
Zofran hyperemesis

Common Questions and Answers about Zofran hyperemesis


Avatar n tn Anybody have hyperemesis? What are you doing at home to stay hydrated?
Avatar f tn I posted last night but didn't get any response. I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis. Any other Moms experience this? I'd like any insight I can get on what I'm getting into...
Avatar f tn I lived with ice water by my bed at night. Taking prescribed Zofran (anti-emetic) and Reglan for the acidosis (neutralized the acid) - the throwing up constantly was wearing away the lining of my esophagus. Before my throat healed over a day or two, EVERYTHING hurt to eat. Then I'd throw up. With the meds, I could at least get a lil food down and keep it there.
Avatar f tn Has anyone here been diagnosed with Hyperemesis? If so, what did it take for your doctor to really take u seriously about your nausea and vomiting? I'm at 13 weeks with severe nausea and vomiting and it seems every time I bring it up to any one including my dr they look at me like I'm making all of this up.I am starting to feel really depressed at this point because I can't get to my normal self and really enjoy being pregnant due to all this sickness.
7763229 tn?1396626895 I have hyperemesis graviderum, am at 14weeks, have had with every pregnancy I've had( the gnarly version of hg) and I'm taking both Reglan and Zofran. Not sure what a pic line is. I've also never had them try to give me steroids. Try asking about those ones I'm taking, they really help (antiemetics). Nothing even helps me (no crackers, no ginger etc.) unless it's those two together.
Avatar f tn So I have hyperemesis and I have to keep nausea medicine in my system so I have to take 4mgs of dissolvable zofran every 4 hours. It so difficult because I have a son and the meds make me so extremely tired. Ive never felt so tired before.
Avatar f tn I'm on zofran for it. I feel horrible all the time, my doctor brought up putting me in the hospital today but instead she's letting me come back in a week.
1641397 tn?1302626061 I posted before about my Hyperemesis. My grandmother told me about these accupuncture bracelets for combating nausea. Has anyone used them or heard of them at all? At this point I'm willing to try ANYTHING!
Avatar f tn Recently somebody told me zofran is horrible for the baby... But i have hyperemisis & it is the only thing that stops my from getting sick n being nauseated all day... Has anyone else heard bad reviews ??
Avatar f tn I have been diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum! I am almost 9 weeks pregnant and have been struggling very hard with keeping and food and water down! I have seen my OB doctor several times and she has been giving me several different nausea and vomiting medications. I am not happy with taking drugs while pregnant but I have lost a extrem amount of weight and it has been stressed to me medication and iv fluids are absolutely necessary.
Avatar f tn I am 6 weeks and 3 days and I was actually in the hospital the other night due to severe dehydration and Hyperemesis, I was prescribed zofran for the nausea but I have heard about birth defects from taking it. Does anyone else have the Hyperemesis? Is anyone taking zofran?
Avatar n tn I am currently 26 weeks pregnant. I'm currently taking Zofran because I can't keep anything down as far as food. After reading a few post in this group. I hav heard about people using Zofran and there babies coming out with defects or women having miscarriages....
Avatar f tn Just was prescribed a zofran pump due to severe hyperemesis. I've had the catheter in my leg for 24 hours and find it very uncomfortable. While it is much better than being sick 24/7, anyone have any suggestions on dealing with the site?
Avatar f tn Yes zofran is great. Took in beginning of pregnancy and now again towards the end..
Avatar f tn Ive been hospitalized 6 times so far for this disorder. I had the microinfusion pump but it didnt work well for me. Zofran causes a reaction for me. So I have dealt with this with no remedy and its getting to be too much. I had to quit my job. . i cant even enjoy life as i used to. Within last 4 days i have been able to eat a full meal but im right back to old ways now. Who had this disorder and when did u see full relief?
Avatar f tn I have HG with this pregnancy and with my 3 yr old daughter. Its awful :(Lost almost 20lbs each time. Make sure u stay hydrated. Take Flintstones or chewable prenatals if u cant keep regular ones down. Raglan n Zofran didn't work for me. Vitamin B/unisom combo helps take egde off.
Avatar f tn So sorry to hear that you've joined the club, but, congrats on the pregnancy. Unfortunately, I had hypermesis my ENTIRE first pregnancy starting at 5weeks and now in this pregnancy (1 yr or so later) I am 36 wks tmrrw and have had it every since 6 weeks. I wish that I had better news or some hope but nothing worked for me and it still isn't. I've literally spent my pregnancies crying, starving, at the hospital frequently and vomiting.
Avatar f tn Im am 7weeks along early but I already started with servere nausia and vomiting. Does anybody no any thing I can do to relieve this hyperemesis??
Avatar n tn Me! My zofran even quit working. I'm so ready to eat a normal meal again.
Avatar f tn Any mom's to be out there with really awful morning sickness that are taking Zofran? Is it helping you through the worst of times?
4974520 tn?1366757591 m going to throw up this way. Also, they put me on reglan and took me off zofran due to the back up the zofran was causing. Good luck hun, it isn't the easiest road but I'm hoping by 14wks I'll be in better shape!
7753764 tn?1401853590 Oh im sry hun I was able to keep the others down after I got out of hospital adter having iv zofran. It may seem extreme but won't hurt to ask and you sound like a really severe case in fact I've never talked to someone who was worse than it than myself but im pretty sure you are worse than I was and I was really bad :-( ask you doctor about a pic line for iv zofran at home.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Leukocytosis and this is getting the best of me. Ive tried to stay positive but I am really depressed because all I do is throw up and its even hard for me to swallow my own salvia without having to throw up.
Avatar f tn Zofran isn't pregnancy safe. I wish you well. Just don't take Zofran!
Avatar f tn Up until 20 weeks i had terrible hyperemesis and was hospitalized a few times for dehydration. It went away after that but now at 28 weeks it's back and once again i just got out of the hospital for dehydration, low magnesium, and palpitations from the low magnesium. Ugh im so frustrated and tired of feeling like poop. Anyone else going thru this?
7763229 tn?1396626895 Hyperemesis. Had a pic line in giving me nutrients and keeping me hydrated.
Avatar f tn If you needed zofran than you have been dealing with severe morning sickness/ hyperemesis. Dehydration after vomiting every 30-45 minutes is extremely dangerous. I'm sure no one takes it for the heck of it. No pregnant women sign up for drug trials just for the sake of trials so some things are unknown risks. (There was a recent article about acetaminophen causing ADHD but most people wouldn't consider tylenol very risky.