
Zofran for hyperemesis

Common Questions and Answers about Zofran for hyperemesis


1641397 tn?1302626061 i had hyperemesis with my daughter and thought i would have had the same this time round but i found eating ice lollies helped, eating foods rich in protein like eggs or cheese too. only thing i would recommend are the sickness pills already mentioned, i used them with this pregnancy and was only sick one day.
Avatar n tn Anybody have hyperemesis? What are you doing at home to stay hydrated?
Avatar f tn I was recently sent to the ER by my ob for rehydration since I wasn't able to keep ANYTHING down for the past week. I was prescribed zofran but it honestly doesn't seem to be working for me. I'm 9wks. My prev pregnancy I had bad nausea but not nearly this bad vomitting. Anyone experiencing the same???
Avatar f tn Had to stay on the hospital for 2 1/2 days on iv fluids I obviously very dehydrated by then and iv zofran. Then I had to take zofran rest of pregnancy I was still being sick up to last days of pregnancy. Very unusual bc normally its supposed to go away a little into second trimester. I couldn't even keep water or a cracker down before I got medicine. If it's bad enough like that you need medecine so you can eat and drink you don't want to end up like I did.
Avatar f tn I am 16weeks now and finally starting to feel normal I am taking zofran (which did nothing for me my first pregnancy) and protonix (for the acid reflux) and now I can eat.
Avatar f tn Has anyone here been diagnosed with Hyperemesis? If so, what did it take for your doctor to really take u seriously about your nausea and vomiting? I'm at 13 weeks with severe nausea and vomiting and it seems every time I bring it up to any one including my dr they look at me like I'm making all of this up.I am starting to feel really depressed at this point because I can't get to my normal self and really enjoy being pregnant due to all this sickness.
Avatar f tn I took Ondansetron. They're generic for Zofran.. They were 8mg dissolvable tablets & they worked great ! I never had any morning sickness but on the days I didn't feel good, these really helped.
7763229 tn?1396626895 I have hyperemesis graviderum, am at 14weeks, have had with every pregnancy I've had( the gnarly version of hg) and I'm taking both Reglan and Zofran. Not sure what a pic line is. I've also never had them try to give me steroids. Try asking about those ones I'm taking, they really help (antiemetics). Nothing even helps me (no crackers, no ginger etc.) unless it's those two together.
Avatar f tn I'm on zofran for it. I feel horrible all the time, my doctor brought up putting me in the hospital today but instead she's letting me come back in a week.
Avatar f tn Recently somebody told me zofran is horrible for the baby... But i have hyperemisis & it is the only thing that stops my from getting sick n being nauseated all day... Has anyone else heard bad reviews ??
Avatar f tn Case reports have described two women who have received ondansetron during pregnancy for life-threatening hyperemesis gravidarum. No abnormalities were noted in the offspring of these two women. Ondansetron is only recommended for use during pregnancy when benefit outweighs risk.
Avatar f tn I am 6 weeks and 3 days and I was actually in the hospital the other night due to severe dehydration and Hyperemesis, I was prescribed zofran for the nausea but I have heard about birth defects from taking it. Does anyone else have the Hyperemesis? Is anyone taking zofran?
Avatar f tn I was prescribed ondansetron by the hospital for hyperemesis from 6 weeks until 17 weeks after being admitted multiple times due to dehydration and starvation. I tried two others first but they did nothing. I could not keep anything down, even my own spit had my dry retching and I lost 15% of my healthy bodyweight. I still felt ill after stopping at 17 weeks but I was able to cope with it better as it had subsided a good bit.
Avatar f tn Just was prescribed a zofran pump due to severe hyperemesis. I've had the catheter in my leg for 24 hours and find it very uncomfortable. While it is much better than being sick 24/7, anyone have any suggestions on dealing with the site?
Avatar f tn Stop taken zofran now it causes birth defat for your unborn child stop taken it now
Avatar f tn Ive been hospitalized 6 times so far for this disorder. I had the microinfusion pump but it didnt work well for me. Zofran causes a reaction for me. So I have dealt with this with no remedy and its getting to be too much. I had to quit my job. . i cant even enjoy life as i used to. Within last 4 days i have been able to eat a full meal but im right back to old ways now. Who had this disorder and when did u see full relief?
Avatar f tn I have HG with this pregnancy and with my 3 yr old daughter. Its awful :(Lost almost 20lbs each time. Make sure u stay hydrated. Take Flintstones or chewable prenatals if u cant keep regular ones down. Raglan n Zofran didn't work for me. Vitamin B/unisom combo helps take egde off.
Avatar f tn They gave me zofran for home but all it does is give me horrible headaches. I vomit 10 or more times a day. How do you deal with your nausea/vomiting? I have tried ginger ale, lemons, zofran, sea-bands, and reglan. I don't know what else to do.
Avatar f tn I had to go to the doctor for medicine (Zofran and Phenergan in my case) over HG to hold anything down. I've been taking one the other or both since about 9 weeks and am now 32+3. I personally couldn't find anything else to help. Try ginger/gingerale/ginger tea, mint, or keeping crackers by your bed for in the morning. I know I got at least a tiny bit of relief from sour things like lemon.
Avatar f tn Im 26 weeks now i was taking Zofan also going to the hospital for hydration. Zofran only work the first couple weeks then i start getting sick taking it so i stopped. It was nice for the month it worked though.
4974520 tn?1366757591 m going to throw up this way. Also, they put me on reglan and took me off zofran due to the back up the zofran was causing. Good luck hun, it isn't the easiest road but I'm hoping by 14wks I'll be in better shape!
7753764 tn?1401853590 Oh im sry hun I was able to keep the others down after I got out of hospital adter having iv zofran. It may seem extreme but won't hurt to ask and you sound like a really severe case in fact I've never talked to someone who was worse than it than myself but im pretty sure you are worse than I was and I was really bad :-( ask you doctor about a pic line for iv zofran at home.
Avatar n tn Me! My zofran even quit working. I'm so ready to eat a normal meal again.
Avatar f tn Ive tried to stay positive but I am really depressed because all I do is throw up and its even hard for me to swallow my own salvia without having to throw up.
Avatar f tn I was put on a drip and given 3 different types of antisickness meds. I was kept in for four days, slowly I started too feel a little more human. I was happy too finally leave (and be rid of that horrid canular!) I've been home for a little while now, Friday is the start of week 8. :) However... I'm finding, despite the anti sickness... I'm still vomiting on arrange of 10+ times a day. It's becoming normal too sit and read books endlessly...
Avatar f tn Up until 20 weeks i had terrible hyperemesis and was hospitalized a few times for dehydration. It went away after that but now at 28 weeks it's back and once again i just got out of the hospital for dehydration, low magnesium, and palpitations from the low magnesium. Ugh im so frustrated and tired of feeling like poop. Anyone else going thru this?
Avatar n tn ya is illegal where i live so i wouldn't risk losing my kids just to do this. If it was legal I think I would definately try it but I don't think it will ever be legal where I live. Maybe I just shouldn't risk having another baby. I should tell everyone that this is not a lifestyle for me. It just sounded like a reasonable option to a situation that gets really scary for me.
Avatar f tn If you needed zofran than you have been dealing with severe morning sickness/ hyperemesis. Dehydration after vomiting every 30-45 minutes is extremely dangerous. I'm sure no one takes it for the heck of it. No pregnant women sign up for drug trials just for the sake of trials so some things are unknown risks. (There was a recent article about acetaminophen causing ADHD but most people wouldn't consider tylenol very risky.