
Zaleplon and alcohol

Common Questions and Answers about Zaleplon and alcohol


Avatar f tn Hello! Melatonin does not help me. Zaleplon helps to sleep, but it can not be taken for a long time, since it causes dependence. Diagnosis: chronic insomnia with anxiety disorder. I take escitalopram in the morning. Can Rozerem replace Zaleplon?
Avatar n tn I have been snorting 10 mg of zaleplon at bedtime for a few months, and have recently experienced labored breaths, and a tightness in my lungs. These sensations are accompanied with shallow breathing , and I have to inhale deeply to get full, cleansing breaths. I have not been coughing or weezing. Do I need to worry about permanent damage to my lungs, or is it a temporary problem? Do I need to get medications such as an inhaler help me breath easier?
Avatar f tn I used to have trouble falling asleep and waking up early. Belsomra and Donormil helped me overcome this problem. But I take Belsomra as prescribed by a doctor dosage that exceeds the maximum dosage by 2 times. Belsomra without Denormal is not helping me.
701713 tn?1228363498 Hi there; I've had the same problem, and I've taken sleep aids for years also. Now I take Restoril one night and the next I use over the counter sleep aids. I know how miserable it is not to get enough sleep. I don't like taking the sleeping pills, but in order to function at all, I have to. I stopped fighting it and take my pills and sleep. I can take 2 Advil PM and they work better than the perscription sleep med. Tylenol PM makes me sick at my tummy so I stay away from them.
366811 tn?1217422672 t know if they would want to get into adding the names from other countries like Canada and the UK, but we do get a lot of posters from these countries and many of the same meds have vastly different names. Just a thought.
382594 tn?1266610613 along with opiates, I was addicted to xanax or any other benzo(valium, librium, temezepam, clonazepam, lorazepam,triazolam etc.) and sleeping pills-ambien(zolpidem), sonata(zaleplon), and lunesta(epizopiclone) for two years as well. I would take the benzos with opaites to add to the effects or while withdrawling to ease it somewhat and i would take the sleeping pills to aid in sleeping while high and withdrawling as well.
1246883 tn?1285547973 how much seroquel are you taking? try to lower the dose, seroquel is used as sleeping aid at around 25 to 100mg approximately. You can try some antidepressant to control your appetite. I definitely do not recommend ambien or lunesta, for long term treatment of insomnia. They have a very short life in your body and it which builds up tolerance quickly. The so called "z" drugs ambien and lunesta (zolpidem, zopiclone, zaleplon and eszopiclone) are for short term insomnia only.
Avatar f tn So of you have say 2 drinks in an hour, your blood alcohol and your breast milk will have 0.08% alcohol. This amount is almost the same that is found in normal juice (yes there is naturally very very trace amounts in all juice). As long as you aren't drinking heavily and nursing at the same time, you are fine to have a drink every now and then without worrying about harming your baby.
3232858 tn?1437130677 In the past and when we were having difficulties trying to stabilize me with psych meds, he absolutely forbade drinking alcohol ic beverages. Like you, I hardly drink and very rarely do I crave or want alcohol. I prefer coffee when I feel the need for a "drink," so I don't consider myself an alcoholic.
Avatar m tn I wont go into "random" testing. Alcohol is a toxin so your Liver stops all other functions (and there are dozens of them) to detoxify your Blood. Its the liver that removes Met. So detoxing the alcohol can cause the Met to build up in your system. You dont say how much Met you take. To be a problem you would have to drink for a Looooooong time as in alcoholic behavior where so the liver never has a chance to go back to its other functions.
Avatar m tn m about to ask is not something I partake in on any kind of regular basis, we just think we are back in college and proceed to act and drink like fools. This trip is usually 5 days and consists of getting up at noon going to the pool and starting with the beer before we eat (extremely stupid I now realize) and basically drink beer all day and most of the night and pretty much only eating dinner.
Avatar f tn My doctors take a pee sample every visit and drug test every time they even ha e signs up that if you fail one it will be reported and they will call dss when baby is born (i don't do anything but that's my Dr's office)
Avatar f tn cool, if not dump that and test the next batch. Eventually, your milk will be free of alcohol and you can go back to nursing. Regardless, be prepared to toss out All that liquid certainly hurts to throw down the drain oz and oz of milk, but a night off sometimes is worth it.
Avatar f tn Yes I found out I was pregnant at 7 weeks I was getting drunk everyday and smoking weed taking pills and doing coke im 18 and have been threw alot and seen alot I lost my way in life for a while now im 33 weeks and my son is doing amazing
Avatar f tn Alcohol would beat the crap out of me and I could not recover for days. I know make my own Kombucha which has little alcohol, so I drink alot of that.
Avatar f tn Absolutely! It can interfere with ovulation and menstruation in a woman and it affects sperm count and motility in a man.
Avatar m tn Everything you're doing is seriously bad for your liver BUT that Tylenol and alcohol combo is DEADLY. Believe me. You need to stop the Vicodin NOW and address an alcohol detox. It's the only way to help your liver right now. After you do that, you could go to GNC and pick up some holistic drugs that support the liver, if you want. The best thing for your liver,though,is to stop feeding it toxins. What is your nutritional status? You don't weigh very much...
Avatar f tn This might seem crazy but it's been going on for about 4 months now. Everytime I drink, whether it be one drink or 5 drinks, I wake up about 1-2 hrs after I go to bed with a racing/pounding heart and I'm real hot and sweaty. It's almost like an anxiety attack. Alcohol has never bothered me before and I was wondering if anyone had a clue about what could be causing this.
Avatar n tn I Had problems with alcohol before but for a long time like a year I was able to drinK two three beers and go to sleep and go to my job and I was happy. For the past 3-4 months my drinking of beer reached more than six packs a day and some times with early morning panic attacks, anxiety forcing me drink at 5.00AM then sleep taper it and same cycle next day. I took a prescription xanax small dose not reaching 1mg a day for the past 4 months. Today I am suffering withdrawals from both.
432737 tn?1358549432 I am not a heavy drinker by any means, but I am 27 and live near the water and like to get out for a drink or two after work every now and then, and on the weekends with my husband. I am trying to conceive, and can't seem to get a grasp on how having a drink at all while TTC may affect fertility. I'm hoping some of you ladies have had your obgyn or doctor tell you something. So, I'd love for anyone to weigh in on what they were told!
496562 tn?1209715286 Hi -Alcohol can sometimes irritate your heart and cause it to do unpleasant things. I don't know what your heart defects are, but drinking probably isn't the best thing to do. I know you want to have fun, and fit in, but if you do serious damage to your heart, that will not be much fun. I had to recently give up drinking wine due to arrhythmias, but I am hopeful that I will be able to drink it again. When you are older, you may not have the same reaction as now.
Avatar n tn Well I've had diabetes for about 5 years now and I'm jus about 17 now going into my junior year and I want to drink and get the drunk feeling. I've only done it a few times now and every time I've gotten drunk I still remember to check my bloodsugar and can think completely straight too. I know that when you drink it slows down your kidneys for distributing glucose so your bloodsugar can go low just depending on the type of alcohol...
Avatar n tn I don't understand how alcohol can cause hypoglycemina in diabetics. It seems to me that it would cause hyperglycemia because of the sugar in the alcohol. I just heard a story of an adult who passed out twice because she had wine after taking insulin. Her blood sugar was 175 when she took her insulin and within 15 minutes she was passed out.
Avatar n tn I do drink occasionally but I am acutely aware of how alcohol impacts my system and adjust my insulin accordingly. I am on an insulin pump and if I know I am going to drink have programmed specific patterns to adjust for this. It is really important to be pro-active rather than reactive. In adddition alwways have someone with you who is aware of your condition and how to help should you need it. If you choose not to drink I applaud you.