
Zaleplon dreams

Common Questions and Answers about Zaleplon dreams


Avatar f tn Hello! Melatonin does not help me. Zaleplon helps to sleep, but it can not be taken for a long time, since it causes dependence. Diagnosis: chronic insomnia with anxiety disorder. I take escitalopram in the morning. Can Rozerem replace Zaleplon?
Avatar n tn I have been snorting 10 mg of zaleplon at bedtime for a few months, and have recently experienced labored breaths, and a tightness in my lungs. These sensations are accompanied with shallow breathing , and I have to inhale deeply to get full, cleansing breaths. I have not been coughing or weezing. Do I need to worry about permanent damage to my lungs, or is it a temporary problem? Do I need to get medications such as an inhaler help me breath easier?
Avatar f tn Hello! Melatonin doesn't help me. Zaleplon helps to sleep, but it can not be taken for a long time, as it is addictive. The diagnosis of chronic insomnia with anxiety disorder. I'm taking ESCITALOPRAM. Now me helps 2 pills Belsomra on 20 mg plus 2 pills Donormila. But since Belsomra is expensive, can I replace it with Rozerem? Maybe one tablet of Rozerem will be enough for me?
382594 tn?1266610613 along with opiates, I was addicted to xanax or any other benzo(valium, librium, temezepam, clonazepam, lorazepam,triazolam etc.) and sleeping pills-ambien(zolpidem), sonata(zaleplon), and lunesta(epizopiclone) for two years as well. I would take the benzos with opaites to add to the effects or while withdrawling to ease it somewhat and i would take the sleeping pills to aid in sleeping while high and withdrawling as well.
1246883 tn?1285547973 how much seroquel are you taking? try to lower the dose, seroquel is used as sleeping aid at around 25 to 100mg approximately. You can try some antidepressant to control your appetite. I definitely do not recommend ambien or lunesta, for long term treatment of insomnia. They have a very short life in your body and it which builds up tolerance quickly. The so called "z" drugs ambien and lunesta (zolpidem, zopiclone, zaleplon and eszopiclone) are for short term insomnia only.
Avatar f tn Since ive been pregnant I have weird civid dreams some are so real I start crying. I had a dream about a coworker that annoys me that o beat her up, is this normal?
1712422 tn?1443337501 wow thats alot of girls in your family=). most womens dreams do come true. out of all my friends dreams that they all had when they were pregnant with the gender dream it all came out to be true=). you should see if they would do an early gender scan on you because i thought i was only 16w5d the baby was measuring 17w2d and they did tell me that they though it looked like a girl. do you hope its a boy though??
3236191 tn?1451021479 So my dreams have always been foggy/cloudy as if I were just imagining them while awake but lately my dreams have become very vivid as if I'm not even in my body while I'm having them. My meds were coincidentally increased and are having more of a positive effect on me than they did last time they were increased but I've also had a psychotic break between now and then.
Avatar f tn I'm 15 wks & 5 days. Majority of my dreams say its a girl I even seen her so clearly & she was beautiful. But for the past couple nights it was a boy. Like last night my ultrasound said boy. I really want a girl but overall a healthy kid. Anyone else went through this or is going through it? What did you have or are having?
Avatar f tn I have been having all sorts of strange dreams with this pregnancy. Your dreams are probably your body's way of addressing your anxiety about having a child at 42. I haven't had anything like that, but I am 38 I guess it could happen. Though hubby and I are planning a home birth. My second child (age 14 now) was a home birth also, which was so much less stressful than my first "hospital" experience. Try to do some things for massage every couple weeks...
Avatar f tn I had a dream early in my pregnancy there was no heartbeat. Anybody else have dreams like me? I also have thoughts that the baby has not developed...even though i heard the heartbeat at 11 wks...I just think...what if his arms or legs havent grown....i know its weird but wondered if anybody else had these thoughts. Im also a first time mom....
Avatar f tn since entering my second trimester I've been having really weird and vivid dreams? Which is so weird because I never remembered my dreams before i was pregnant. Anyone else?
Avatar f tn I also woke up from that dream I have and I always wake up in the middle of the night for no reason around the same time every night
Avatar f tn Dose anyone else have dreams. Bad dreams? I'm having really bad dreams everynight and they are very vivid. Sometimes I'm scared to go back to sleep cause of it.
Avatar f tn Anyone having weird dreams?
Avatar f tn Does anyone find themselves having the most vivid dreams since being pregnant? My dreams are so vivid I sometimes wake up hoping it was a nightmare.
Avatar f tn Has pregnancy affected anyone else's dreams? I have completely insane dreams about the baby, like giving birth to a dog instead of a baby or someone breaking into my house and stealing all of my diapers and wipes. Lol my husband says that lately I've been laughing in my sleep and I'll wake up to him having a conversation with me, so I've been talking in my sleep. Anyone else???
Avatar f tn My god I keep having dreams that I go into labor. For 3 nights a row now, if only it were true.39w5d & nothing. Goung to ask for my second membrane sweep, I dont want to be induced next week. Super terrified. I just wish that instead of dreaming it, it would come true.
Avatar f tn Lol I've Been Havinq Really Weird Dreams Too, Some About Baby, Some Anout A Guy I Don't Even Talk To? And Some About Like Beinq Stranded Somewhere Then All The Sudden I'm Like In A Horror Thinq. Lmfao, I've Had Sooo Many Weird Dreams Like Omq .. And I Never Use To Be Able To Remember Any Of My Dreams Before Preqnancy, And Now I'm Just Like Uhm Why Am I Havinq So Many Way Off The Chart Dreams ? I Thouqht I Was The Only One Lol..
Avatar f tn yes, dreams of me or mii baby daddy dying. .. dreams I had a light skin chubby gra nd me & baby daddy both dark skin. ... a dream she was skinny and dark skin. .... fighting. ... all kinda crazy stuff. ...
Avatar f tn Ohh dreams are so weird. With my first I had sex dreams like crazyyyyy. Her dad was deployed so I think I was lacking In that department. But this time around things are just so weird.
Avatar f tn I rarely ever had any dreams but now that I'm pregnant I dream 3-4 dreams every night and they are so vivid I can remember everything when I wake up. Is this because of my pregnancy?
Avatar f tn Bc my cousin is 24 weeks with twins.
Avatar f tn I keep having dreams about a little baby girl and i just cant stop hugging and loving and kissing her.