn who prescribed me ativan and Zoloft, would not prescribe me the valium. Adventually I came off the Zoloft due to the side effects. The Ativan did its job for awhile but i was taking "too" much a day according to him so he just put me on Klonopin 4mg per day. It seems to be fine keeping me calm and not too many side effects but it is not helping with random anxiety onsets nor is it helping me with sleep.