
Xeloda radiation pancreatic cancer

Common Questions and Answers about Xeloda radiation pancreatic cancer


Avatar f tn My husband was diagnosed with colon Cancer in Feb 2007. He took chemo drug Xeloda and had standard radiation. During a check up in January 2008, tumors were found in his lungs- one in each lung, sizes: 7mm and 13mm. He took chemo: Folfox, Avastin, Oxaliplatin, and Xeloda until April 2008. The April CT scan revealed that the tumors had grown slightly and that there were four more small nodules visable.
Avatar f tn after radiation in shoulders,back bone and breast still mom has pain in her left arm??? i heard radiation ll reduce cancer cells and it ll b effective for a minimum period of one yr...but even den y s she gettin d pain? also radiation was not given for her liver,doc says to continue oncolet as of now..can see to d condition after one reviwin the radiation results in her body...s d doc treatin d condition gve ur opinion..or if u need more details abt my mom's results...
Avatar f tn Due to her age and health conditions, she was not given chemo or radiation, despite the positive Sentinel node. Approx 1 year later she had a positive node/nodule removed. Within a month, the breast cancer started in her skin around the site of the node. She now has a red rash (skin mets) in approx half of her chest wall and is getting Chemo (Xeloda) and Herceptin. My question is, the skin is beginning to "harden" around the node removal surgery site. What does this mean?
Avatar n tn arimidex, aromosin, fasoldex . and several radiation treatments. I am undecided on doing any more chemo. My cancer , of course , is er/pr positive. Is there any advice on this chemo. or is there another hormonal I could try.
Avatar m tn After one three-week cycle my doctor discontinued the Xeloda. I was able to complete treatment with the oxiliplatin. This was in 2004 and I am cancer free today. Ask your mother's doctor for something else. If possible she should not stop chemo until her doctor is certain no trace of cancer remains in her lymph system. Good luck.
5525494 tn?1369235489 I am also having upper and lower back pain. I have an ultrasound scheduled for next week. I had liver blood test done and all things were normal. My questions are: If it was pancreatic cancer, would there abnormal liver enzymes? If back pain was from pancreatic cancer, would there also be other symptoms like jaundice, weight loss, nausea/vomiting or can back pain alone be cause for concern?
Avatar n tn For pancreatic cancer that cannot be removed completely with surgery, or cancer that has spread beyond the pancreas, a cure is not possible and the average survival is usually less than 1 year. Such patients should consider enrolling in a clinical trial (a medical research study to determine the best treatment). Ninety-five percent of the people diagnosed with this cancer will not be alive 5 years later.
Avatar f tn My Husband has Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer he is on treatments for a clinical trial Avastin, Xeloda, Oxaliplatin He has been on the Trial since early March 2010 he was diagnosed the end of February 2010 He is 35 years old and other then the Cancer has been in perfect health the treatments started off well but he developed stage 3-4 Neuropathy in August in his hands and feet. They have continued with the trial with just the Avastin and Xeloda which he is still taking.
Avatar f tn Your question would probably be best answered by someone in the expert forum. I do know though, that my father was given Xeloda for his lung cancer. The doctor described it as a "smart drug" which attacked cancer cells.
484033 tn?1208516117 I'm grateful to be cancer free since 2005. Yes, that was adjuvant therapy, administered between surgery and ileostomy takedown. (It was originally combined with Xeloda, but I could not tolerate that drug so the Xeloda was discontinued) Prior to surgery I treated with 5FU and radiation. So glad to put that in the past! Just had a follow-up exam and CEA 125 is normal. No lasting problems except the neuropathy in both heels, which is annoying but not a real big deal.
Avatar n tn I was treated with Adriamycin/CYTOXIN Along with 33 rounds of radiation. I was also on tamoxifen for 10 mos. and have since had a local reoccurrence in the lymph node in my neck. The lymph node has been removed and biopsied and came back the same as before. Weakly positive ER 20%.,Her2 neg. PR neg.. i'm concerned that the tamoxifin did not work. My oncologists is deciding between xeloda , a chemo pill or arimidex. Any thoughts?
Avatar m tn A PET scan was ordered and they told him he had Thyroid, Liver and Pancreatic Cancer and told us to call hospice-- basically a death sentence. We insisted on a biopsy. Thyroid and Liver tested negative but they were still insisting that he had pancreatic cancer because his CA-19 was 292! Oh, they never wanted to do a biopsy on his pancreas. So, he started his radiation in Dec, chemo orally, then in Feb. started his iv chemo.
Avatar f tn My chances were 3% survival and a 95% chances of it returning within the 1st year.Then in 2005 i got lung cancer and it was not related to the pancreatic cancer and i went through what they call stereotactic radiation.In the meantime i had to have 3 hernia's repaired,caterac surgery and a blood clot over my heart.Then in 2009 i got 2 lumps in my right breast, which they removed and then the radiation and now the tamoxifen.
Avatar f tn I am being treated for cancer. I am in isolation. I am receiving chemo and radiation. My immune system is low..My friend is in Germany in the service. When she comes home can we be in contact with each other.
408448 tn?1286883821 Anyone ever use Xeloda pills? It is for colon cancer, but has been used in ovarian too. More for mucinous type. My cancer got pretty active on last treatment.
Avatar n tn 3 days ago my father informed me that he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I already know the pronosis is bleak. He has decided to do the ****** therapy as well. ****** believed the complication with my mother was she already had too much cemo in her for ****** to be effective. So i guess I have two main questions. What is your opinion of ****** therapy, and should I personally be concerned with both my parents having, or had cancer? Thanks in advance.
Avatar f tn She has brest cancer since 8 years, is 74 years old and has a 4 centimeter tumor on her sternum (breats are clear), some on her axilery and maybe it has mestastasized in her lungs (we won't know until her next cat scan in 3 weeks. She was for 2 years on that red liquid chemo (forgot the name) but now the doctors switched her to Xeloda since 2 weeks. The side effects are terrible. Her feet are swollen, hurt terribly, nausea etc.
Avatar f tn possibilities of Pancreatic cancer! I also occassioanlly have back pain (which may be related to me bending to search the internet!) Can you provide any reassurance as I head into these tests? Thank you!
Avatar f tn My question is, can someone, with cancer as severe as hers is, (its in her lymphnodes and lower back as well, but, liver cancer is extensive and advanced, had cancer 1st 3 yrs ago, did a lumpectomy, and treatment for 8 months, then 4 months later it was back, then did a total mastectomy, treatment for (chemo) for 6 mo, was still on Herceptin when she became jauntice, tests revealed liver cancer) can someone live on the combination drugs (Tykerb, Xeloda) for years?
Avatar m tn I am a 28 year old male. For around 4 or 5 days, I've had intermittent abdominal pain that feels like gas cramps, or like the pain that often precedes diarrhea. The pain is not constant, but comes and goes. I haven't eaten much as a result. It is occasionally sharp and moves around a bit. The night before the pain began, I was at a bar where I drank moderately.
Avatar f tn My brother-in-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer around 10/08. yesterday his arm and hand became numb and he lost the use of it. He was taken to the e.r. immediately . His ct. scan came back normal. He did have swelling in his ankles several days ago and was put on a diuretic. He looks fine , has no other signs of stroke. any ideas?
Avatar f tn My Grandmother (age 64) has stage 5 pancreatic cancer that has spread to her liver. Her oncologist told us last week (Friday) that he does not want to continue on her Chemo (gemcitabine). He told us that there was nothing else that he could do to prolong her life. At this point I am not sure what to do. I am her Medical POA and her Durable Power of Attorney. Should I start planing her funeral?
Avatar n tn Hi. CA 19.9 cannot be used as a screening procedure for detecting pancreatic cancer in people who don't have any symptoms which would point to a possible cancer (e.g. weight loss, mass in pancreas detected on ultrasound or CT). Several studies have already been done which proves that CA 19.9 can't be used for screening. There's a Japanese study involving 12,840 people without symptoms aside from an elevated CA 19.9. In this group, only 4 were found to have pancreatic cancer.
1298675 tn?1286550183 On July 13, 2009 we found stage 3, grade 3, IDC left breast cancer that is HER 2 + and 2/7 nodes positive. I choose a Lumpectomy which lead to a horrible infection for many months. A nurse packed and unpacked the breast leaving chemo delayed and a lot of pain daily. The PICC line caused two blood clots and Arixtra shots are given daily in my tummy. By late November Herceptin was started and chemo followed in December.
Avatar m tn Pancreatic cancer (cancer of the pancreas) mainly occurs in people aged over 60. If it is diagnosed at an early stage, then an operation to remove the cancer gives some chance of a cure.
Avatar f tn I saw several people walk away cancer free, (breast, lung, colon and pancreatic). Unfortunately, I have a blood cancer and it did not work for me. I certainly believe it is worth a try. Best of Luck!
Avatar f tn My mom took Xeloda also as a maintenance drug for colorectal cancer. Typically diet and exercise do not affect CEA levels; however, inflammation can affect it. Sometimes CEA levels will rise if there is any type of inflammation. I know this is a scary time. Feel free to send me a message if you need to talk.
Avatar f tn I have recurrent Triple Negative Breast cancer. The biggest of the tumors is growing out of the mastectomy scar (which has been radiated with high doses of radiation. The tumor is making a bigger and bigger lump on my chest wall and has grown into the muscle and the chest wall itself. I have been warned that it could break through and that would cause really unpleasant results. I am taking Xeloda and hoping that will help shrink this huge tumor.