
Zoloft dosage recommendation

Common Questions and Answers about Zoloft dosage recommendation


Avatar n tn If the doctor prescribed that dosage, then I would trust him/her. Zoloft is typically prescribed from 50-200mg, so your son is taking a 'normal' dosage in my opinion. I was on Zoloft a couple of years ago and had no major problems coming off of it. Just ensure when it is time to come off the medication work with your doctor and taper down slowly.
Avatar f tn s possibly the drowsiness or nausea you are mentioning. Give it some time to see. It takes about 6 to 8 weeks for Zoloft to work. And Zoloft is a good drug but the thing about that one in particular is that there may be some trial time to get the right dose. It does tend to take a higher dose for effectiveness than the starting dose. Also (I keep thinking of things to add, lol) with antidepressants like Zoloft, it may help to start low and raise the dose slowly. Tapering up.
Avatar f tn Hi again all, Just a quick one.. gone up to 25mgs (4th day ) and have noticed 2-3hrs later I may get woozy and shaky.. though my heart rate is fine and I don't feel anxious. I am prone to low blood sugar if I don't eat which will produce the same feeling.. I did read somewhere that Zoloft can affect your blood glucose levels.. Is this a side effect of the tablets.. kinda assume it is.. not a stranger to feeling shaky..
Avatar n tn Hi There I suffer from depression and am on 200mg Zoloft daily. I increased my dosage after giving birth to my daughter because I (of course) had antenatal depression. Every day I wake up with nervous tension and it is driving me nuts! I was wondering if this is because I am taking a high dosage of Zoloft? I am scared to go down because I don't want to be in that depressive place.
Avatar f tn Also I have been taking a trazodone 50 mg at night and it really was a struggle to sleep when it usually knocks me out. Is it the Zoloft dosage increase?
Avatar f tn t stand feeling like this, but the medication is helping even out my mood to some extent. Should I persist with the zoloft at this dosage and see if the side effects go away or ask my doctor to taper down? Has anyone experienced anything similar with SSRIs? How did you deal with it?
Avatar n tn I had taken a low dosage of Klonopin in conjuction with my Zoloft in the past to manage extra stress. A stressful situation has come into my life and I had been debating taking some again. As my prescriber is currently away I was considering taking some of the Klonopin that remained unused from 2 years ago. The suggested expiry date is approximately 18 months passed. My question is not whether I should or should not take ethically I dont believe you can answer the question.
Avatar f tn Ooops, I was going to briefly touch on the Sulpiride. This medication is not used here in the US, so I don't have any first hand experience with it, but I know it is an anti-psychotic medication. Again,in MY opinion...I don't care for the use of antipsychotic meds in some situations. I think they are being overly prescribed as an adjunct therapy before other options are explored.
Avatar f tn Doctors rarely start you out on such a high dosage, they prefer to start with the lowest dosage and if needed increase it with time. Also, even lay people know that you should never just stop these medications cold turkey.....bad withdrawals. Psychiatrist are the most knowledgeable when it comes to these types of medications, I would make an appt. to see one and hold off on starting such a high dosage until you speak to him.
Avatar f tn We have gotten to where we are so concerned about him that we finally have decided to place him on Zoloft (10mg), at the recommendation of a doctor. He will also be going to counseling (as he has in the past). I am very concerned about placing my 11 year old on an antidepressant. There is definite history of depression in my family, I myself have suffered from it.
Avatar f tn You say you were taking Zoloft at 2Mgs a day? I didn't even know Zoloft came in such a low dosage. I used to take Zoloft at 200Mgs a day. Lowest dosage is 50mgs a day and even that dosage is too low for most people.
630047 tn?1289248521 I have a question about my med's....I am currently on 25mg of Zoloft daily. My doctor wanted to start me off slowly so that the side effects weren't to bad. I have an appointment with her in a week and a half were we are planning on uping the dosage to 50mg/daily. I am no longer feeling sideeffects of the med's and am wonder the following: Is it safe to take 2 x 25mg of the zoloft? Rather than waiting until I go and see my doctor.
Avatar f tn Hey Toots, Big deep breath, right now! You have just recently started on Zoloft, a med I have no persoanl experience with, but which many on this forum have. I hope they wade in with some "real life" experiences to help you come to grips with what you are going through. I can feel your anxiety regarding this med from way out here and understand it totally. ANY new med we are put on usually has a period of adjustment attatched to it.
9266905 tn?1402808881 Hi! I hope you are feeling better! I have so many questions myself and just started a small dose of Zoloft Being on it before I do know it took like two weeks to start really working. I also know that when you increase, it should be in smaller increments. I'm not a doctor but why would he have you double your dose? Yikes? Some of the side effects can cause you more worry! Believe me..... I think I have every deadly thing going on in my body right now.
Avatar f tn I have been on 50 mg Zoloft for anxiety/stress the past 5 years. Zoloft has been awesome! About 21/2 months ago, my stress at work (love my job) took its toll and I started feeling those old panic feelings again. I kicked in my CBT practices, but too late! I asked Doc to increase my Zoloft to 75 mg about 71/2 weeks ago. The anxiety has calmed down quite a bit, but some still there. I want to get back to how I was feeling just 3 months ago!
Avatar n tn I asked my doc today at my weekly checkup if we should try to raise my adderall dosage, and she said that maybe we should try to lower my zoloft dosage instead - that might be what is causing my tiredness (when combined with the adderall). Since I've been on 100mg daily for YEARS and it works very well for me, I'm frightened to lower my zoloft dosage.
Avatar m tn Is it safe to take one or both of these with zoloft? If so, what dosage? Also, is it safe to take zoloft while taking natural harmones ( cream)?
Avatar m tn Personally, I was on a dosage of Zoloft for 10+ years that worked amazing for me. A year and a half ago I abruptly lowered my dosage by taking 1/3 of what I was used to. I've had problems on and off since then, with anxiety & panic returning in full force the past week. I met with my Dr. and I'm working my way back up to the dosage I used to take, to get rid of these nasty side effects of dropping my dosage abruptly.
Avatar m tn My endo saw the last TSH result and decreased my dosage. After one week on decreased dosage symptoms got worse and I went back to what I was on. I decided to see another doctor and she agreed to keep me on the 90/60 but nothing else based on the TSH. I'm running out of options in my town. Could someone please help. Is there anyone else out there who had similar labs and had doctors who actually increased dosage. Thank you.
Avatar f tn For those of you on Zoloft, did you notice an increase in anxiety and tiredness when your dose was upped from 50mg to 75mg?
Avatar n tn I too am on 175 - 200mg of Zoloft and I admit when first starting the medication I was feeling quite dizzy and nauseated. Dosage started at 50mg, then after a week increased, and every week increased until I reached 175mg. In the past my doctor has had me on Celexa and Effexor but Zoloft seems to work the best, for me that is. Everyone is different. I waver between 175 - 200mg depending on the kind of day I'm having.
Avatar f tn So far been on zoloft for a week and still waiting for these side effects but still nothing I know this drug takes a couple of weeks before it starts working for the good but thought I would ave seen some side effects by now how long does it take to get them?